Actually, when we say it looks very similar to its Xbox 360 we mean it literally. On firing up the demo, Dark Legend's title screen featured a background FMV of fly-bys and cut-scenes which we assumed had been culled from the original game. It quickly became apparent though that these scenes had been taken straight form this Wii version, its in-game engine offering some truly stunning visuals that really haven't been done justice by the first batch of Dark Legend screenshots.
And it goes on like that for another couple of paragraphs.
But then they release really crappy screens and ones that look better like these.
Bozon at IGN gave Order of Ecclesia a 9. I only read the first sentence of the review which was basically a spoiler warning so i didn't read on. This is the game I want to play the most right now.
I haven't read Bozon's review (have no interest in CV). I'm sure it's a great game, but . . .
. . .WTF? Bozon couldn't write a simple review without it containing spoilers? The entire purpose of a review is to inform the reader whether or not their money will be well spent on that particular game, NOT to spoil any part of the game. It's completely stupid to have any spoilers in a game review. If he couldn't write the review without it containing spoilers, then he should not have wrote it.
Having a spoiler warning in an effing review! What'll they think of next!
I may be overracting a bit, but I HATE spoilers and crap like that just pisses me off.
Bozon at IGN gave Order of Ecclesia a 9. I only read the first sentence of the review which was basically a spoiler warning so i didn't read on. This is the game I want to play the most right now.
I haven't read Bozon's review (have no interest in CV). I'm sure it's a great game, but . . .
. . .WTF? Bozon couldn't write a simple review without it containing spoilers? The entire purpose of a review is to inform the reader whether or not their money will be well spent on that particular game, NOT to spoil any part of the game. It's completely stupid to have any spoilers in a game review. If he couldn't write the review without it containing spoilers, then he should not have wrote it.
Having a spoiler warning in an effing review! What'll they think of next!
I may be overracting a bit, but I HATE spoilers and crap like that just pisses me off.
i may have phrased it wrong. he just sort of said outright that the review would include some stuff which some would consider gameplay spoilers and that he would indicate it clearly beforehand. others include spoilers in reviews without even warning the reader so i thought that was curteous.
also another thing he states clearly is "i have finished the game but once" and he goes on to say that his true level of appreciation for past CVs like dawn of sorrow came after many hours and playthroughs so he couldn't yet swear how well it would stand up against past games in the long run. Which is a lot better than reviewers impulsively claiming a game as the best of the series, only to be proven wrong just a few weeks later as the dust settles. and also as from a previous discussion, the reviewers honesty about how much time he has put in a game by the time the review is published, is greatly appreciated (especially as so many either make false implications, or just outright lie about it).
last point. why do you have no interest in CV? i don't get it. it's the gaming equivalent of a really good burger. you know what it is and what to expect ... no fancy stuff, no bullshit, just tried and true, no surprises ... but damn you just can't say no to another burger done right!
Bozon at IGN gave Order of Ecclesia a 9. I only read the first sentence of the review which was basically a spoiler warning so i didn't read on. This is the game I want to play the most right now.
I haven't read Bozon's review (have no interest in CV). I'm sure it's a great game, but . . .
. . .WTF? Bozon couldn't write a simple review without it containing spoilers? The entire purpose of a review is to inform the reader whether or not their money will be well spent on that particular game, NOT to spoil any part of the game. It's completely stupid to have any spoilers in a game review. If he couldn't write the review without it containing spoilers, then he should not have wrote it.
Having a spoiler warning in an effing review! What'll they think of next!
I may be overracting a bit, but I HATE spoilers and crap like that just pisses me off.
i may have phrased it wrong. he just sort of said outright that the review would include some stuff which some would consider gameplay spoilers and that he would indicate it clearly beforehand. others include spoilers in reviews without even warning the reader so i thought that was curteous.
also another thing he states clearly is "i have finished the game but once" and he goes on to say that his true level of appreciation for past CVs like dawn of sorrow came after many hours and playthroughs so he couldn't yet swear how well it would stand up against past games in the long run. Which is a lot better than reviewers impulsively claiming a game as the best of the series, only to be proven wrong just a few weeks later as the dust settles. and also as from a previous discussion, the reviewers honesty about how much time he has put in a game by the time the review is published, is greatly appreciated (especially as so many either make false implications, or just outright lie about it).
last point. why do you have no interest in CV? i don't get it. it's the gaming equivalent of a really good burger. you know what it is and what to expect ... no fancy stuff, no bullshit, just tried and true, no surprises ... but damn you just can't say no to another burger done right!
