Looks like the podcast is taking a good turn in development. I'm thinking that since we can't agree on an opening theme (well, according to GG anyway), how about we have some different music an episode? For instance, one episode can have the Ducktales theme, another can have some of the music from Jet Set Radio etc.
Yoda, how's the plan coming? If you'd like - I can help you write one out.
I wonder if there might be an issue with legality when using copyrighted music and such for our podcasts? It may not be a problem considering the size of this site, but it may be something to consider.
There probably is a problem with that. We would need to create our own theme eventually - but there's an appeal to using classic tunes/sound effects.
I'm in Canada, and at least until the Conservatives cram bill C-61 through, this is fair use. I'll be my problem to edit out if it somehow becomes a legal issue, but I can quote definitively that I listen to several podcasts more popular than we're ever going to be who have used license music that I'm sure they didn't license to open every show for years.
As for planning, honestly I've only thought about ideas and not laid anything out. While there's the obligatory currently playing and news, thinking games for Halloween could be interesting, and some talk about where 2D currently stands on consoles as per Wario Land Shake It's mixed reaction.
I wrote this on GS so I will do a cut and paste job here, like to get your thoughts on it as well.
I have been playing games for a long time, I dont remember I time like this, this year is just stupid insane with the amount of quality games or just plain interesting games. I almost need a chart to keep track of what is coming out week by week. I look at the GGD and I see so many high quality game impressions threads going on at once, I am amazed at how we are even keeping track of it all.
I am wondering how all of you are going about this crazy holiday season. I want to know what games you for sure plan to be playing. I am sure with the wide diversity of people here at least one of us will have impressions from each major game this season. Throughout the summer almost everyone is playing the same games cause there is usually one great one out at a time but at a time like this its like a choose your own adventure book, we are all going to break off into different paths, play very different games. I think it will be intersting to see what path each of us choose.
As for myself, only having a PS3 and Wii help out a lot in terms of choosing games (holy crap do I feel bad for PS3/360 owners wallets). If I had a 360 Fable 2 and Gears 2 would be instant buys but I dont so that saves me money that I do not have. Since I have no money I am spending as little as possible. I have these free rentals every month at BB so with that I was able to play Dead Space. I plan on buying one game at launch and thats LBP. I can't wait for christmas for that much needed boost in money where I plan to buy Resistance 2 (as long as it gets favorable reviews), Fallout 3 and maybe Far Cry 2 (notice all are big games that I can spend many many hours playing). DAMN it I forgot Sonic, I always forget Sonic... damn me and my stupid Sonic obsession, I must own this game, unless its god awful like the last one.
Since I am strapped for cash renting games will be my best friend. BB has a deal where you pay $20 and you can rent as many games as you want for a month. After I tire of LBP (who knows when that will happen) I will buy this card and go nuts on the huge slate of Nov games I am on the fence about. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Bioshock PS3, Tomb Raider Underworld, need to go back and play SH5, maybe Valkaria Chronicles all games I plan to rent. Oops forgot DS games I want to play like Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, may have to rent some of these. Oh and I bet there will be some downloable games I want as well. Yikes. My overall plan is all the single player 10 hours games I rent, the big large titles I buy and I think I will pretend that the DS does not exist until next year.
Frankly, I'm not buying anything this holiday season.
No, I'm deadly fucking serious about that.
As much as I want to be playing Resistance, Fallout, Dead Space, Far Cry, LBP and more...I don't have the money. And I've got stuff I'm playing through at the moment that I want to finish. GTA is one that I'm just about done with. I can always rent games, and with them being shorter than ever, get through as many as possible. That's how I got through CoD4...
Castlevania and Chrono come out next year here, so there's a chance for me to get some money first before i pick those up.
I posted some video links to the Wii versions of Spider-Man: WoS, and Tomb Raider: Underworld. Both games look great to me.
The graphics in Spider-Man: WoS look a lot better than they did in Spider-Man 3 (Wii). I don't care about IGN's review, I'm going to rent this one soon.
IGN's TR: Underworld videos seem a little washed-out to me, like they have the brightness up way too high, but that could be my monitor. Other than that, the game does look noticably better than TR: Anniversary. I'm certainly looking forward to raiding some tombs this Christmas.
