Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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People do not, I repeat do not forget Little King's Story. Not buying that game means I will hunt you down and end you! The same thing applies to Wario Land!
I rented SW TFU, here are my opening impressions:
OMGBBQCHICKN!! Playing as Vader is the most awesome thing ever!! The first "level" has you rampage Kashyyyk as Vader and he is insanely powered. Lightsabers strikes instant kill, force pushes destroy everything in its path (trees splinter apart), he has no lighting but a force choke move. My favorite thing is that he is slow, no dash move, he just confidently walks and kills everything. When someone shoots at him he will sometimes deflect the blast with his hand, its awesome. No one really posed a challenge but man was it fun to feel like a Jedi/Sith and not have a club for a lightsaber.
The level ends in a boss fight with a Jedi and the camera goes into this duel mode view, it zooms way out and it stays in one spot, you then move about the area like a fighting game. It was a bit rough, not fluid at all, didn't really feel like two Jedi's fighting but at least the force powers got used in interesting ways, your enemy drops Tie-fighters from the sky onto the level. Overall still good fun.
The story fan freaking tastic so far. I dont even want to play this game, I just want to watch it. All it took was a few lines and one scene and you already get a good sense of the apprentices character along with his sidekick droid Proxy, which is like HK mixed with 3PO, so its all kinds of awesome. So far voice acting is top notch, the way the scenes are shot with the music is very cinematic. Speaking of the music, excellent use of the music, unlike so many SW games that feel the need to create their own score this one mixes new with old beautifully, already there was the perfect use of the Order 66 song.
I went into the options screen and check out the move list and upgrade options, I am very impressed. There are a ton of powers, moves, even lightsaber upgrades to be earned. Reminded me a lot of Jedi Knights system but with maybe even more combos. The game includes a database of everything, full back-stories to all characters its like a mini encyclopedia.
Overall very impressed, the gameplay is probably going to be the same as the demo for the most part but it seems like a pretty deep game. I did notice some technical issues like lots of screen tearing, voices out of sync, and frequent loading to get into menus, but besides that really great start. I am at the part of the demo now, with the whole upgrade system in place it will probably be more fun.
I won't be buying it; I'm getting Animal Crossing: City Folk instead.
I may rent it if the reviews are good. The game just doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
I'll also be renting Wario Land Shake when it comes out. I think Nintendo has vastly overpriced that game here in the US. $50 for a 6 hour 2D game? No, thanks.
I did rent the Wii version of Star Wars: Force Unleashed today. Unfortunately, I have too much homework to do tonight, and won't be able to play it until tomarrow.
But Spider-man 3 was great (IMO).
That's my list. Green = Definate buy, Orange = Maybe, Red = No.
One of the site's forefathers.
Oh, the reviews better be good or else! Where did you get the idea that Wario Land is 6 hours? If you go for 100 % Bozon said it is longer than Galaxy. Besides if this game sells, there is a greater chances of another 2D game on the Wii. So buy it or else...
My PIF List:
(Means Paid in Full)
16-Sep Dragon Quest IV NDS
24-Sep Disgaea NDS
21-Oct BioShock PS3
22-Oct Eternal Sonata PS3
22-Oct Away Shuffle Dungeon NDS
22-Oct Spiderman: Web of Shadows PS3
22-Oct CastleVania: Order of Ecclesia NDS
28-Oct Fallout 3 PS3
11-Nov MK vs DC PS3
12-Nov Valkyria Chronicles PS3
19-Nov Prince of Persia PS3
25-Nov Chrono Trigger NDS
07-Jan Little King's Story Wii
13-Jan Bionic Commando PS3
04-Feb Street Fighter IV PS3
25-Feb Mad World Wii
03-Mar God of War 3 PS3
13-Mar Resident Evil 5 PS3
Green = PIF
Yellow = Deposit Placed
I read it on GoNintendo a few weeks ago, I think. I also heard some are people say that it only takes around 10-12 hours for 100% completion. IGN AU Review states that that game can be completed in a weekend. Either way, I can complete the game within a six day rental period. Besides, I just bought a $500 laptop last week, so money is super tight right now. As for Bozon, I think he's full of crap.
Man I'm so addicted to Devil May Cry 4. It doesn't have as much soul as 3 but gameplay wise it is notably better.
Oh and poorly implemented controls? Seriously is it really THAT hard to have decent control in this games? Didn't Twilight Princess have responsive waggle controls? And that was a launch game...Wait didn't the orignal have control problems too?
So what is this then? Lazy Wii Devs and SEGA Nostalgia?
One of the site's forefathers.
One of the site's forefathers.
I did not see that coming.
But all 3 are shit. :/
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! BOB in the Bottle!!!! Day fucking one. Bob, Bob in the bottle he so nice, Bob, Bob in the botlle turn's the place into paradise. GG beter put this in your childhood blog.
