MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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Do we have spoiler tags? Well I'll try not to spoil anything, but at certain points you have to shoot someone in the plot, and at others you have to choose whether to shoot them or not, yet at the most poignant points you shoot them and you're taken to a fucking cutscene before Niko kills them. Personally, I found the parts that should've been the most poignant had far less impact than those where you actually killed or didn't kill the person yourself, rather than having it done in a cutscene.
Time for the other ending now I suppose, then MGS4!
Cursed mountain. The page here has distorted the pics a bit. Check out the original pics here:
Oh Rockstar...
Should have been like the MGS3 ending, where you kill the Boss. That was out-fucking-standing.
After that IGN review of Disaster I was in a supermarket today and so close to buying it. But I resisted. I feel proud but the stench of cheese is like a mermaid luring me to the rocks.
Last two cursed Mountain screens:
On another note, I watched the first episode of Gargoyles online last night and it was pretty good. I got through a few minutes of the first episode of Galaxy rangers and it was awwwwful. So I will finish off the rest of the episode tonight. I think I may pick up Gargoyles on dvd. It's getting close to the X-Men and Real Ghostbusters DVD launch on around Nov 15th.
Not sure I like this new blur/grain filter in HOTD Overkill, as usual the page here has slightly distorted the images. Check them out at the link in Thursdays updates.
Is it just me, or have the visuals gotten worse since the last batch of screens? For instance:
So the DS has FINALLY outsold the GBA? Good to know it definately deserves it.
The Conduit is a mixed bag.
Some screens look great.
And others look like crap.
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm still curious to as of why some people say that the DS is less powerful then the N64.
One of the site's forefathers.
WTF Sony?
Their motion controller patent. You can attach them like a... sceptre?
And people say that waggling makes you look stupid...
One of the site's forefathers.
I think this guy had the best reply:
Well, I wouldn't call them "copycats" (ultrasound is obviously a very different technology from accelerometers) - but in terms of the form factor and motion sensing in general, do you think anyone would be as open to the break-apart form factor if the Wiimote hadn't come out first and proved to be popular? This thread would be filled with a lot more "LOLs!" and "WTF are they thinking?" (though there are still plenty) like the first Wiimote thread was - as is, it's at least understandable why Sony thinks this controller would have appeal. It's not really an issue of who developed the technology or the idea first (I'm sure there were break-apart controller ideas before the Wiimote, as well as IR, motion-sensing, etc.), but Nintendo was first to take the risk with the mass market and the first to establish that it could be viable and popular. If Sony ever takes this to market (and that's not clear), it'll pretty much be in response to the general popularity of the Wiimote.
Sort of the same idea with the Avatars v. Mii's thing - it's not that Nintendo was the first to come up with the idea of using avatars in games, and Avatars are simply a's that introducing Avatars is clearly a response to the popularity of Miis, and not something that Microsoft just happened to independently decide to release now in a vacuum, etc.
It's not like it would be the first time Sony looked to Nintendo controllers for inspiration and lets face it, if nintendo didn't shoulder the massive risk of making this mass market, you just wouldn't be seeing other hardware makers forging ahead with the idea. They have also set the idea of dual controllers, for independent motion sensing, even IR. In a few years time when everyone is enjoying motion sensing with their non-nintendo consoles, they will for a large part have the Wii to thank for it, in success, in concept and in execution. It's like a training ground at the moment for future motion sensing games and devices, seeing what can be improved upon. Seeing what works and what doesn't.
You can already see some Wii concepts in those patents, the classic controler support, the split controllers, the nunchuk like modular design. Even the way the buttons are positioned on the face and rear of the remote like device like the B button on the Wii remote. But seriously, what the hell is with the ball and sceptre design with the handles coming together?
I brightened up one of the Cursed Mountain screens
Morning from Melbourne all...
Downloading Mirrors Edge demo - will post thoughts later.
So yeah, the podcast is this weekend. Are we going to get more people to sign up? Cause come on guys, we need more people!
I still don't have a mic. I live in a blackspot for computer stores, they are nowhere to be found. We should wait till the site launches first and then someone really needs to organise the podcast topics. Get feedback and people here should ask questions or pose topics. That kind of thing. In a few weeks I should be ready to do a podcast but I want people like Steel, Edge, Dvader, Dencore, Bugs, Iga etc etc as well.
Since there are a group of people here it might be neat to have different podcast teams each week that way you would only do one podcast a month say with 4 rotating teams.
Lots of great updates GG thanks, tons of reviews to go through, so many great games. Hell I have even been convinced to try out Disaster.
Oh and Beatles, yes!!! Sold!
Mirror's Edge impressions very soon.
Disaster sounds like a bona fide cult classic already.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Its cult classic status was certain the second the bear screenshot was published.
That's actually not a bad idea. We'd just need to establish who these teams are.
So yeah, downloaded the Mirrors Edge demo. I advise others to do the same. It feels really neat and kinda weird - the whole first person parkour thing is kinda surreal. It's something that you needs to be experienced firsthand.
The fact that you can fly kick mo'fuckers makes me happy. The fact that said fly kick cannot instantly send enemies flying makes me sad. Though I guess you can eventually get an enemy close to the edge of a building and fly kick the dude off. That would make me happy.
I also have a feeling that there's going to be a BIG speed running community for this game. You get the feeling that you want to keep doing all this stuff faster and faster, and when you mess up a jump or lose momentum, you really want to get that speed back.
Otherwise, I dig. The only real thing that is disappointing is that the weapons suck, but we knew that.
Mirror's Edge is a very interesting game and one I will definetly want to try out. Its oozing with style, great world they created. The game is all about moving, finding the right paths and the right jump or duck to keep moving without stoping. The whole first person view is really well done, best jumping in first person since MP. At first you just navigate the tops of buildings but soon you are being chased by police then its a non stop chase to the end of the demo. It reminded me of the scene at the end of the Matrix where Neo is being chased by the agents and he is being guided on the phone and he is constantly running, not stopping, bashing through doors, its like that in this game, that type of kinetic energy.
The problem is if you try to do something other than run and the game doesn't really offer anything. No real exploration (at least in the demo), try to experiment taking on the guards and it wont work you will die. You can attack the ones you are supposed to attack (they glow red) but you cant experiment with others. You can use a gun for a short while but its terrible. Combat seems ok, its been handled better in other FP games. As long as you are doing what the game wants you to do its great, try something else and well not so much.
Its almost more like a racing game where the skill comes in finding the shortest paths, making the best jumps, etc. I cant believe this demo has locked content, what the hell, it has time trial races you cant access unless you pre-order the game.
You and I both Vader - we seem to feel mostly the same about the game. The exploration element is something. If this was a sandbox game - dear god, the POSSIBILITIES.
The pre-order thing pissed me off too. Which is incredibly lame..
It's only practical to do so given the geographical distribution of us all. We should really compile a list of who's where.
North America
yodariquo - Canada (Ontario, EST)
SteelAttack - Mexico
dvader - United States (Florida, EST)
angry_beaver - United States (Kansas, CDT)
gamingeek - Britain
Iga_Bobovic - Netherlands
bugsonglass - ?
darthhomer - (Melbourne, EDT)
foolz - (Melbourne, EDT)
punk rebel ecks, I'm not sure where you are, actually. Same with archangel. Raven, you already explicitly stated you didn't want to be on (though we could use a hamster representative!).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile