Just about to start writing up some notes for this weeks podcast. We need one/two more participants. We've got Vader, Foolz and myself...who else wants in? Yoda? Yarco?
I'd also love someone new...
I was holding out saying anything due to both opening the floor to others, and having a bit of a throat irritant this week. I'll be in if no one else wants in -- always good to get new participants in the mix.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
Just about to start writing up some notes for this weeks podcast. We need one/two more participants. We've got Vader, Foolz and myself...who else wants in? Yoda? Yarco?
I'd also love someone new...
I was holding out saying anything due to both opening the floor to others, and having a bit of a throat irritant this week. I'll be in if no one else wants in -- always good to get new participants in the mix.
1. Nobody wants to comment on the new Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers trailer? We've waited like a year for new footage.
2. Hello? Alan Wake footage? Nothing to say?
3. Latest FF XIII trailer.....
There's another explosive experience on the way for Wii in 2009, as publisher Electronic Arts and famed film director Steven Spielberg have announced that 2008's hit Boom Blox will soon be seeing a sequel -- Boom Blox Bash Party. A Reuters report on the announcement has said we can expect it soon, too, with a release window given as Spring of this year.
Boom Blox Bash Party will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, which based its gameplay on exploiting explosives and a realistic physics engine to solve puzzles and topple huge towers of Jenga-like building blocks. The sequel is planned to expand on the original with over 400 fresh levels to tackle, and an increased focus on multiplayer play.
"Boom Blox Bash Party is a wild social gaming experience," Spielberg said. "We know families and friends really enjoyed playing the original Boom Blox together, so we designed more explosive multiplayer experiences with Boom Blox Bash Party."
Players of the first Boom Blox who've been addicted to the game's level creator will also be pleased to know that Bash Party will expand that mode as well, taking it further into the online realm of Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection. The first Boom Blox allowed you to trade your levels with friends, but users will now additionally be able to download new levels straight from the designers at Electronic Arts, as well as challenges created by other Bash Party players from around the globe. Have a fantastically fun stage you've just engineered? Upload it via Wi-Fi and let the whole world enjoy it.
Thoughts? In terms of design it sounds like they are doing everything right and its good to know for sure that a sequel is coming. But for an 2009 release, it seems a little too soon. I dont want to see it become a yearly whorefest. Secondly, did they really have to add the Bash Party to the end as that further merges its appearance to the litany of shovelware on the system.
It's like Endless Ocean and Mario Galaxy crossed with Boom Blox
Is that a massive vagina with a tongue coming out of it?
Apparently, MacFarlane Toys is already jumping on the Demon Souls bandwagon, with a line of action figures ready to launch in the US on the release date of the game.
Here is a pic of the model for the Demon Vagina Boss:
I guess the tounge must poke out when you stick something in there...? Hmmm...
Is that a massive vagina with a tongue coming out of it?
Demon Vagina gets a 29/40 at Famitsu.
It's clear the generally middle-of-the-road Famitsu came down on Demon's Souls for its hardcore challenge, but it's worth noting rival publication Dengeki PlayStation had a more favorable opinion, giving the game 85/95/85/85. One reviewer even dubbed it "my game of the year so far... fans of old-school games will shed tears of joy."
Suddenly, I am interested again.
Apparently, MacFarlane Toys is already jumping on the Demon Souls bandwagon, with a line of action figures ready to launch in the US on the release date of the game.
Here is a pic of the model for the Demon Vagina Boss:
I guess the tounge must poke out when you stick something in there...? Hmmm...
They need to DLC that as a replacement boss I just read that article you linked. The game sounds too hard for me and todays gamers in general.
Hey guys, heads up the Eurogamer Killzone 2 review hits today at 5pm GMT which is 4 and a half hours away. I'm ill at home, caught another cold from someone.
Mention the site. Just make up a VGPress theme tune and sing it repeatedly while rubbing your thighs on screen. Or sing Gummi Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears!
