FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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Foolz (8m)
Wesker is so sexy.
BTW Sony says all major game sites will have LBP beta keys to give away. So Insert Coin where are yours?
I did not know that. It must be pretty distracting when a knife like object sticks in you I suppose.
Nope, you need to let it out silently then watch the faces of the people around you as they firstly curl their noses up, wondering what's wrong, then suddenly realise and register utter digust.
Then come the accusatory looks and you can look at the person next to you and blame them.
I think he just insulted us. Perma ban!
"though the version we played was at an extremely early stage it's already looking absolutely fantastic.
Just a couple of minutes with House Of The Dead: Overkill should make it clear that its developers know exactly what they're doing and know how to get the best out of the Wii's graphical capabilities. When you see it in motion you'll be really impressed. We're not actually surprised by this: the game is being developed by Headstrong Games, formerly Kuju, who were one of the first teams to start work on the Wii and were behind the fantastic Battalion Wars 2. These guys are experts with the Wii hardware. They know what they're doing and it shows."
"You empty a round of bullets into the first zombie and reload, and that's when the tension starts to kick in: when you realise that Overkill plays differently to previous House Of The Dead games. See, while reloading is still a case of flicking the Remote, it's no longer instant. You're out of action for at least a few seconds as your character puts in another round, leaving you helpless as the zombies move ever nearer. This means you can't just resort to the tried and tested House Of The Dead technique of spamming the fire button and quickly reloading for an almost steady stream of rapid fire. This time you have to be accurate and manage your reloading or you're going to find yourself out of bullets and having to reload just as a zombie sinks his teeth into your neck."
"The best is yet to come though. As you walk to the end of the park you came across a freak show tent. When you walk inside you see a huge, fat man standing with his back to you. Slowly he turns round and you see that he's cradling something in his arms. He drops his guard and you can see that what he's cradling is actually a small zombie child thing living in his stomach, with one leg and one arm dangling out (check the screenshot at the top of this page to see what we mean). The child notices you, points at you and lets out a terrifying, bizarre, blood-curdling scream. And that's when our hands-on time with the game came to an end."
More at the link
"Mark our words, this game is really going to be something very special indeed. Yes, at its core it's nothing more than an arcade-style shooting game, but if it continues to offer the sort of dark, cinematic atmosphere as the section we played, it could be one of the best 'mature audiences only' games on the Wii. With games like this and MadWorld on the way, Sega is showing that when it comes to gory, adult gaming, the Wii doesn't have to be left out."
What game was that?
HOTD Overkill. I updated with bits of the preview above^
why is there just one enemy model?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Good point, but I did notice a second
I'm done with the updates.
Gamestop has Disaster down for a January 2 release in the US.
Last remenant pics
Duh, for some reason I completely forgot an original HOTD is coming to wii. Brain fart.
Bah I'm still really looking forward to picking up Infinite Undiscovery despite the reviews although I'll probably enjoy Tales of Vesperia more. Ah they'll both be enjoyable.
Played a bunch of Halo 3 yesterday and it sure was good to be back. Looks like I'll be doing more of the Halo 3 thing for awhile especially when they release the new map pack which hopefully will be real soon.
The Last Remnant is looking pretty awesome, definately can't wait for that one.
The screens are quite impressive. Till I played HOTD 2 and 3 I didn't realise how cartoony they are. This is a much more realistic style, even over RE UC from the look of it. It has some nice lighting. I think that boss even has normal mapping on his face. They must still be working on the character models though, because like bugs said, you see the same face again and again.
You're doing nothing to dispel your "like everything" persona.
Pfft my so-called "likes everything" persona is totally unfounded an speculative at best.
On an unrelated note I'd totally buy Resident Evil REmake and Resident Evil 0 for the Wii if they ever came out here.
Lost Odyssey rocked so any comparison to that is a good comparison in my book. Don't really recall anything that bothered me about the camera in that game though.
Say it aint so! Don't reward them for that crap.
I think RE0 sold over 30'000 in japan. Multiply that by a retail game price. It's like printing dirty money.
In fact I'm heading off right now to complain on the capcom boards.
Yeah I just recall anything from memory about the camera so I'd probably have to go back to it and play again just to see for certain. I'll get back to it again someday because there is still some things I wanted to finish off like hidden bosses and achievements. It's definately going to be a busy time for 'arr pee geeer's'.
Now why are not logged in Higgins?
Well if it's good then it's good. I buy what I like. I can't hold off on buying something that interests me hoping that they'll do something different. If I like the product and the price for it seems fair to me then it only seems logical to me to buy it. That being said though I personally wouldn't buy those two games for anything more then $30 each unless there were some significant new additions and/or enhancements.
Yeah but I mean, can't you just pick up the GC versions?
It's our policy to have a professional separation between our content and the publishers/developers of said content. These guidelines are used to take away any doubts regarding our integrity towards our huge readership, which is estimated to be around 4. The practical consequences are that we may not receive gift of any kind from the publishers/developers. This includes competitions, money hats, trophy wives and beta-keys. We also do not accept any advertisements from said publishers/developers, for it may lead to conflict of interest. It may be difficult for our readers sometimes, but our policies are made for their benefit.
Sony approached us with the Beta keys and begged us to put it on our site, because they wanted to receive feedback from our readers which include a Tanooki with one testicle, a Geek of Gaming, A Wesker loverboy and God himself. We have to regret that we cannot receive anything from Sony, because it could lead to conflicts of interest. We shall not be brought by Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft.