Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
On Dailymotion much more superior than youtube
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travo (8m)
Klona Wii remake
Low, what the hell, after E3 they could just fart on stage and it would be better. There is nowhere else to go but up, it cant get any lower. I expect one game, ONE FREAKING GAME from nintendo that is an actual awesome Nintendo game. If they cant give me that then they suck ass and it would not have anything to do with expectations.
You can always go lower Vader, always. But who cares about Nintendo: Marvelous is announcing games by the minute.
Nintendo Conference *crosses fingers*:
Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii Pilotwings Wii
Bioshock is great so far. Hacking hovering robot gun turrets, electrifying enemies and then smacking 'em with a pipe wrench, and the whole atmoshpere of the game is fantastic! I'm about 4 hours in now, and I'm not bored yet.
Yay! Mega Man 9 is finally out on XBLA now. I picked it up and tried a few stages so far to check them out. Seems like a pretty solid MM game and the tunes are ok so far but MM2 will probably still be my favourite in the MM series. Mostly because of the music because the tunes in that game totally rocked me.
Yeah I still like MM2s music more than MM9. The boss music sucks in MM9, what happend.
Wii 2 2011?
(rant) WTF is up this these kinds articles lately? The Wii hasn't even been out 2 years yet, and some people are already talking about replacing it? Are these websites sooo desperate for traffic that they have to make up some speculative BS about what a company might do in three effing years? This is Nintendo they're talking about, and if anything should be certain, it's that Nintendo plays by their own rules. No one can speculate what Nintendo will do except Nintendo. Granted this guy might be right, but who cares? I'm going to enjoy this console for as long as I can before worrying about what Ninty's next console might be like years from now. (/rant)
I'm ready for Wii 2.
Why? Already bored with your PS3?
I love it too...but don't let Punk here you praise it.
Stop lying to yourself hamster. We know you dream of hamtaro
Because I wanted to start with the original. Its awesome. It was also 99 cents.
Most Likely I'll get the whole series on PS2 now that I'm familiar with the controls, and from what I've read the controls were really designed around the PS2 controller anyway. If not I'd go with the Xbox versions for the better sound.
I do want Blur though, but I've read mixed reactions on it, like its not as good as the others.
As much as there will still be games I'll buy for the Wii for the next few years, or at least I sure as hell hope so, I'm ready for a Wii 2 as well. If the Wii had beefier specs that were closer to the 360/PS3, an HDD, and better online service with downloadable videos and demos I think it would be kicking all kinds of ass right now instead of just kicking sales chart ass.
I'm another who really enjoyed Bioshock as well.
Totally agree.
The whole "oh we didn't want to increase the specs too much because we wanted developers to focus on the controller" thing was complete BS. They just didn't want to spend the money on new tech and were afraid it would bomb harder than the virtual boy.
Revolution's controller and idea's with a true next-gen system would be total WIN. It would sure as fuck be getting more real games, that's for sure.
False, you would not be enjoying anything. Wii with 360/PS3 specs would fail hard in sales. No sales no games.
Morning from Melbourne all.
I'm willing to bet that Punchout Wii gets announced. It's been rumoured for yonks, and it's the more plausible out of stuff like Pilotwings and what not.
But yeah, I'm keeping my expectations low.
While it's a possibility that that may have happened it's definately not a garauntee. Also I said closer to the specs not the same as. When the Wii first came out it was said that Nintendo was making a profit of close to $50 on each Wii sold so I think they could have brought out a system closer to the 360/PS3 spec wise and with an HDD for $299. That to me would have been perfect. How close in specs it would have been would have related to how much of a profit they wanted. Sure for that price I certainly wouldn't expect some features such as Blu-ray and it wouldn't have been right on par with the two other consoles but it could have been much closer. I don't think a $50 difference is too high where it would have impacted the sales greatly from what they are now.