FFXIII scenario almost complete.
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Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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He just get so pist off over the dumbest things. And types so..."weridoly". And there's someone else who is like Marcus?
Yeah which is why NSMB looked like crap. Metroid Wii should be like Warioland Shake It!
One of the site's forefathers.
I disagree with you on NSMB looking like crap, but to each their own. Either 2D or 2.5D on Metroid work for me. I'm just getting tired of the first person Metroid games.
I'm not much of an adventure gamer, but let's see.
Imprisoned in a massive dungeon, you escape your cell but as you try to escape, you find yourself amidst a much greater plot and must stealthily unravel the mystery.
Using a faded pallette, but with a not-too-dark design.
Materials gathered will be used in MacGyver style combinations, and enemies will be dispelled by setting environmental traps.
The nature of the design would likely be limited in combinations, so length would be limited, making it a good choice for WiiWare. Moving around would be a control-stick motion, but investigation of an area and items would be done via pointer function.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNot only does your taste suck, so do your eyes >_>
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIT IS THAT GREAT.
I didn't really like the look or "feel" of NSMB. Mario himself, if I remember well enough, looked like a better model of Mario from SM64, but stuck in a 2D environment. Looked really odd.
I want the next Metroid to either be 3D like the Primes, or 2D like the Zero Mission, Super Metroid, and Fusion. NSMB put a bad taste in my mouth that I associate with 2.5D stuff. Dunno if it's warranted, but it's how I feel about it.
OoT Master Quest is a great game. Harder (and, in that way, better) than the normal version of the game, but the dungeons are a bit weird because of it. For example, there are gravestones and keese (bats) in the Deku Tree.
i honestly find it hard to understand how NSMB could rub someone the wrong way so much
. I mean even if you don't find it entirely to your taste surely there is still a lot to like about the game. I personally have played it more than galaxy at this point (not in any way a criticism to galaxy) and i can't seem to stop wanting to play it any time soon.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
...10 years ago yeah maybe.
NSMB sucked so much ass that I returned it the day after I brought it. No joke.
....No really I swear to God I really did return it the next day.
One of the site's forefathers.
NSMB was, at the time, yet another overly easy game from Nintendo. Just like with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, I was very disappointed because of that. Additionally, for a 2D Mario game in year 200X (whatever year it came out), it was WAAAAAAAY too simplistic. Not enough power-ups, for example. And the worlds are much too linear. I would have welcomed with open arms something similar to Super Mario World, but no, I got something extremely weak in comparison. One final gripe I have about it is that at least one song plays way too often. Other Mario games are guilty of this, but at least I liked their repetitive songs better.
On the good side, I actually did like some of the character/creature models (especially skeletal Bowswer), but also, as I said, they seem out of place to me, given the background.
Puke Repels Secks said:
"NSMB sucked so much ass that I returned it the day after I brought it. No joke."
Where did you bring it to?
I actually kinda wish I hadn't bought it, myself. Most of my games I get from Wal-Mart, though, and I'm not sure if they'd accept a return simply because I didn't like it. They always ask what the matter is with stuff, expecting responses such as "it broke" or "it doesn't fit my lard-ass."
What game stores have the "if you don't like it, return it" policy? I wonder if there are any in my area.... I think all we have are GameStop and... maybe EB, but that's really the same thing. Also got Target, Best Buy, and Wal-Mart, but those aren't game stores.
I went to gamestop and traded it in for $15 credit and got Kirby's Canvas Curse instead (I think).
One of the site's forefathers.
Is nice!
The original xbox controller is like putting my hands into a meat grinder.
It's well worth braving for a bout with Oddworld, though. GG, you'll be pleased to know that because I can't play the xbox for long stretches I've started Bully seriously!
Edge said it was the most pure platformer since World not the best! Not yet anyways. Which doen't say much, because World was not that pure either. The feather power-up broke most of the pureness. And talking about the stagggering surprises in the game. Yoshi's Island was the game with the staggering inventive stuff. To be honest most of the level of World were kinda forgetable. I honestly think that the 2D levels in Galaxy are the most fun and pure platforming levels I have ever played. Hopefully you can create gravity changing levels in LBP.
Oh and Vader stop hyping this game, it will make the wait only harder.
When does it get great?
When you play it in 1998 or if you get to the Forest Temple!
Im trying to imagine the gameplay mechanics.
Sounds cool. That reminds me of this old PC graphic adventure I played that had vampires in it.
Lost Winds has great visuals, better than a lot of retail discs.
$2?? Wow. I agree with what you say, but it was still fun
Is FEAR that bad?
It does look like crap. I hate this 2.5 D look. I would prefer a straight up 2-D game. Played well though.
Intro! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxEq7dy3-Ok
It does look rubbish presentationally, I just can't take this 3-D characters in 2-D, almost pre-rendered at times look. That said it's a really good game and the best 2-D platformer I played for ages. It re-creates the mario feel and is a lot of fun.
Sweet. Impressions please. I laughed so much playing this game.
Oh, forgot to add my thoughts on Azumanga and Haruhi.
Digging them. Will be watching more.