Yeah, I agree that it's nice of them to give that warning, but if they knew that there were a spoilers before hand, then they should've removed them completely from the review, IMO.
The last CV game that I liked was Bloodlines. I simply don't like the action-RPG CV games. I vastly prefer the earlier CV games that were linear and action oriented. The original CV was an arcade game, and that's how I like the series.
Wait, that Star Trek toon came out the year I was born! Are you saying I'm old?
I never watched Talespin or that Rescue Rangers stuff either. I remember the original Chip 'n Dale cartoons where they tormented Donald Duck endlessly, though.
Wait, that Star Trek toon came out the year I was born! Are you saying I'm old?
I never watched Talespin or that Rescure Rangers stuff either. I remember the original Chip 'n Dale cartoons where they tormented Donald Duck endlessly.
Well I was going to leave, but then I thought I'd PUNISH you more. Now I really do have to go. So be punished...
Death by Gummi Bears! Behold the podcast theme tune!
Wait, that Star Trek toon came out the year I was born! Are you saying I'm old?
I never watched Talespin or that Rescure Rangers stuff either. I remember the original Chip 'n Dale cartoons where they tormented Donald Duck endlessly.
Well I was going to leave, but then I thought I'd PUNISH you more. Now I really do have to go. So be punished...
Death by Gummi Bears! Behold the podcast theme tune!
Shoot, I didn't even know what Skype was until I looked it up just now.
Hamtaro can talk.
Also, I think I'm close to being done with GS. I get modded for "Begging for ROMs"...WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING DO ANYTHING RELATED TO THAT. I tell a dude that Chrono Trigger is coming out next year and that I'm enjoying Mother a topic related to the patch.
do i need earthbound experience to enjoy mother 3?
By what do you mean Earthbound experience?
It's still a good idea to play that game, but you should be ok otherwise.
I also need to get me a copy of the new Castlevania...time to hit the import shops me thinks.
Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
I wonder if there might be an issue with legality when using copyrighted music and such for our podcasts? It may not be a problem considering the size of this site, but it may be something to consider.
Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
I wonder if there might be an issue with legality when using copyrighted music and such for our podcasts? It may not be a problem considering the size of this site, but it may be something to consider.
There probably is a problem with that. We would need to create our own theme eventually - but there's an appeal to using classic tunes/sound effects.
Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
I wonder if there might be an issue with legality when using copyrighted music and such for our podcasts? It may not be a problem considering the size of this site, but it may be something to consider.
There probably is a problem with that. We would need to create our own theme eventually - but there's an appeal to using classic tunes/sound effects.
We could always do classical music. No ones ownes that.
Because we are doing newspaper like stuff, the podcast shoould start like the news
I wrote this on GS so I will do a cut and paste job here, like to get your thoughts on it as well.
I have been playing games for a long time, I dont remember I time like this, this year is just stupid insane with the amount of quality games or just plain interesting games. I almost need a chart to keep track of what is coming out week by week. I look at the GGD and I see so many high quality game impressions threads going on at once, I am amazed at how we are even keeping track of it all.
I am wondering how all of you are going about this crazy holiday season. I want to know what games you for sure plan to be playing. I am sure with the wide diversity of people here at least one of us will have impressions from each major game this season. Throughout the summer almost everyone is playing the same games cause there is usually one great one out at a time but at a time like this its like a choose your own adventure book, we are all going to break off into different paths, play very different games. I think it will be intersting to see what path each of us choose.
