Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
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robio (56s)
One of the site's forefathers.
It's a RPG stupid! But with one difference, Paper Mario is fun! Most RPG's are inherently not fun, even battling is fun in Paper Mario. One of the better games on the system.
And if you want to curse at you tv screen, buy F-Zero GX and Mario Sunshine. You shall swear like a sailor than.
I hate most RPG's, but even I enjoyed Paper Mario:TYD . . . at least for a little while. I never did finish the damn thing. But the turn-based battles were at least interesting which says a lot since I despise turn-based games.
F-Zero GX can suck a horse Richard! God, I hate that F-ing game! Well, its difficulty, anyway. Curse like a salor, indeed.
SMS was great! I've played all the way through that game like 5 times; It's my second favorite Super Mario game right behind Super Mario World.
Oh, snap! Did someone say we are getting a forum soon? Woot!
IGN is having a Nintendo 64 Week this week. I enjoyed the N64 a lot, but I still wonder what would've happend if Nintendo had released it with a CD drive instead of those expensive, carts. . .
They'd have won.
EDIT - Man "The Witcher" is really good. Never felt this way about a WRPG since "Deus Ex".
One of the site's forefathers.
High praise! o.o
Not quite as beautiful as the Fragile screens, though. 
I'd have expected it on Munch's Odysse. Perhaps it was enjoying Oddworld so much, that it didn't want to end like I did, so it took the drastic action of killing itself, with the disc in the drive, so that they would forever be one.
I need to play the Witcher. I really do. Especially now that the EE came out.
Speaking of PC games - I downloaded the game that was the inspiration for De Blob...I needs to install it...
From the Nintendo Voice Chat #25 Summary:
Brothers in Arms - Matt says make sure you don’t buy that game. Bozon says Far Cry even has better controls than the game.
Actually that's was the only thing Far Cry did right, the controls. People were questioning why these controls were not found in Red Steel, with those two games being made by the same company and all.
Yes, that's why I said that it was fun. If you ever get a DS again try Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga. The GBA version, the game is a must for all Nintendo fans. And stop lying to yourself. You love F-Zero. Deep down you love it, but it is a harsh mistress, she has rejected you too many times. You are just hurt from the inside and your hate is a mask for your pain. She beat you like a red headed stepchild over and over again. Stop being emo, and beat her now!
Raven did you read this? Stop running from your problems
I will not be happy until I take over the world with Pinky.
Kiss ass.
You being sexist cause I is a girl? *presses boobs against the glass*
If you get it, you have to buy the guide or download a world map. Or have a gba with a connectivity thing. The game is really good in multiplayer but you have to have friends with gbas and link up cables. Single player it can be a shallow but fun hack and slash type game BUT unless you have a gba hooked up there is no freaking map, which makes it frustrating getting lost. Overall it's good-ish but there are many other cube games worth getting over this.
It's pretty special looking. The trailer is great too. I think if you search this site you will find the trailer I posted a while back. This is why I'm okay with Wii graphics on an SDTV. De Blob looks great as well. The only problem I have is that I have the red and green dot fault with my console.
It's an unconventional RPG. Don't think about it like a J or W RPG. It's much better than Super Paper Mario on the Wii. But really you should download the N64 Paper Mario for the price. The cel shaded visuals hold up remarkably well and it has a 25 hr running time and is generally just as good - albeit not quite as funny as the Cube game. But for the download price it's fantastic value for money.
That will be interesting. Impressions please.
There is no map in this game. If there is one fault with it and I mean that literally: ONE fault, the lack of a map is it.
There is this crude radar system. Basically you hold down the A button and a circle appears around you indicating the general direction of things. But it doesn't always show what you are looking for. De Blobs levels have an arcade like aspect in that they are timed, but don't worry, when you acheive points and complete challenges you earn more time so basically you can romp around till you get tired. It's a fairly sandbox-y type approach, but when you do start running out of time you are suppossed to find an exit gate. The levels can be huge and quite similar looking so it's not always the easiest thing in the world to find the gate.
