Nintendo To Launch Wiinoma TV Channel
Japan only at the moment - the Nintendo Domination Train keeps on a rollin'
Cave Story WiiWare blog update
Cave Story DLC confirmed, Night Game reconfirmed
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Yeah GG it is going to be a long rental but over here Blockbuster rents their games out for 1 week. If you keep it for 2 weeks no extra late fee, keep it for 1 day shy of a month and the late fee is only $2. I'll be keeping this sucker for the month plus it only cost me $5 to rent it at the start so it'll be only a $7 total.
Hmm that Wiinoma channel could be very interesting. I think Nintendo really needs to focus on improving their Internet Channel. They need to get the browser up-to-date so it can support much more file formats then it currently does now plus being able to download things like videos as well.
Agreed. I still can't watch Gametrailers yet (which means no AVGN) nor can I watch Nostalgia Critic!
One of the site's forefathers.
GOD FUCKING DAMMIT YOUTUBE SPOILERS! I was looking up the name "Naomi Hunter" and found a header for some of the videos saying "The Death of Naomi Act 4". I mean WTF! Can you at least have some considercy like at least some "Caution MGS4 Spoiler" in the begining?
*Highlight to see MGS4 spoiler in white text*
One of the site's forefathers.
Hey, I could've been worse! They could have posted Death of Raiden or Death of Otacon videos without spoilers!
also has dizastuh for 20 quid. i'm thinking about it
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Depends on how much creativity and patience you have.
It has an amazing amount of really flexible tools for creating your own game from the ground up, IF you want to. (Just check out the site to see the ships/enemies/levels that were produced using the editor to see some pretty amazing stuff!)
I always buy games like that, all excited that I am going to create all sorts of levels, etc... then never do.
[That's probably the reason Little Big Planet and I don't mix very well, either!]
does it not have a way of easily letting you access user generated levels, even if you don't have the creativity, or patience, or time yourself?
can you only receive levels from your wii friends?
what about the ready made levels from the developers? worth playing, or not all that as far as space shooters go?
i tend to be more forgiving of games from my favourite (and near extinct) genres, that's another reason i loved LBP so much.
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Huh, let me know how the game is, I've been meaning to pick it up for ageeeeeeeeees. Did you play Path of Radiance first? I'm not interested in this Wii TV thing, net connection isn't fast enough, no hard drive, just worthless to me. They need to stop adding channels if there is no room to freaking keep them. The perverted thing is that you can quadruple your memory by plugging in a cheap 2gb SD card, but since you can't execute programs from SD it makes it a simply a storage dump for VC games. Bleh. You know what is weird? Nintendo go two steps forward, two steps back.
The Wii Speak channel integrates the photo channel and lets you send the same message to 10 people at a time simply by ticking some boxes, why can't you do this with normal messages? The mario kart channel is awesome, yet the flash memory is so small you have to delete it and why isn't it just an online channel for all online titles? They are wasting freaking time and memory here.
Hey just saw the Eurogamer score for World of Goo, I like the game ALOT, but 10/10? Not feeling it yet. Stuck on the frog bridge. Love the physics and freeform nature of it all. It needs a Boom Blox medal system, that would have me replaying everything ad nauseum.
Otacon dies? WTF?! What the?
i'm excited for this game allover again. hope it does get released here in a month and it's not just a bullshit date.
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is that the frogbridge level with the balloon gooballs in the first chapter? that one was not too bad i thought, didn't take more than 2 or 3 tries to get right. ... you are aware that you can pull off balloon gooballs and change their place right? you need to play around with that a bit so the bridge doesn't go too high or too low.
I dug up the blastworks review on IGN and read the following line which made me even happier and almost sealed the deal of me buying this ... "groovy electronic soundtrack". yes, dammit fuck new age and cacophonous prog rock in every game
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Great that blastworks allows you to do that. I hear that GH3 DLC allows you to download music straight to SD card. Developers need to pick things up, there isn't much excuse these days for unintuitive, limited experiences. The one thing that throws me about World of Goo is that on some levels you can pull apart your structure and re-use goo balls. On this frog level for instance, once it is set, it is set. I love the game so far and its excellet, an 8 or 9 out of ten I'm feeling so far.
New Wiiware game called Eduardo the Samurai toaster? Indie developer Semnat Studios is excited to finally announce the upcoming Wii™ release of Eduardo the Samurai Toaster, an incredibly fast and frenetic sidescrolling, run‘n’gun 2D shooter. The game will be released exclusively for WiiWare™ this winter, developed and published by Semnat Studios. With visuals drawn and scanned in from several different art mediums such as pen & ink, acrylic paint and charcoal, Eduardo sports an untraditional aesthetic design for a videogame. Jump, shoot, whip, drive, fly and throw your way through hordes of Peking Opera pastries, spear toting carrots, robotic mangos, and more. Play with friends as you learn to cooperate effectively, or be annoying by throwing each other around the screen and attacking one another.