Gamespot actually gave Wii Music a fair review, 6.5. While I don't care about most GS reviews nowdays, I have to give them credit for not going the Matt Assamassina route, and intentionally try to make the game look bad.
The only game I'm definately buying for the rest of this year is Animal Crossing. I've requested my family to buy me Tomb Raider: Underworld (Wii) for Christmas, and I also have 4000 Wii Points that I can use to buy future WiiWare/VC games. That's about it for this year.
Pretty much the same, Animal Crossing is the only game I am guranteed to get between now and the new year. Otherwise I don't have the time or patience for a lot of the other stuff. I have a huge backlog as well as funds needed to get classic cartoons on dvd.
Those other games, they all seem okay, I just don't have the interest. Fallout 3? I would rather get a refurbished 360 HD on xboxstorageupgrade.com and get Shivering Isles. I was irrevocably burned by Fable so I wouldn't touch the sequel with a pole unless given to me. I still have Assasins Creed incoming and have yet to complete Mass effect GTA IV etc.
I personally found GOW to be bland, boring shooter with superb production values. So there isn't much that excites me. Maybe I would pick up Sam and Max season 1 as a fan of the original. World of Goo interests me, but its unavailible here.
I still haven't played Smash Bros for more than 3 hours. I just don't have the time or patience anymore. Otherwise it would be more likely that I pick up Professor Layton or the World ends with you more than some other titles.
You should print them all onto bedsheets and writhe about naked in them.
P.S Someone went to a whole lot of effort to post a lot of crappy Spiderman reviews. LOL
So I just downloaded the Wii update... what a worthless POS
On Thursday, 10/23 starting at 7 AM, the Shopping Channel is undergoing maintenance longer than scheduled, and is currently not in service. We apologize for any inconvenience due to this maintenance. With this maintenance, the following changes will be made.
- Wii Points will soon be called Nintendo Points, and all references as such will be updated. All other functionality with Nintendo Points will remain the same.
- The controller usage explanation screen will be updated.
- The controller usage explanation screen will be separated from the purchase screen. Along with this, the user will be prompted to confirm that they have any necessary accessories before being able to press the Purchase button.
- The design of the icons displayed will be updated.
Sony is getting hit HARD. PS3 is getting whupped by 360 for a straight month and a half now in Japan and sales are declining. PSP 3000 is doing the business, though apparentely it has a F-ud screen with highly visible scan lines. But then their profit is set to drop 57% an estimated £1.7 billion. Double that for a rough american dollar amount.
The Japanese game industry had recorded a terrible sales performance for the week ending Oct 12. One week on, and sales figures are looking healthier for nearly all consoles in Japan, yet the PS3 is sinking further still.
Famitsu’s latest sales predictions show that the new PSP-3000 has boosted sales of the PSP hardware family from 23,901 last week to 156,000 for the week ending Oct 17. It is believed that the 3000 version of the handheld is responsible for at least 140,000 of that total figure.
The PlayStation 3, however, has continued its downward sales slide in Japan. After recording a sales figure of 5,734 last week (a 1,498 drop from the previous week), the Famitsu estimates suggest that the PS3 has dropped again, with the console only managing to shift a lame 4,800 units. That figure puts it 1,200 units behind the Xbox 360, which is now widening the margin between the two.
Sony has slashed its earnings forecasts by 57 per cent and downgraded its operating profit forecast for the full year ending in March 2009.
The electronics' company had expected to make JPY 470 billion (USD 4.8 billion/GBP 2.9 billion), however, profit is now expected to be JPY 200 billion (USD 2.04 bullion/GBP 1.2 billion).
Sony cited the reason behind the drastically reduced forecast as due to flagging demand for its products as well as the strengthening yen's impact on its export business, particularly on the company's videogame activities.
Sony said it also expected its electronics segment, including the LCD television, compact digital camera and video camera businesses, to be lower than forecasted, blaming poor demand brought on by the slowing global economy and greater competition to cut prices. As a result the company's net income is expected to fall short of July's forcast by 38 per cent, dropping from YPY 240 billion (USD 2.4 billion/GBP 1.5 billion) to JPY 150 billion (USD 1.5 billion/GBP 945 million).
