Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
On Dailymotion much more superior than youtube
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You go to hell hamster, YOU GO TO HELL AND DIE!
Lol, I also watched Iron Man with my sister, when I was in New York. I hope you were not half unconscious like me!
Lol, I was watching Bravestarr - Brothers Keeper, and found another awesome quote!
The are two criminal brothers, and one I tired of crime, so he helps Marshal Bravestarr. The younger brother get's mad and says:
Younger Brother: "Argh, my own brother tricked me"
Bravestarr answers: "No Billy you tricked yourself, when you thought you could beat the Law"
Finished the updates.
How many of you are PC gamers? I only know Punk. There is some PC news today enjoy PC gamers.
Plus a Dutch advertisement of Wario
Awesome, huh?
P.S. where is everyone?
I am here.
And you committed an infraction of one of my pet peeves. It's spelled "Antarctica", not "Antartica".
I heard several years ago that the hottest temperatures on the face of the planet could be found in either Yemen or Oman, I forget which. Not sure where the coldest place is. Definitely one of the poles. As far as most extreme temperature fluctuations, I've only really heard about deserts.
Oh, and everyone must watch this.
Silence you, Antarctica lover.
Desert's have the biggest fluctuations in temperature in one day. That place in Russia had the biggest fluctuations in one year.
Why are we talking about weather? Dammit Homer, it is your fault.
So...how's the weather?
It is raining cats and dogs man. First it is raining so hard, I thought we had a meteor shower. Than it is sunny and I have to open the window becuase it was getting hot, than it is meteor shower time again. Fuck the weather, and fuck you Steel!
I thought it was raining MEN.
More sexy pictures
Kazushi Sakuraba (the one to the right)
Go Saku
Genki Sudo
Go Genki
Nintendo conference tonight! Woooo!!
I'm excited, please make me a proud wii owner again. Show an actual game game, not mini game crap. Rumor has it another new DS will be shown.
Keep your expectations low, otherwise you might be dissapointed again.
That BIA screen is classic.
WTH man? You bought the first PS2 game? Why not just get either SSX 3 on GC or SSX Wii version?
Movie is good, but I prefer Hero and House of Flying Daggers. Did you see Oldboy yet?
True, as Steel said, I got bored halfway through and gave up. Edge mag said that it is an unremarkable shooter in a remarkable setting and that's true. It's very basic, hell, I'll say it, almost boring gameplay, set in a fantastical setting. But the look is so rigid and stylised and the gameplay never changes so a few hours in and you're bored. Another one of those good-not-great games that has been overhyped to hell and back.
I live in England. An island. Do you even know what that means!!
This is why retro toons rule. I haven't laughed so hard in years. It's like you're watching total shit and yet total brilliance each episode.
Wii 2 in 2011? Hell, Wii came out in 2006, going by the traditional 5 year lifecycle that makes sense. MS broke it with a 4 year Xbox and now Sony want to extend it with a 10 year plan.
This is no suprise to me if it's true, but nintendo probably wouldn't actually reveal it to the public till 2010.
That FFCC game looks like a cheap WiiWare game, where the hell is Crystal Bearers?
No one awake?
When is this Nintendo conference? Oh I guess it's timed for america. It's near the end of Wednesday over here, must be lunchtime in the US.
Oh well, I'm going to do a whole load of updates then. Watch em up top.
Yeah, true for all except Starcom, those lines are epic. Reason why it failed is because it was deemed too mature.
Here another one:
Dash: "Crowbar can you fix it?"
Crowbar: "Was the Big Bang loud?"
Dash: "No there wasn't any air"
And another one
Slim: "..I told you we should've gone by the book. "No StarCom member shall, under any circumstances, board an un-powered pod." Section C, sub-paragraph nine."
Dash: "You're right, Slim. We deserve to be crushed like a sardine can under a steam roller."
Crowbar: "Wait! Maybe I can jury-rig the repellor fields to give us some buoyancy!"
Dash: "[to Slim] I don't know... Is that in the rule book, Slim?"
Slim: "It is now!"
My penis is awake.
Nintendo conference at 5 am according MCVUK that's in 8 hrs. I'll be in bed.
How can you beat this from Defenders of the Earth:
"I think it's time for some karate!" Then he kicks a rock into the face of a stegosaurous.
Yea, but DotE is so bad that it is good, Starcom is just so good. Understand? The best quotes are from Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Farscape. Oh and Lylatwars. Those are quote goldmines.
Demons soul PS3
Sonic and the black knight wii
Valhalla knights Wii
Destiny links DS
Rune factory frontier