Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
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Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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travo (55s)
Ah I see.
That Disaster trailer looks really good. Maybe this isn't a lost cause after all?
I just looked up Tatsunoko on Wiki and to my surprise I have seen quite a few of their series. Some of them that I saw where: Bob in the Bottle, Samurai Pizza Cats, Teknoman, Robotech, The Littl' Bits, G-force and Adventures of Pinocchio. Man I would love to play as the Samurai Pizza Cats or Badbird.
Pretty sure no. But it seems familiar in atmosphere to a few 80s toons.
I'm mulling over getting season 1 of thundercats on 12 discs for around $34
Is it CG or gameplay? I can't watch it here till I get home later.
I vaguely remember samurai pizza cats. Anything else is kinda, bizaare on this end.
No it isn't, Starcom is made with the help of Young Astronauts’ Council. So it means that the technology and settings are all mostly scientifically correct. It is actually a bit too technical for the younger viewer. Check it out on youtube if you have the time.
Ah. Lighten up, my friend. Even though this new shit doesn't hold a candle to their old stuff, it's still listen-eable. I mean, after 20 years of recording SHIT, this kind of effort sounds rather good. They won't be what once were anymore, but it's good to see them at least try.
Rare is outdated?
Firstly, you have a character limit for titles and subtitles dear updatoror blokie.
Secondly........... ouch Peter.
i hate to be negative but i'm not sure i like how street fighter is turning into darkstalkers or something. not so keen on the brighter more comic-like look.
on another note ... i recommend reading eurogamer's review of Dragon Quest IV DS. The game will probably be quite awesome and it's entirely possible that it will fly under most people's radar outside of Japan. Looks like Square-Enix really did a great job with this one, i can't wait to play it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It is not Street Fighter it is Capcom vs Bob in the Bottle and friends. I hope they manage to bring this over in the West. I saw most of the cartoons and I want to play with Speedy Service dammit. Samurai Pizza Cats intro
oh i see. that makes sense.
unrelated: apparently there is a new really awesome suikoden game on DS. ign has a length preview and they were thoroughly impressed. i have never played a suikoden game so i don't know what to make of it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I should read that.
I'm with you on streetfighter, well capcom vs tatsunoko. It's different, but whatever. Capcom is still in my ****box.
At least till I see cleaner Monster Hunter 3 screens. All the DQIV reviews I have seen so far are pretty damn postive. It looks like a lighter RPG which will suit me more so it's a probably buy for me eventually.
There are FAR too many RPGs on DS though, it's at the point where it's almost saturated with the damn things. I want more graphic adventures, platformers and just new ideas.
I've said from the beginning that Rare joined with the worst possible company considering their style. I don't think its that Rare's outdated or not relevent anymore or anything like that. I think they just DO NOT fit in with the Xbox image at all. Xbots don't want Viva Pinata or Banjo....they want Halo and boobs.
Rare with either Sony or Nintendo would not have gone through the struggles they have with Microsoft. I just hope they get away from Microsoft at some point so they CAN go somewhere they are appreciated.
Meanwhile, the Wii desperately needs MORE RPG's.
Man this game sounds ruthless. You see Capcom? When you put good production valued and budgeted games on the Wii THEN nobody complains.
Anyway the announcements of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Tenchu IV, House of the Dead Overkill, and Kizuna for Wii a couple months before their release has me thinking that publishers are following Nintendo's release formula. I can only imagine hope what other games developers are making that we don't know about yet.
One of the site's forefathers.
Microsoft needs developers like Rare though. It's not about selling these games to the current consumers it's about broadening your game catalog and bringing other types of gamers onboard and supporting their tastes as well.
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom looks great so hopefully we'll see it released outside of Japan. I would prefer a 360 version myself because of the much better online structure but I'd still pick this game up if it was Wii only.
Watching that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom trailer got me really pumped for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Now that's a game I'm dieing to get.
I will check that out. I have a huge list of stuff to sift through as well as still having 3 batman discs and 15 tintin movies to watch as well as polishing off the last 14 episodes of Blood +.
I think some reviews made an interesting point in that rares games like viva for instance have this accessible image but for the audience it's far too complicated. I have seen some reviews saying that the DS version is better and more intuitive. Some said something like it was the right game on the wrong platform. I think if they had stayed with nintendo than simply because of the software situation on Wii and given their second party status (assuming they hadn't left) they would have done well. As they had a great mindshare with nintendo through donkey kong country to starfox adventures.
Yeah it is somewhat bizaare seeing games announced for a release in like 4 months. But also it's not like these games look like rush jobs, it's just that we are used to watching games through years of development.
Would you buy SF IV on 360 and Tatsunoko on Wii? I think if MS is serious about reaching a more casual audience on 360 they need a complete overhaul, a re-design, re-branding, a gimmick and a ton of software support. Nintendo has been almost omniscent in it's ability to take what outwardly looks like a weird dud, and turning it into a casual gaming phenom. Brain Training, Brain Academy, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play and now Wii Music, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing (sold more than Halo 1 and 2) Pokemon.
But what's interesting is that casual knock offs don't sell, all those brain training rips don't sell 50 billion like the original. So there is something about the games, or something about the marketing or just brand name power that is pushing these games.
I'm trying to cut out some MH3 pics for you guys.
Quality it is. Nintendo's casual games >> 3rd party's shovelware
More coming, watch this post, I will edit.