This news breaks shortly after Sony Computer Entertainment's president, Kaz Hirai, confirmed that the company would not cut the price of the PlayStation 3 for the Christmas season, despite drastic cuts in the price of its main rival, Microsoft's Xbox 360.
I wrote this on GS so I will do a cut and paste job here, like to get your thoughts on it as well.
I have been playing games for a long time, I dont remember I time like this, this year is just stupid insane with the amount of quality games or just plain interesting games. I almost need a chart to keep track of what is coming out week by week. I look at the GGD and I see so many high quality game impressions threads going on at once, I am amazed at how we are even keeping track of it all.
I am wondering how all of you are going about this crazy holiday season. I want to know what games you for sure plan to be playing. I am sure with the wide diversity of people here at least one of us will have impressions from each major game this season. Throughout the summer almost everyone is playing the same games cause there is usually one great one out at a time but at a time like this its like a choose your own adventure book, we are all going to break off into different paths, play very different games. I think it will be intersting to see what path each of us choose.
As for myself, only having a PS3 and Wii help out a lot in terms of choosing games (holy crap do I feel bad for PS3/360 owners wallets). If I had a 360 Fable 2 and Gears 2 would be instant buys but I dont so that saves me money that I do not have. Since I have no money I am spending as little as possible. I have these free rentals every month at BB so with that I was able to play Dead Space. I plan on buying one game at launch and thats LBP. I can't wait for christmas for that much needed boost in money where I plan to buy Resistance 2 (as long as it gets favorable reviews), Fallout 3 and maybe Far Cry 2 (notice all are big games that I can spend many many hours playing). DAMN it I forgot Sonic, I always forget Sonic... damn me and my stupid Sonic obsession, I must own this game, unless its god awful like the last one.
Since I am strapped for cash renting games will be my best friend. BB has a deal where you pay $20 and you can rent as many games as you want for a month. After I tire of LBP (who knows when that will happen) I will buy this card and go nuts on the huge slate of Nov games I am on the fence about. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Bioshock PS3, Tomb Raider Underworld, need to go back and play SH5, maybe Valkaria Chronicles all games I plan to rent. Oops forgot DS games I want to play like Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, may have to rent some of these. Oh and I bet there will be some downloable games I want as well. Yikes. My overall plan is all the single player 10 hours games I rent, the big large titles I buy and I think I will pretend that the DS does not exist until next year.
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Famitsu numbers are usually a bit off when compared with MCS ones, but they are close enough. It's sad to see those numbers, but Japan is all about portables now.
What the hell got released there to move over 150K PSPs?
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Yeah, definitely. Fortunately, the games that I can't get around to pick up this year will serve wonderfully for all next year!
I finally started Vesperia, and it's freaking awesome! Woo! It's a bit too easy to button mash your way through battles, but I'm forcing myself to use some strategy from the beginning.
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Thanks for reminding me. I may pick up banjo because of the memories. Probably will wait till I can get it cheap though.
steelattack said:
Famitsu numbers are usually a bit off when compared with MCS ones, but they are close enough. It's sad to see those numbers, but Japan is all about portables now.
What the hell got released there to move over 150K PSPs?
PSP 3000, it's like a new model.
EDIT: I saw mantorok on the GAF today. I redirected him here via wii message, hope he shows up.
I wrote this on GS so I will do a cut and paste job here, like to get your thoughts on it as well.
I have been playing games for a long time, I dont remember I time like this, this year is just stupid insane with the amount of quality games or just plain interesting games. I almost need a chart to keep track of what is coming out week by week. I look at the GGD and I see so many high quality game impressions threads going on at once, I am amazed at how we are even keeping track of it all.
I am wondering how all of you are going about this crazy holiday season. I want to know what games you for sure plan to be playing. I am sure with the wide diversity of people here at least one of us will have impressions from each major game this season. Throughout the summer almost everyone is playing the same games cause there is usually one great one out at a time but at a time like this its like a choose your own adventure book, we are all going to break off into different paths, play very different games. I think it will be intersting to see what path each of us choose.