What does that mean? Is Toys r us having a sale next week?
Also, why doesn't anyone think Socom will be good? Also, why is everyone dissing Tomb Raider?
Also, I know there's great games that I didnt put in that list....some really big ones. That's because I only put down the games that were coming in bunches. Doesn't nesessarily mean I'll be getting all these games. As a matter of fact:
*I don't know how to add color.....LOL*
Dead Space Oct. 14 DEFINITE BUY
SOCOM:Confrontation Oct. 14 Greatest Hits BUY
Far Cry 2 Oct. 21 DEFINITE BUY
Bioshock Oct. 21 Had on 360...may BUY day 1 if its good enough.
Fable 2 Oct. 21 DEFINITE BUY
Little Big Planet Oct. 21 MAYBE
Mirror's Edge Nov. 11 PROBABLE BUY
Banjo & Kazooie 3 Nov. 11 BUY
Call of Duty:World at War Nov. 11 PASS
Mushroom Men Nov. 11 NOT SURE
Tales Of Symphonia 2 Nov. 11 NOT SURE
de Blob Sept. 22 PROBABLE BUY
Warioland Sept. 22 PROBABLE BUY
Prince Of Persia Nov. 18 DEFINITE BUY
Tomb Raider: Underworld Nov. 18 DEFINITE BUY
Left 4 Dead Nov. 20 Hoping for PS3 version....
Done the updates. have to jump in the car! Back soon!
Car has to wait. I have to address such tool-age. Highlight your text, hit the arrow next to the A icon up top^ and select your colour.
Where's my fucking PS3 port Capcom?
If you're multi-plat developers, then you'll fucking do it...
Keep em coming D. I'm still not going to buy it because of all the reviews, but I may rent at some point in the future.
Damn you. Game is not out till 09 in Europe.
Either you're rich or crazy or both. Hey you and Edgecrusher are the same, how can you guys play so many games??
Who or what is BOB in a bottle?
Should I be interested in this over SF IV? It looks like it's 2-D like something that would have been on the Dreamcast in 2000. Don't rape me, 2-D fighting fans, I'm just wondering. What the hell is a Tatsunoko?
Shame on you sir. First Starcom and now Bob in the Bottle! Shame on you! Bob is a genie in a bottle. He grants a kid all what he wishes, but it always go horribly wrong. So awesome.
Fuck you.
Capcom's been pretty quiet following the shocking announcement of Monster Hunter 3's platform switch from the PS3 to the Wii. Now, with more than 2.5 million sales of the recent PSP version firmly establishing the series as one of Japan's biggest, the Wii version has at long last come back into the spotlight with a huge blowout in the latest Famitsu.
The magazine scored an interview with two key hunters, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and director Kaname Fujioka. The concept for the game, according to Tsujimoto, is to restart Monster Hunter from scratch, filling the game with new ideas. The switch in platforms from the PS2 to the Wii was one of the reasons for this big rethinking of the series, Fujioka explained.
Monster Hunter 3 will place players on a new field: an unexplored island. This setting appears to offer a lot of variety, from thick forests, to dark caves, all the way to deep underwater environments surrounding the island.
The two developers spoke at length about the new swimming component of the game. Players will have full swimming controls over their in-game counterparts when exploring the underwater environments. Outside of hunting for giant submerged beasts, you'll also be able to hunt fish which can later be used as ingredients.
While you'll have most of your land-based abilities available to you while underwater, including the ability to use long-range weapons, you'll have to keep one thing in mind when swimming: air. You have an air gauge which depletes with time, similar to your stamina gauge when running about on land.
In addition to the water environments, you'll be able to explore dark areas, like caves. To light up your surroundings, you make use of torches. Without torch light, these areas would be too dark for hunting.
MH3 will also include brand new monsters. Capcom is approaching this area of the game from a fresh start as well. Fujioka expects that the monsters reappearing from past installments will have a certain freshness about them.
One particular creature is getting particular attention. An giant underwater dragon creature, who happens to be known as king of the waters, is the game's main monster, Fujioka revealed. This dragon can actually survive outside the water, so players will be able to face off against him while swimming or walking, depending on preference.
Monster Hunter 3 will see the return of one element of the series that has been missing from the recent PSP entries: online play. Online mode can be played in four player groups, just like the PS2 installments.
The game retains the concept of a "city," which acts as a lobby for chatting and meeting with other players. When playing solo, this city becomes a village that slowly expands with new facilities and access routes for the island.
While Capcom isn't ready with a final release date for Monster Hunter 3, the game is far enough in development that it will be making a playable appearance at the Tokyo Game Show, which kicks off in Japan on October 9. Expect full hands-on impressions from IGN's monster hunters then.
Yes, but I did not know that when I was a kid. See one episode for yourself. It's english with Dutch subs.
Oh and here is the Starcom Space Force opening. Are you sure you never seen this one before?