Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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robio (21s)
Sorry, accidentely hit the quit edit mode button so it re-posted it as new. I have edited it with Bwii impressions above^
I'd like to know how Too Human turns out. I suspect it's been unreasonably raped by the critics and it's probably better than the review impressions. Well, I hope so
My laptop is on meltdown mode at the moment. I set it to high power so I could smoothly watch some videos and it overheated and shut itself down. The 360 overheats less than this piece of crap. Damn you Toshiba.
Also, whats everyones feelings on Sega's strategy RPG Valkyria Chronicles? I think it looks pretty good. The real time aspect is a great idea.
So the Halo expansion isn't out until next fall? That sucks balls. But at least they finally got the hint that people would like more campaign shit. Too bad they didn't do this for Halo 2.
I'm hoping Mass Effect 2 comes out next year as well. Hell, its been out for a year now, and they haven't said a word about the sequel. If they really want to put 3 ME's on the 360, they almost have to release the next one in 2009.
What I'm interested in knowing is, what are they going to do with the character development? I mean, are they going to let you carry over experience and weapons into ME2? Because that would kind of break the game if you have a bunch of Level 60 dudes with maxed out weapons at the start. Then again, if they strip all your shit and you're down to nothing again, that would be pretty unrealistic. I really have no clue how they will manage this. See, in KOTOR 2 they were able to avoid this problem by using an all new cast. I'm pretty sure ME will carry the same story and characters through 3 games though.
Anyway, I loved Mass Effect. I know some people bash it because its glitchy, but hell, its still a damn fun game. I put 90 hours into it, and I don't play bad games for 90 hours. So I really don't see how people can whine so much about it. I'm dying for ME 2.
Halo 3 Recon? Downloading now but I do not like the sound of that.
Huh, can't tell much from that teaser. Sounds like MOH Airborne if it's about dropping into a zone of a level. They really shouldn't call it Halo 3: Recon though as that makes it sound like an expansion pack.
Dead Rising trailer, looks okay but it's just too empty. From the IGN videos visually it is actually looking okay apart from jaggies and some low res textures it does faithfull reproduce the environments from the 360 version. But crap, they said they are aiming for 100 zombies and they are still hovering around the 10 mark on screen at once.
What is this Discipline game? I checked the link but it's just garbled japanese text and a title screen. Marvelous though are ripping it out with Wii games. This is what I expected from japanese developers, some of the titles aren't or wont turn out to be the greatest, but they seem to be constantly throwing out original titles.
Muramasa trailer? Awful quality I could barely see what was going on. The gameplay looks snappy though that stat screen at the end of every minor encounter is going to annoy the crap out of me.
I haven't encountered a single ME glitch in the same way I have never encountered one of these famous red steel glictches. I must be blessed.
Read my Bwii impressions and get back to me.
There's a bunch of TGS videos up on XBL Marketplace. So far I've checked out Halo 3 Recon, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5, The Last Remnant, and Bionic Commando and they all look really awesome. I'm downloading Street Fighter IV right now, can't wait to see that one.
The Last Remnant looks like some fantastic stuff. I didn't realise that it was coming out Nov. 20th. Sweet. I'll be picking this up probably day one.
I put a ton of hours into Too Human and loved it all. I thought it was a very good game and was under-rated by most.
I'm also dying for any Mass Effect 2 news or even some more downloadable content for the first. I put over 300 hours total into that game and found very little in way of bugs myself. I got stuck 5 times at most inbetween a mineral deposit and surveying post. It was easily fixed by returning to the ship then going back to the planet. Far from a gamebreaker to me.
Tenchu IV
We got to spend some quality time with the game on the eve of the Tokyo Game Show and came away impressed. The Wii is in need of more mature content like this.
Developer From Software is aware of the Wii's diverse user base and has tried to provide an experience that both hardcore and casual gamers can enjoy. The controls have been simplified a bit to ease new players in. Movement is handled with the analog stick; you jump with C;
Praise the lord, no waggle jumps!
objects can be picked up with B; attacking is handled by gesture-controlled quicktime events. We realize the concept of simplifying controls to appease new gamers might be a turnoff for some, but we liked the control scheme when we got our hands on it. The assassinations are very satisfying, and it's nice that you can pull off a variety of graceful killing blows so easily. Rikimaru and Ayume each have around 25 unique hissatsu (assassination) moves. Enemies that are grouped together can all be taken out at once by chaining together gestures. Eliminating three guards at once is a breeze -- as it should be for a ninja.
I've watched the vids and using gesture is really no different than sneaking up behind someone in splinter cell and hitting A to chokehold them. Or pressing X and stabbing them in the back, so I have no problem with that.
These hiding spots are "magnetized" so that flicking the remote will automatically jump you to a nearby shadow. It didn't feel like a gimmick, but rather a way to keep the fluid movement of a ninja going. As a visual cue, now the player will turn black when in shadow to indicate they are hidden from view.
To get a good sense of their environment, players can use their "mind's eye" to detect enemies and items. By hitting the Z button you will enter your mind's eye where the action stops, you can rotate the camera, and important people and objects are highlighted. Red lights emanating from the eyes of enemies indicate their field of vision, allowing you to plan your route. If you are close enough to a guard you might even overhear their voices through the remote speaker, revealing clues about the level.