As for myself, only having a PS3 and Wii help out a lot in terms of choosing games (holy crap do I feel bad for PS3/360 owners wallets). If I had a 360 Fable 2 and Gears 2 would be instant buys but I dont so that saves me money that I do not have. Since I have no money I am spending as little as possible. I have these free rentals every month at BB so with that I was able to play Dead Space. I plan on buying one game at launch and thats LBP. I can't wait for christmas for that much needed boost in money where I plan to buy Resistance 2 (as long as it gets favorable reviews), Fallout 3 and maybe Far Cry 2 (notice all are big games that I can spend many many hours playing). DAMN it I forgot Sonic, I always forget Sonic... damn me and my stupid Sonic obsession, I must own this game, unless its god awful like the last one.
Since I am strapped for cash renting games will be my best friend. BB has a deal where you pay $20 and you can rent as many games as you want for a month. After I tire of LBP (who knows when that will happen) I will buy this card and go nuts on the huge slate of Nov games I am on the fence about. Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Bioshock PS3, Tomb Raider Underworld, need to go back and play SH5, maybe Valkaria Chronicles all games I plan to rent. Oops forgot DS games I want to play like Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, may have to rent some of these. Oh and I bet there will be some downloable games I want as well. Yikes. My overall plan is all the single player 10 hours games I rent, the big large titles I buy and I think I will pretend that the DS does not exist until next year.
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
I'm in Canada, and at least until the Conservatives cram bill C-61 through, this is fair use. I'll be my problem to edit out if it somehow becomes a legal issue, but I can quote definitively that I listen to several podcasts more popular than we're ever going to be who have used license music that I'm sure they didn't license to open every show for years.
As for planning, honestly I've only thought about ideas and not laid anything out. While there's the obligatory currently playing and news, thinking games for Halloween could be interesting, and some talk about where 2D currently stands on consoles as per Wario Land Shake It's mixed reaction.
Just making sure everyone knows about it
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFrankly, I'm not buying anything this holiday season.
No, I'm deadly fucking serious about that.
As much as I want to be playing Resistance, Fallout, Dead Space, Far Cry, LBP and more...I don't have the money. And I've got stuff I'm playing through at the moment that I want to finish. GTA is one that I'm just about done with. I can always rent games, and with them being shorter than ever, get through as many as possible. That's how I got through CoD4...
Castlevania and Chrono come out next year here, so there's a chance for me to get some money first before i pick those up.
I posted some video links to the Wii versions of Spider-Man: WoS, and Tomb Raider: Underworld. Both games look great to me.
The graphics in Spider-Man: WoS look a lot better than they did in Spider-Man 3 (Wii). I don't care about IGN's review, I'm going to rent this one soon.
IGN's TR: Underworld videos seem a little washed-out to me, like they have the brightness up way too high, but that could be my monitor. Other than that, the game does look noticably better than TR: Anniversary. I'm certainly looking forward to raiding some tombs this Christmas.
Gamespot actually gave Wii Music a fair review, 6.5. While I don't care about most GS reviews nowdays, I have to give them credit for not going the Matt Assamassina route, and intentionally try to make the game look bad.
Beautiful low score Wii Music reviews come to me.
6.5 for wii music at GS means it must be pretty damn good.
Anyway, my copy of MGS4 finally arrived! Apparently they sent it to 35 instead of 350... luckily the poeple at 35 must've been Splinter Cell fanboys.
Nice. Enjoy it, it's a good game.
You going to be doing the podcast Foolz? We need some Aussie representation...and I can't make it otherwise...
Quiet you.
Vader...have you even played Wii Music yet?
Updates done.
I am actually typing this while sitting on the toilet. Now that is what we call dedication!
You're not dedicated until you committ to the podcast!
I am not the committing type, besides I would probably overshadow you all.
When is the podcast thingy, anyways?!
Look at Yoda's blog.
That is all for the Darth. G'night.
Pretty much the same, Animal Crossing is the only game I am guranteed to get between now and the new year. Otherwise I don't have the time or patience for a lot of the other stuff. I have a huge backlog as well as funds needed to get classic cartoons on dvd.