Not only that, the lack of a map means you can't scout out every challenge and make sure that you have done them all unless you trudge through every inch of the environment. Sure completists will love the challenge but I'd rather know that I wasn't missing anything.
It gets boring quite quickly. And it managed to give me eye strain.
Shares in videogames companies have plummeted in the past 24 hours as the wider financial community goes into meltdown, with markets across the world seeing huge amounts wiped off their value.
In the US, following the House of Representatives' voting down a USD 700 billion life raft package, the Dow Jones dropped by 770 points - 9.1 per cent - it's biggest ever one-day drop in history, while the FTSE in London had already slumped by 5.3 per cent on further nationalisation of financial institutions yesterday, with further falls expected today.
Although the sales of videogames have so far shown no signs of slowing, most listed companies displayed in the red today with Activision Blizzard losing USD 3 billion in value as its stock plummeting by 13.8 per cent.
Ubisoft also suffered a huge drop, losing almost a sixth of its value, as shares fell by 14.4 per cent over the day.
Electronic Arts fell sharply, losing 9 per cent on its share price or around USD 1.1 billion of its market value, while Disney stock fell by 9.2 per cent, representing a USD 5.6 billion fall in value.
Microsoft too dropped, by over 8 per cent, shedding around USD 21 billion market capitalisation, while following the close today of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Sony's shares had fallen a further 6.5 per cent, while Nintendo was down a further 4.5 per cent.
But while the biggest falls were reserved for the larger publishers in the industry - Time Warner also fell by over 8 per cent across the day - there was misery for almost everybody in the business.
THQ fell by just over 7 per cent, while SCi dropped by 5.6 per cent and Take-Two fell 4.5 per cent.
It's unclear as yet what the long term impact from the international market meltdown will be, but the industry will be fervently hoping that the old adage about alcohol and entertainment in a recession holds true - and that videogames are high up on people's gift lists in the next couple of months
GG, that Street Fighter image is fucking awesome.
Which one, De Blob or the Witcher? Stupid question, but just to be sure...
Anyway, rumour has it Sony will be showing off 9 previously unannounced games at TGS. If not one of them is the Team ICO game, I shall be disappointed.
EDIT - Sorry, forgot to add to the story that there's going to be three new PSP games to be published by Sony.
De Blob of course! The Witcher laughs at my PC.
About time it was announced to be honest, good timing fro me too!
I like the Dhalsim one the best.
Nice updates guys.
The most badass thing on the planet
Fedor's entrance
You can see the fear in Hong-man Choi's face.
PS4 rumour? Reaching a bit into the future aren't they? Don't they have to wait till the 10 year plan works out?
Anyhow, you guys know I reviewed classic 80s cartoon series Defenders of the Earth right? In my blog?
So anyway, I said in my review: "It's totally brilliant, totally crap and totally the greatest and worst thing you have ever seen in your life"
Well it continues its great streak. Last night these was this episode. Let me set the scene for you.
1000 years ago there was a fight between a great leader panther and a great leader lion. The Panther: Pantheria died and was cremated by the Bandar tribe (the tribe the Phantom protects). The tooth was placed in a sacred hidden temple. Ming the merciless learns of the tooth and so kidnaps the head of the Bandar tribe and forces him to take him to the temple.
Once there, Ming the Merciless gains possesion of Pantheria's sacred tooth, which gives him control over all panthers in the world. So Ming's great plan,
is to use the panthers of the earth to somehow destroy humanity and gain control over the earth.
There is even a line where flash gorden yells in earnest "We have to hurry before Ming unleashes a great plague of Panthers onto the Earth!"
And in the episode before that? Unstoppable space slugs no less.
And the episode after that? Some marine biologist has a device that can telepathically communicate with sea life. So he sets whales, sharks, fish and giant squid out to attack tankers and oil rigs and waste disposal plants. This show is great