BioShock 2 job listing includes request for
developer knowledge of PS3/360/Wii
Retailers getting more strict about which DS/Wii
Natural selection at work people
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travo (3m)
I mostly use Ryu or Ken but aside from my abilities of using them the character I like the most is probably Dan. From the new characters the one I'm most looking forward to trying out is C. Viper.
Okay my pets, it's update time!
I bet he has one of those creepy stalker shrines with Fedor pics and candles filling an entire room.
Just dumping stuff here, dont want to duplicate whilst Fedor is pounding the PC.
“Personally I would like to create something on Wii in the Resident Evil family. At the moment we don’t know and have just been working on RE5, so watch this space.” - Resident Evil 5 producer Masachika Kawata
So Umbrella Chronicles came out... November 2007? So during all 2008 they couldn't have planned or began pre-production? So IF they started now it wouldn't be likely till 2011. Good job Capcom.
Official Nintendo Magazine - review scoresWii
House of the dead overkill 90%
pikmin new play control 86%
dead rising :chop till you drop 68%
simanimals 54%
we cheer 28%
cooking mama world kitchen 64%
tenchu: shadow assassins 72%
family ski and snowboard 62%
deadly creatures 81%
walk with me 75%
So Chop Till you drop has sidequests?
Details here
Singularity screens and trailer, new FPS from Raven Software.
The excuses must end third parties!
Yeah God of War 3 is looking pretty sick. I see a PS3 in my future and Income Tax time is coming real soon. Coincidence? I think not.
And Sonic must end with it!
I got deja vu for a second there. The colour and lighting just hit me.
Skim through!
BLOOD! SWEARS! TITS! It's almost as if SEGA sat down in the boardroom and drew up a list of everything missing on Wii at the moment. Then, via a complex array of graphs and pie charts, correlated the exact number of 13-year-olds likely to hand over their cash in the misguided belief that on-screen gratuity is intrinsically tied to the amount of testosterone rattling round in their balls. Turns out the kids are right. It mightn't be clever but The House of the Dead: Overkill will undoubtedly put hairs on your chest and get you the girls.
The slo-mo power-up is really just an excuse to show off the gore in lovingly-rendered, unmissable fountains of goo. It's thoroughly, lovably gratuitous with an unabashed approach to cleavage and a sailor's love of language
Overkill repeatedly hits its mark in terms of unrestrained visceral thrills. In large part, that's down to Headstrong's sterling work on Wii. Mutants swarm, limbs fly and blood spews with reckless abandon among a flurry of visual trickery that pushes Overkill out there alongside the most technically accomplished third-party offerings.
It's not perfect, mind, with inexpressive, low-poly characters letting the side down, plus infrequent split-second pauses interrupt the flow of action at times as the console struggles to meet demand. Ultimately though, neither hampers the game in any meaningful way.
The official House of the Dead Overkill Hand Cannon. It's like pure manliness distilled into a plastic mould and, despite its forearm-expanding bulk and slight top-heavy trajectory, there's something utterly irresistible – and totally appropriate – about its ornate, imposing presence. Like the game, its more style than substance, but you'll still feel like one bad ass mother@%*!er wielding one and we love it to bits.
Speaking of love, Overkill's art design is near faultless, with Headstrong delivering an absolute master class in style. Overkill's presentation is second to none. From Rodriquez-inspired opening titty-thon to the game's omnipresent scratched-up celluloid filter, Overkill embraces its exploitation influences and runs with them. Sure, the hit and miss humour can be a little wearying at times but it's such a gleeful, mischievous imp of a game, you can forgive it pretty much anything – evening its eyebrow-raising final-slump into abject depravity. Special mention should also go to Overkill's absolutely brilliant genre-straddling soundtrack, managing to be authentic, infectious and downright offensive all at the same time.
Closing Comments
It mightn't be perfect, especially in terms of challenge and basic longevity, but Overkill is a welcome rollick in the sort of shameless depravity most other consoles would blush at. Its stylish facade and rock solid core shooter mechanics packs enough visceral thrills and prude-baiting excess to keep you playing long after more respectable titles have lost their lustre. If you're looking for sophistication and depth, you won't find it here. Want to shoot things in the face and feel a bit dirty afterward though? The House of the Dead has opened its doors.
That's it, I'm buying this now. I was going to wait a few months because I just got several games, but fuck, the reviews for this game are great. It seems like the only reason it's not getting more 9s is because of what it is: a lightgun game.
That bug looks crap^
Killzone + N64 bugs?
I think these guys did Soldier of Fortune.
NEW RE trailer with Wesker all over it!!!
GOD OF WAR 3 orgy of awesomeness!!!!!
Best news day ever.
Calm down I am not done yet!
HJC! Edge only sells 30,000 copies a year!? EGM was pumping out 500,000-600,000 copies A MONTH and Ziff couldn't get the math to work. And here EDGE is, being all high-quality and big as the bible every month. I guess it really is all over for print.
"Circulation for flagship multiformat title Edge dropped to 28,898 for the year ended December 2008, according to ABC, down from 31,304 copies the prior year."
At the IGN UK HOTD Overkill review
That's it, I'm buying this now. I was going to wait a few months because I just got several games, but fuck, the reviews for this game are great. It seems like the only reason it's not getting more 9s is because of what it is: a lightgun game.
Yeah, I'm with you. I go tthe rest of them, I may as well get on this bus first.
He fucking ran into an army of skeletons, switched to lion head claws, punched his way to a cyclops and while fighting it the Titan they were on started to move in real time flipping the game world around at which time Kratos jumps onto some flying harpies to escape.
Did you read the previews, the crazy stuff they describe. Its going to be a long year wait.
Yeah. Did someone de-gold highlight my link where I posted the trailer?
I posted like 67 updates today juggerbitch. Dont take my credit
BTW Pikmin 2 scans are already up, delete that story.
Are those EDGE sales US only?
Exactly because the game is meant to have bad A.I. as it makes it fun and more entertaining to play as well as meshes with the characters progression. Hell the entire game could be done on the Wii if you toned down the graphics.
One of the site's forefathers.
The link did not say...