Those other games, they all seem okay, I just don't have the interest. Fallout 3? I would rather get a refurbished 360 HD on xboxstorageupgrade.com and get Shivering Isles. I was irrevocably burned by Fable so I wouldn't touch the sequel with a pole unless given to me. I still have Assasins Creed incoming and have yet to complete Mass effect GTA IV etc.
I personally found GOW to be bland, boring shooter with superb production values. So there isn't much that excites me. Maybe I would pick up Sam and Max season 1 as a fan of the original. World of Goo interests me, but its unavailible here.
I still haven't played Smash Bros for more than 3 hours. I just don't have the time or patience anymore. Otherwise it would be more likely that I pick up Professor Layton or the World ends with you more than some other titles.
You should print them all onto bedsheets and writhe about naked in them.
P.S Someone went to a whole lot of effort to post a lot of crappy Spiderman reviews. LOL
So I just downloaded the Wii update... what a worthless POS
Sony is getting hit HARD. PS3 is getting whupped by 360 for a straight month and a half now in Japan and sales are declining. PSP 3000 is doing the business, though apparentely it has a F-ud screen with highly visible scan lines. But then their profit is set to drop 57% an estimated £1.7 billion. Double that for a rough american dollar amount.
The Japanese game industry had recorded a terrible sales performance for the week ending Oct 12. One week on, and sales figures are looking healthier for nearly all consoles in Japan, yet the PS3 is sinking further still.
Famitsu’s latest sales predictions show that the new PSP-3000 has boosted sales of the PSP hardware family from 23,901 last week to 156,000 for the week ending Oct 17. It is believed that the 3000 version of the handheld is responsible for at least 140,000 of that total figure.
The PlayStation 3, however, has continued its downward sales slide in Japan. After recording a sales figure of 5,734 last week (a 1,498 drop from the previous week), the Famitsu estimates suggest that the PS3 has dropped again, with the console only managing to shift a lame 4,800 units. That figure puts it 1,200 units behind the Xbox 360, which is now widening the margin between the two.
Famitsu estimates follow:
PSP: 156,000
DS Lite: 34,000
Wii: 25,000
PS2: 7,800
360: 6,000
PS3: 4,800
Sony has slashed its earnings forecasts by 57 per cent and downgraded its operating profit forecast for the full year ending in March 2009.
The electronics' company had expected to make JPY 470 billion (USD 4.8 billion/GBP 2.9 billion), however, profit is now expected to be JPY 200 billion (USD 2.04 bullion/GBP 1.2 billion).
Sony cited the reason behind the drastically reduced forecast as due to flagging demand for its products as well as the strengthening yen's impact on its export business, particularly on the company's videogame activities.
Sony said it also expected its electronics segment, including the LCD television, compact digital camera and video camera businesses, to be lower than forecasted, blaming poor demand brought on by the slowing global economy and greater competition to cut prices. As a result the company's net income is expected to fall short of July's forcast by 38 per cent, dropping from YPY 240 billion (USD 2.4 billion/GBP 1.5 billion) to JPY 150 billion (USD 1.5 billion/GBP 945 million).
This news breaks shortly after Sony Computer Entertainment's president, Kaz Hirai, confirmed that the company would not cut the price of the PlayStation 3 for the Christmas season, despite drastic cuts in the price of its main rival, Microsoft's Xbox 360.
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Famitsu numbers are usually a bit off when compared with MCS ones, but they are close enough. It's sad to see those numbers, but Japan is all about portables now.
What the hell got released there to move over 150K PSPs?
Yeah, definitely. Fortunately, the games that I can't get around to pick up this year will serve wonderfully for all next year!
I finally started Vesperia, and it's freaking awesome! Woo! It's a bit too easy to button mash your way through battles, but I'm forcing myself to use some strategy from the beginning.
Thanks for reminding me. I may pick up banjo because of the memories. Probably will wait till I can get it cheap though.
PSP 3000, it's like a new model.
EDIT: I saw mantorok on the GAF today. I redirected him here via wii message, hope he shows up.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?