As for myself, only having a PS3 and Wii help out a lot in terms of choosing games (holy crap do I feel bad for PS3/360 owners wallets). If I had a 360 Fable 2 and Gears 2 would be instant buys but I dont so that saves me money that I do not have. Since I have no money I am spending as little as possible. I have these free rentals every month at BB so with that I was able to play Dead Space. I plan on buying one game at launch and thats LBP. I can't wait for christmas for that much needed boost in money where I plan to buy Resistance 2 (as long as it gets favorable reviews), Fallout 3 and maybe Far Cry 2 (notice all are big games that I can spend many many hours playing). DAMN it I forgot Sonic, I always forget Sonic... damn me and my stupid Sonic obsession, I must own this game, unless its god awful like the last one.
Since I am strapped for cash renting games will be my best friend. BB has a deal where you pay $20 and you can rent as many games as you want for a month. After I tire of LBP (who knows when that will happen) I will buy this card and go nuts on the huge slate of Nov games I am on the fence about. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Bioshock PS3, Tomb Raider Underworld, need to go back and play SH5, maybe Valkaria Chronicles all games I plan to rent. Oops forgot DS games I want to play like Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, may have to rent some of these. Oh and I bet there will be some downloable games I want as well. Yikes. My overall plan is all the single player 10 hours games I rent, the big large titles I buy and I think I will pretend that the DS does not exist until next year.
The only game I'm definately buying for the rest of this year is Animal Crossing. I've requested my family to buy me Tomb Raider: Underworld (Wii) for Christmas, and I also have 4000 Wii Points that I can use to buy future WiiWare/VC games. That's about it for this year.
Screens are craggly, which goes completely against the preview.
Actually, when we say it looks very similar to its Xbox 360 we mean it literally. On firing up the demo, Dark Legend's title screen featured a background FMV of fly-bys and cut-scenes which we assumed had been culled from the original game. It quickly became apparent though that these scenes had been taken straight form this Wii version, its in-game engine offering some truly stunning visuals that really haven't been done justice by the first batch of Dark Legend screenshots.
And it goes on like that for another couple of paragraphs.
But then they release really crappy screens and ones that look better like these.
These are the only videos released so far:
I haven't read Bozon's review (have no interest in CV). I'm sure it's a great game, but . . .
. . .WTF? Bozon couldn't write a simple review without it containing spoilers? The entire purpose of a review is to inform the reader whether or not their money will be well spent on that particular game, NOT to spoil any part of the game. It's completely stupid to have any spoilers in a game review. If he couldn't write the review without it containing spoilers, then he should not have wrote it.
Having a spoiler warning in an effing review! What'll they think of next!
I may be overracting a bit, but I HATE spoilers and crap like that just pisses me off.
i may have phrased it wrong. he just sort of said outright that the review would include some stuff which some would consider gameplay spoilers and that he would indicate it clearly beforehand. others include spoilers in reviews without even warning the reader so i thought that was curteous.
also another thing he states clearly is "i have finished the game but once" and he goes on to say that his true level of appreciation for past CVs like dawn of sorrow came after many hours and playthroughs so he couldn't yet swear how well it would stand up against past games in the long run. Which is a lot better than reviewers impulsively claiming a game as the best of the series, only to be proven wrong just a few weeks later as the dust settles. and also as from a previous discussion, the reviewers honesty about how much time he has put in a game by the time the review is published, is greatly appreciated (especially as so many either make false implications, or just outright lie about it).
last point. why do you have no interest in CV? i don't get it. it's the gaming equivalent of a really good burger. you know what it is and what to expect ... no fancy stuff, no bullshit, just tried and true, no surprises ... but damn you just can't say no to another burger done right!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Where has everyone been all day? I'm off, you stinking turds.
But I leave you with this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I agree that it's nice of them to give that warning, but if they knew that there were a spoilers before hand, then they should've removed them completely from the review, IMO.
The last CV game that I liked was Bloodlines. I simply don't like the action-RPG CV games. I vastly prefer the earlier CV games that were linear and action oriented. The original CV was an arcade game, and that's how I like the series.
And I counter with THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Trek? That toon is older than time itself.
Everyone must remember this one though: Talespin full song
Hey, I thought you left?
