Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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Archangel3371 (6m)
I just felt like there was something missing from previous games. It's still a good game (a huge improvement over 3), but not what I was looking for, I suppose.
Awesome stuff in the MS keynote.
Metal Slug 7, King of Fighters '98, Arkanoid, and R-type hitting XBLA is freakin' awesome news especially MS7 and KoF '98.
Tekken 6 coming to the 360 is more fantastic news. Too bad it's still a year away.
Halo Wars looks great. I definately can't wait to get that. The Halo expansion is going be really sweet as well.
I'm definately pumped for Star Ocean 4 and March 3rd isn't too far off now. Also really liking The Last Remnant which is certainly on my "to buy" list.
All great stuff. You also forgot Space Invaders Extreme, which is great news.
Makes me want to own a 360 now...
NEW RE5 trailer!!!!!!!!
If the other one made your head explode this one will make your penis explode!
Goddamnit GameVideos - I didn't want to know THAT much about the trailer...
Hmm, I wonder how many more spoilers Capcom is planning to release before RE5 comes out? It would be nice if there were at least few surprises in actual game.
This is Capcom not Kojima.
Anyway HOLY SHIT at the trailer!
...Who is Wesker? I've only played RE4, RE3, and Code Veronica X.
That's what I said. And...OMFG new Muramasa screenshots!!!!?!?!?!?!?? ORGY ORGY!!!!
One of the site's forefathers.
Here's some info on Wesker: http://residentevil.wikia.com/wiki/Albert_Wesker
Isn't he in Code Veronica? How can you not know who he is?
I hate the Bonk games. I downloaded it on VC thanks the reccomendations of a few folk. Ugh.
There's no war on my part. I just wish people would take the time out in a discussion to explain themselves clearly and not freak out.
Game was definetely overated at a number of outlets, it's something like an 8.2-8.5 game. For me they need to cut out the overworld and concentrate on deliverying variety in the levels and sort out the framerate. Or they need to do the overworld properly, by which I mean something as decent as what rockstar do with a GTA game, but on a smaller scale.
Thunderdome 2 go in, 1 comes out. Cue Star Trek fighting music!
Great updates guys keep em coming
Monster Hunter 3 video, camera looks a little FUBAR. They need one button to center/lock on zelda style. Otherwise the thing that stood out for me the most was the animation of the monster, really great, almost hollywood quality at times... until it started stomping about like it needed to pee
NMH2 trailer, well same as before, a pre-rendered jobbie. Nice that they are making a sequel but that reminds me that I have to finish the first game. Still stuck on the baseball lady. Damn, I have so many games I have to finish, GTA IV, Mass Effect, Boom Blox, Okami etc. Sometimes I don't know how some of you guys have the time.
Tenchu IV videos, nice actually. Love that music. It looks like splinter cell but with ninjas. I'm really impressed how they individually animated every single death scene in the game. It makes it look really cinematic. Visually it looks pretty cool too. Sure it has lots of low res textures but it has a nice overall effect except for some horrible looking grass at times.
Its called, Glam (poser) rock, or "metal".
It was huge in America in the 80's, and its still popular in Japan (look at Itagaki). I guess Sonic Team has some fans of that crap.
So I rented and finished Battlefield Bad Company.
Fun game. Its yet another War shooter, but it makes things fresh with its sense of humor, and the fact that there's always something new happening around each battle. A few later missions even have a Mercenaries like openness to them.
The downside is, the campaigns not very long. I beat it in 2 days, likely less than 10 hours. But it does have the online mode which also seemed pretty cool from the short time I played it.
Overall I'd give it an 8/10
Too Human arrived today, so I'll be getting into that.
So Bwii impressions, I have done the first two missions, they are really training missions so I can't comment on most of the game just the gameplay systems in place.
First off, really HUGELY disappointing that you can't use IR to aim and shoot. I mean, you can in a way but it's very loose and pretty useless. Instead what you do is use IR to move the camera, it is like playing a FPS on Wii but you sort of generally waft the controller in the direction of an incoming baddie, hit the lock button and then hold down the fire button. It's just not satisfying, Kuji missed the opportunity of making this game a compelling 3rd person shooter ASWELL as being a compelling strategy game.
Visually it's okay, for some reason my wii's red and green dot problem seems to be amplified with this title so most of the time I am staring at coloured pixels. Otherwise it's one of theose games where the style perfectly fits the game. It's smooth, it has huge fog free environments and a pleasing art style. Sure it's nothing special but it's pefectly fine for what its trying to present. The vehicles though have been lavished with more attention, they are more detailed and have better textures and reflections.
At least some of the wii controllers potential has been used in that you can point to something you want to attack and hit the A button to send your troops there directly. However, to switch between units, rather than just clicking on the icons you have to... ugh... scroll through with the d-pad.
So far it's very easy but it is only the first two missions. Presentation wise it's quite lavish, I would compare it to De Blob in that musically and cutscene and menu wise it's very well done. However it has some godawful voice acting that will grate like hell
At the moment it feels like a light and breezy game with a ton of wasted potential. Hope it gets better.
EDIT: Sonic and the Black Knight trailer?
Er... I really don't know what to say. Nice visuals but I just have little idea how this will play. Could be awesome or could totally suck? As Travis would say.
WTF...didn't you already post that?
Mind Blown.
No More Heroes 2 better have wiimotion-plus control.
Did you guys see the Muramasa and Fragile video I posted? And try to read the Tenchu 4 previews I posted.