Even outside of the cut scenes, the developers were aiming for a very cinematic look. In regards to the assassinations, it looks like they succeeded. When a hissatsu is triggered, the camera will unlock from behind the player's back and provide a close-up of the gory details. Both characters have their own assassinations -- around 25 each. Which kill you perform is determined by which direction you swing the remote and nunchuk. Some assassinations are also context sensitive and allow you to use the environment. The ninja can pull an enemy under water and drown them or knock them into a well.
Like many stealth games, levels can be completed in a variety of ways and there are multiple routes available to the player. Bosses can be directly assassinated or more subtle means can be employed, like poisoning their sake. Levels have been split into several stages, after each of which the player is rated on their performance. Kills, style, stealth, restraint, and discipline are all graded. Better scores will unlock sub-missions that extend the gameplay. Whereas the story levels require players to control a specific character, the 50 sub-missions can be played with either Rikimaru or Ayume.
While we were generally impressed with Tenchu 4 there are a couple areas that need attention. The game is being released shortly in Japan but there are some collision detection and AI issues. There were times we would assassinate a guard right in front of another enemy and he just stood there, watching us eviscerate his buddy. But Ubisoft says the North American release next year will be more polished than the Japanese version. The game already has a slick interface, title screen, and menus, but the in-game graphics and AI could use just a little work. Despite the simplified controls it looks like there will be plenty of meat here for the hardcore. Three difficulties are available and after a level is completed its "shadow mode" will be unlocked, adding more enemies to the level and increasing their aggression level.
Holy shit that Street Fighter IV trailer was kick-ass. I just love the whole look of this game.
Any PC link?
The fragile footage ran like a slideshow on my laptop. Love the torch though, thank heavens they didn't take a FF4 approach.
Waiting for the RE5 trailer to download. Ugh, gamevideos takes forever! I can't go for the Bayonetta clip at the same time. Different link please.
Sorry gg I don't know where you can check out the Street Fighter IV trailer on PC. I'm checking these vids out on Marketplace right now.
That Resident Evil 5 trailer is totally friggin' mind-blowingly gorgeous. Simply amazing. Can't wait for March to roll around.
Just saw it. What happened to Wesker? He's like a camp Euro-pop version of himself.
I like seeing the lab areas because it feels a little more like RE to me. I'm still at odds with this game, on the one hand it seems almost too much like RE4 in terms of being a gameplay xerox but on the other hand it seems too different from RE in setting and visuals. I'm torn, strangely though I have no doubt it will be quality game.
WTF is this? A next-gen castlevania coming out? Wasn't Judgement suppossed to be that? Oh no that's right it's a arena fighter. *sigh*
http://gamekyo.com/newsen29226_little-king-s-story-new-screenshots.html pics here
You guys seen this breakdown of TGS games? 360 is kicking it, whilst PS3 in Japan has less games to show? Crazy man.
Nintendo DS - 18.7 percent
Mobile Phones - 18 percent
PC Games - 17.5 percent
PSP - 7.8 percent
Wii - 7.1 percent
Xbox 360: 7 percent
PS3: 3.5 percent
PS2: 1.7 percent
"PC Games - 17.5 percent"?
But PC Gaming is dieing.
I can't wait to try out Valkyria. Should be fun.
GameTrailers sucks for a variety of reasons. Biggest one? They like to think that only America can watch videos, and release fucking stupidly huge video files. I'm not downloading a 500MB version of the 1UP Show that I'm going to delete later down the line anyway.
Shame though, they're good trailers. Go to GT if you need to. Hell, even YouTube...
What this? A Castlevania game for the 360/PS3. Fuck yeah! Awesome news. Thankyou Iga and Konami. Most definately can't wait to see pics/vids on this one. By the sounds of it though it seems to be kind of far of. Still though this is awesome news.
You mean gamevideos right? Their site just freezes my browser and their videos are too big, but too poor quality usually and it's a general pain the ass site. Gametrailers used to be good, they still are content wise but even recentely their site freezes the browser window, so I have to use the old hit pause ASAP and download it the old fashioned way.
IGN doesn't let you download videos unless you are an insider but at least their streaming stuff works pretty well. I just miss the old days when a video would be a text link to either a wmv file or mov.
Wipido seems pretty reliable but only WiiFolder posts videos there. Gamersyde is good admittedly but they don't have the content a lot of the time though I love their "first 10 minute" features.
What’s new for Tokyo Game Show? Everything. Motion controls to perform moves like neck-snapping, drowning, and garotting is only part of the fun. Every little detail, like shaking the Wiimote left and right (with accompanying sword clash sounds) to cycle between game modes and menu options are nicely manicured, and it’s obvious that Acquire are thrilled to be back in control of their baby.
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Hold your horses man, we went through the same thing when they announced a Castlevania on the Wii. The game could be 3D, or even something for another genre (like fighting). So stop thanking me
Little King's Story looks awesome.
About the percentages, please remember that Nintendo is not present on TGS, so the DS and Wii percentages would be even higher. I think Marvelous on the Wii alone account for 6 % of the total of 7.1%. They are on fire!
I think they should port CV Judgement, just to punish everyone equally.
Err, it is an expansion pak....
I haven't played BWii, so why would I have anything to say?
It is? Then what is their next big title? I thought this was it?
When I asked about BWii, I got it because you kept telling me about BW on cube. What are your thoughts on this sequel? What did you hope for for the future?
Did you guys hear this rumour that the NMH game is a DS game? It's subtitle has the classic D-S subtitle.