Rubbing his thighs, lol. How am I supposed to comment anything about Alan Wake? Game has been shrouded in mistery for so long that I lost interest in it! Fuck. I think I can finally be with you guys on this week's podcast.
Rubbing his thighs, lol. How am I supposed to comment anything about Alan Wake? Game has been shrouded in mistery for so long that I lost interest in it! Fuck. I think I can finally be with you guys on this week's podcast.
There is in game video in wednesdays updates. Looks like Condemned or even Bioshock to me.
I was holding out saying anything due to both opening the floor to others, and having a bit of a throat irritant this week. I'll be in if no one else wants in -- always good to get new participants in the mix.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNo problem.
Perhaps I need to hit up DS Jim...
We seriously need to have an all steel, gg and Leo podcast.
I heard you have to be out of the vault(anywhere out doors) and then they'll radio you in to the mission.
Just wait a couple of minutes outside. Then they'll let you know.
We do. We really do.
You guys are hilarious.
Did the updates again.
I have questions:
1. Nobody wants to comment on the new Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers trailer? We've waited like a year for new footage.
2. Hello? Alan Wake footage? Nothing to say?
3. Latest FF XIII trailer.....
There's another explosive experience on the way for Wii in 2009, as publisher Electronic Arts and famed film director Steven Spielberg have announced that 2008's hit Boom Blox will soon be seeing a sequel -- Boom Blox Bash Party. A Reuters report on the announcement has said we can expect it soon, too, with a release window given as Spring of this year.
Boom Blox Bash Party will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, which based its gameplay on exploiting explosives and a realistic physics engine to solve puzzles and topple huge towers of Jenga-like building blocks. The sequel is planned to expand on the original with over 400 fresh levels to tackle, and an increased focus on multiplayer play.
"Boom Blox Bash Party is a wild social gaming experience," Spielberg said. "We know families and friends really enjoyed playing the original Boom Blox together, so we designed more explosive multiplayer experiences with Boom Blox Bash Party."
Players of the first Boom Blox who've been addicted to the game's level creator will also be pleased to know that Bash Party will expand that mode as well, taking it further into the online realm of Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection. The first Boom Blox allowed you to trade your levels with friends, but users will now additionally be able to download new levels straight from the designers at Electronic Arts, as well as challenges created by other Bash Party players from around the globe. Have a fantastically fun stage you've just engineered? Upload it via Wi-Fi and let the whole world enjoy it.
Thoughts? In terms of design it sounds like they are doing everything right and its good to know for sure that a sequel is coming. But for an 2009 release, it seems a little too soon. I dont want to see it become a yearly whorefest. Secondly, did they really have to add the Bash Party to the end as that further merges its appearance to the litany of shovelware on the system.
It's like Endless Ocean and Mario Galaxy crossed with Boom Blox
Where are you bitches?
Apparently, MacFarlane Toys is already jumping on the Demon Souls bandwagon, with a line of action figures ready to launch in the US on the release date of the game.
Here is a pic of the model for the Demon Vagina Boss:
I guess the tounge must poke out when you stick something in there...? Hmmm...
They need to DLC that as a replacement boss
I just read that article you linked. The game sounds too hard for me and todays gamers in general.
Hey guys, heads up the Eurogamer Killzone 2 review hits today at 5pm GMT which is 4 and a half hours away. I'm ill at home, caught another cold from someone.
Taking part in a weekly IRC chat for my TV show.
Mention the site. Just make up a VGPress theme tune and sing it repeatedly while rubbing your thighs on screen. Or sing Gummi Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears!
How am I supposed to comment anything about Alan Wake? Game has been shrouded in mistery for so long that I lost interest in it! Fuck.
I think I can finally be with you guys on this week's podcast.
There is in game video in wednesdays updates. Looks like Condemned or even Bioshock to me.
You shouldn't be so eager to jump in bed with the first man that comes across you in the street.
Walking through the woods simulator. Yeah.
Especially if it's you heathen!