The best soundtracks this generation
Mentions of Galaxy, Prime 3 and Brawl!!
Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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Archangel3371 (2m) travo (10m)
Yarcofin ruined my saturday night. Hours will be spent analyzing that picture.
We may as well stop now. No post shall ever compare to this.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThat's it, this is the new 404 Error Page
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDamn, you have analyzing skill of a PS1, Vader. The picture could not be more clear.
Obviously Neptune the king of Atlantis has taken over an American carrier, which he will use to launch a war against the filthy airbreathers that keep polluting his oceans. In the picture you can see the crew groveling to their new master, while the captain is forced to act like a jester to Neptunes amusement! You can see Neptunes wife and his two sons sitting next to him.
In one word, we are all doomed!
1. King Neptune
2. Something that belongs to King Neptune, but what is it, a golden egg?
3. Senile old laughing Neptune lady
4. The barber shop pole
6. THE WOG. Why does he dance? What is a wOg? Why is he so wet? No one will ever know.
7. Is this a black man or a white man wearing shoe polish, and what is he DOING TO THAT MAN?
8. What are these guys looking at.
Honourable mention:
- Pirate guy with a knife
- Fat shirtless guy
Stop. The Wog. Can't stop. The wog.
Where baby WOGs come from:
Out-random you good
Hello, yeah I want to file a missing person report.
The first person is Punk Rebel Ecks, last seen at Neogaf. We are worried he might be lost in the Neogaf jungle.
The second person is bugsonglass, we think the greek protesters have burned down his computer!
If you find them, could you please return them at the VG Press, we are worried sick!
Edgecrusher? Angry Beaver?
The ever vanishing Leo?
Leo is a ninja, so impossible to track down!
Edge and Beaver are at the Ring of Fire, they left us
I am not the one walking around with one giant testicle, Tanuki!
Animal Crossing sux!
Eh?! Wazzat?! It seems as if they are trying to trap me here by leaving Leo-like objects laying around... Hmmm..
Yearg! Here they come!
Well, I wouldn't be so hasty, Raven.
So far, it's better than fapping, I'll give you that. Lol.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
They almost burned, but you put them in a triangle choke right?
Now it's not that at all. It's just that since I moved to the dorms (though I am at home now) the internet is WAY slower. Anyway HOLY SHIT Tales of WIi teaser leaked!
Also said to see so many bombs. I mean Mirror's Edge, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, and in Japan Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm actually surprised that LittleBigPlanet hasn't done well so far. It seems like a fantastic idea, especially with the user-created levels. Perhaps over time, it'll slowly build up in sales.