Thanks for the updates guys. I've been remarkably lazy over the Christmas period, ill too. Still recovering, nice to read the news.
Hey look at this:
A new book has revealed how Sony's huge investment in the PS3's Cell processing unit may have helped Microsoft develop the Xbox 360.
The authors of the book, 'The Race For a New Game Machine', are former IBM microchip designers David Shippy and Mickie Phipps. According to the Wall Street Journal's review, they worked on the processors for both machines, and say that IBM's design for core components of the Cell directly influenced the work the computing giant did for Microsoft on the 360's processor.
To add insult to injury, the Microsoft chip was commissioned later and delivered sooner than the Cell. The 360 hit the market first and established a lead over the PS3 that Sony is still struggling to crack. Although the book's authors claim both companies were winners in the end, the Wall Street Journal calls the debacle "one of [Sony's] greatest business failures".
"In 2003, IBM's Adam Bennett showed Microsoft specs for the still-in-development Cell core," said the Journal. "Microsoft was interested and contracted with IBM for their own chip, to be built around the core that IBM was still building with Sony."
The Journal reckons this was a lack of foresight on Sony's part. "It does not seem to have occurred to Sony that IBM would sell key parts of the Cell before it was complete and to Sony's primary videogame-console competitor. The result was that Sony's R&D money was spent creating a component for Microsoft to use against it."
In the book, Shippy, the chief architect of the Cell, says he felt "contaminated" as he worked with Microsoft engineers on the architecture for the 360's chip "with lessons learned from his earlier work on PlayStation".
The Journal reviewer contends that USD 400 million development of Cell was considered such a disaster within Sony that it led to PlayStation boss Ken Kuturagi being "fired" shortly after PS3 was released.
The extent to which the design of the Cell really influenced the more conventional PowerPC architecture of the 360 processor is debatable. But with Sony still selling the high-priced PS3 at a loss while Microsoft is able to slash the cost of its machine, there's no doubt that those "lessons learned" were expensive ones for the Japanese giant - and were picked up on the cheap by its competitor
Following the decision to cut 8000 jobs by 2010, Sony is set to take more drastic cost-cutting initiatives early next month, closing factories in Japan and abolishing a number of its major divisions.
That's according to a report by The Times, which claims the company will restructure its business with fundamental changes to the manufacturing process and a radical management upheaval.
The majority of changes are likely to be made at Sony Japan, with the report expecting a series of "sacred cow-slaying" moves by the company.
The Sony Group's main divisions include manufacturer Sony Electronics, television and film outfit Sony Pictures International, PlayStation department Sony Computer Entertainment, music label Sony BMG and insurance and banking division Sony Financial Holdings.
According to analysts, Sony needs to shift into the content business and away from manufacturing, and president Sir Howard Stringer must take complete control of the business and push out the old guard in management.
"The most important thing is that, to improve organisational strength in the areas of development, purchasing and marketing, it will be necessary to further concentrate power in the hands of [Sir Howard] and unless this is achieved we believe [Sony] will be unable to close the gap with competitors such as Apple and Nintendo," offered Koya Tabata, analyst at Credit Suisse.
Both Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank have downgraded the company in recent weeks, with analysts warning Sony has reacted too slowly to its own business needs and the current economic climate.
Microsoft is set to lay off as many as 15,000 members of its 90,000 strong workforce, according to reports from the US.
Between 10 and 17 per cent of the company's full-time and contracted employees are expected to be made redundant this month, with tech site Fudzilla claiming the axe is likely to fall on January 15 – a week before Microsoft reveals its second quarter earnings results.
Large staff cuts are expected in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, while the MSN department is said to be struggling due to a decline in sales. Companies are also expected to cut back on licensing Office products such as Microsoft Word, affecting the company further in 2009.
A ten per cent reduction in headcount could save USD 1.2 billion (GBP 826 million), according to some analysts.
"The prevailing wisdom on Microsoft is that the company may pre-announce disappointing December results," said Brad Reback, analyst at Oppenheimer & Co, reports The Independent.
"Should such headcount reductions materialise, we would view them as a positive sign that management is interested in preserving the company's operating margin structure through the downturn."
It is unlikely that cuts would affect Microsoft's entertainment and devices division, which is responsible for the Xbox 360 business, as it has begun to maintain profitability.
Is it because of your internet connection? Or something else?
I love the NC - I'm a big fan of TGWTG...even if it's because I'm mates with one of the main dudes on there.
Punk, mind if I ask why you were searching for 'that' to begin with?
Iga man, get out of the news posting haze, I slipped a couple in when you weren't looking and you are repeating. I'm sly like that
I'm opening my Animal crossing gate:
22:00 pm GMT
They should have also included: Paper Mario: the thousand year door and Wave Race: Blue Storm
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