Wait, that Star Trek toon came out the year I was born! Are you saying I'm old?
I never watched Talespin or that Rescue Rangers stuff either. I remember the original Chip 'n Dale cartoons where they tormented Donald Duck endlessly, though.
Well I was going to leave, but then I thought I'd PUNISH you more. Now I really do have to go. So be punished...
Death by Gummi Bears! Behold the podcast theme tune!
Holy crap! I actually remember that Gummi Bears cartoon!
However, this should be the podcast theme!
The podcast theme should be just people farting to the microphone.
By what do you mean Earthbound experience?
It's still a good idea to play that game, but you should be ok otherwise.
I also need to get me a copy of the new Castlevania...time to hit the import shops me thinks.
Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
I wonder if there might be an issue with legality when using copyrighted music and such for our podcasts? It may not be a problem considering the size of this site, but it may be something to consider.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Those screens look horribly compressed.
Just look at this.
As you can see there's a hell lot of a difference.
Castlevania DS - It is truely amazing that after 6 interations since SOTN the developers hasn't explored Z-Axis travel and/or design. It truly is.
Warioland DS - If it's anything like "Shake It!" then no. And this makes me sad.
One of the site's forefathers.
There probably is a problem with that. We would need to create our own theme eventually - but there's an appeal to using classic tunes/sound effects.
We could always do classical music. No ones ownes that.
Because we are doing newspaper like stuff, the podcast shoould start like the news
Check this out
Fox News, Edge can be Bill. We get him drunk and hopefully he will act like Bill when drunk.
Hey what did I miss today guys?
I wrote this on GS so I will do a cut and paste job here, like to get your thoughts on it as well.
I have been playing games for a long time, I dont remember I time like this, this year is just stupid insane with the amount of quality games or just plain interesting games. I almost need a chart to keep track of what is coming out week by week. I look at the GGD and I see so many high quality game impressions threads going on at once, I am amazed at how we are even keeping track of it all.
I am wondering how all of you are going about this crazy holiday season. I want to know what games you for sure plan to be playing. I am sure with the wide diversity of people here at least one of us will have impressions from each major game this season. Throughout the summer almost everyone is playing the same games cause there is usually one great one out at a time but at a time like this its like a choose your own adventure book, we are all going to break off into different paths, play very different games. I think it will be intersting to see what path each of us choose.
As for myself, only having a PS3 and Wii help out a lot in terms of choosing games (holy crap do I feel bad for PS3/360 owners wallets). If I had a 360 Fable 2 and Gears 2 would be instant buys but I dont so that saves me money that I do not have. Since I have no money I am spending as little as possible. I have these free rentals every month at BB so with that I was able to play Dead Space. I plan on buying one game at launch and thats LBP. I can't wait for christmas for that much needed boost in money where I plan to buy Resistance 2 (as long as it gets favorable reviews), Fallout 3 and maybe Far Cry 2 (notice all are big games that I can spend many many hours playing). DAMN it I forgot Sonic, I always forget Sonic... damn me and my stupid Sonic obsession, I must own this game, unless its god awful like the last one.
Since I am strapped for cash renting games will be my best friend. BB has a deal where you pay $20 and you can rent as many games as you want for a month. After I tire of LBP (who knows when that will happen) I will buy this card and go nuts on the huge slate of Nov games I am on the fence about. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Bioshock PS3, Tomb Raider Underworld, need to go back and play SH5, maybe Valkaria Chronicles all games I plan to rent. Oops forgot DS games I want to play like Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, may have to rent some of these. Oh and I bet there will be some downloable games I want as well. Yikes. My overall plan is all the single player 10 hours games I rent, the big large titles I buy and I think I will pretend that the DS does not exist until next year.
^^I have no money, so it is easy for me!
Same here.
The only game I'm definately buying for the rest of this year is Animal Crossing. I've requested my family to buy me Tomb Raider: Underworld (Wii) for Christmas, and I also have 4000 Wii Points that I can use to buy future WiiWare/VC games. That's about it for this year.
Still need more (any) reponses for availability.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile