BioShock 2 job listing includes request for
developer knowledge of PS3/360/Wii
Retailers getting more strict about which DS/Wii
Natural selection at work people
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travo (6m)
NPD day
First the boring numbers
PlayStation 2 101.2K
PlayStation 3 203.2K
PSP 172.3K
Xbox 360 309K
Wii 679.2K
Nintendo DS 510.8K
LEFT 4 DEAD (360) 243K
SKATE 2 (360) 199K
(*includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)
Now the awesome part
No there not really assumptions at all. It's widely recognized that the DVD playback feature was very important to the PS2's success as was it's price. While you're simply assuming that my mention of the DVD playback feature was important to developers I'm referring to it's importance to consumers which is by proxy important to developers because more consumers are interested in the system. The Dreamcast had numerous reasons why it failed and I'm sure you're quite aware as to what they were so I don't even know why you're bringing that up. Have you seriously forgotten the famous E3 revealling of the price for the PS2? Come on man. My listing for why the PS2 succeeded over the GC and Xbox are quite sound.
Edit: Ok yeah I was wrong about the PS2 being first to market.
Not too bad for the 360 although it probably should be doing a bit better at it's price. Nice to see Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty WaW doing well, two excellent games.
Groundhog day gif is perfect.
Its January and the Wii is selling like its October, insanity, FREAKING INSANITY! The Wii has gone beyond gaming.
The Nintendo 3 will never leave the top ten will they, meh. Now old ass DS games are entering the list. Great for L4D, seems word of mouth is having a big impact.
Oh Sony...
I'm sorry, but can we NOT report on them when nothing has changed? WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE NINTENDO WON AND SONY LOST. GEE, WHO'D FUCKING DOUBT THAT!?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYou mean the PS1 was easier to pirate on?
You're bringing up a lot of system features and/or other things, and then basically using your own assumptions as to how much of an impact they had on what happened with the machines. That's what I'm saying.
All those things were factors, but at the end of the day none of them were THE reason why the weaker console beat the stronger one.
And look at the Wii and 360; they both have the "inferior" disc media. The Wii has bad online, lack of HD and in many cases widescreen, no digital sound...all these things that the competition has. And hell, Nintendo still doesn't have a machine that plays CD's or DVD's! Yet its the only one selling like the PS2 or PS1 at this point. But if its not a case of power but features as you've made it sound, then the Wii should be getting slaughtered.
Bitter Sony fanboy alert .
I need two large metallic balls, stat.
HA. Nice.
The crazy thing is, people were making posts just like this 3 or 4 years ago with Sony and Nintendo flip-flopped.....crazy how much has changed.
Imagine how many of those are going to be taking up space in land fills in the next 5 years....
Which brings us right back to my original point that devs typically prefer to work on more power systems with more capabilities such as mass media storage and better online infrastructures. And again I point out that it's not the necessarily the most powerful systems nor is that the only factor since it has also have a userbase that is large enough to support those games. The proof seems obvious to me because on the one hand you have the PS3 which while slightly more powerful then the 360 was too expensive for a widespread consumer base when it launch was quite slow to get the majority of developer support and then on the other hand you have the Wii which is selling like gangbusters but there are a number of developers who still give it the cold shoulder.
Edit: I'm not simply bringing up features and putting my own assumption on things. It's common knowledge that DVD playback played a large roll in the PS2's dominance. The reason why Blu-ray didn't have the same effect was that it wasn't an established medium like DVD was at the time and consumer demand for it wasn't nearly the same.
Kids? That's harsh, man.
Pretty much 100% agreed.
Developers and especially consumers don't give a crap about all, definably not in this day in age.
The PSP is getting its ass handed to it by the Nintendo DS even when most games don't even use the touch screen anymore. The PS3 is losing badly toward the 360 and Wii despite having the 3 best graphical games out there (Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Killzone 2) that are only matched by one 360 IP (Gears of War). Oh and what about the Gameboy and Gameboy Color dominance? I love how the GameGear wiped the floor with the series until 2001 nearly a decade after it launched.
Consumers don't care about A.I., Anti-Analyzing, or HRD because they don't even know what those things are. Consumers just want fun and entertaining games that appeal to them. And what appeals to them is the system with the best image. I mean your talking of a consumer market that buys an average of 4 or 5 games per year.
Developers? I admit there are a fair share who care about tech, tell Kojima he should make Metal Gear Solid 5 on the Wii, but they are far viewer then most think. In reality tech has reached its plateau because all it can offer now is bells and whistles. Better A.I.? Seriously? A.I. is designed around the level progression and the enjoyment of the player hence why most games that aren't a shooter have A.I. about as advanced as a high end Nintendo DS game. Case and Point, Hey Edge tell me about the cutting edge A.I. "The Witcher" has. Physics? Again other then shooters what games use these to a significant degree? Most genres and games don't need to be high end. Yes they could use bigger maps and more detailed areas but many developers don't have the finances and at the end of the day most consumers don't care. I admit there are exceptions like Metal Gear Solid 4, Dead Rising, and Crysis but these games are far from the norm and are very few and far inbetween and as this generation progresses along it they only get fewer and further from each other.
One of the site's forefathers.
The only thing that determines what console will sell the most is successful marketing. Last gen and the gen before, Sony had the best marketing, thus they were the most successful. Now they have the worst marketing (IMO), and Nintendo has the best. Nintendo is now selling the most consoles. The masses simply don't care about what console is more powerful or which has better features. It's all meaningless dribble to most of them anyway. All the masses care about is what looks like the most fun or appears to be the coolest.
Shoot, I don't even know what HRD is! Seriously, I just googled it, and Ham Radio Deluxe came up.
Pet peeve alert! It's "drivel". Sorry, I'm a pedant.
I think he meant HDR--High Dynamic Range, if I remember correctly.