Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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Doesn't work like that. There's a large downtime for instance if I don't post anything from the afternoon to the next morning my time, same for Iga he's only 1 hour ahead of me. That's when america is awake and buzzing. Then I log on the next day and see that there hasn't been any updates since my last one the day before. So I have to fill it up. And it doesn't feel worth it sometimes when our regulars aren't so regular.
I was so bored I checked my messages on GSpot and ended up on the ROF. Godmode posted:
"Hahahaha I think these are a great idea Skylock. Im happy to see our original creation of the RoF taking off so well. It all started so small and innocent and now this place is the leet de leet."
"I wish GG and Edge were here to see how awesome our little hovel is doing now"
I wish he'd have visited this place more than once. I don't think he even responded to our replies last time. A bit pointless. I think Phantom and Godmode are the only reason I miss the GSpot these days (not that there aren't other good people)
So Skybabie is a ROF member now and the mods are moving in. Or they are making everyone mods anyway
Except for that troublemaker Dvader.
We really need some boards here.
It's just my preferred platform for all multiplatform titles. For me the achievement system and friends list are a big enough reason to get this version.
Achievement is in all the versions and Megaman is not a multiplayer game anyways, so who cares about friendlists? Plus the Wii-version looks more 8bit and the D-pad >> 360 Dpad. Wiimote on the side = best way to play 8bit games. And it is released first on the Wii.
I guess thats true GG, I can only speak for myself, I mostly game at night, so I am not online much. My primary news checking time is the afternoon, and by then most everything is up.
As for the ROF what happened was GS had a redesign, in our personal pages you can now see what was your last post and where that post was written, so the Ring of Fire was showing up in our pages. All of a sudden out of nowhere Skylock enters the board, it was the strangest thing, since he is a mod he can enter any board and he discovered this through out pages. So when he came in he was like "man I feel out of the loop", well that was cause he was not in the loop.
But the strangest thing happend, he is awesome and hilarious at times. Its like a different skylock in there, he still keeps that sense of maturity about him, like he wont go totally stupid like we do, but he lightened up so much.
The ROF is awesome, can you go in there GG, if so check out the whole Star Wars PC vs console post I made. Or I will post it here if you want.
It will have online rankings so friend lists will come into play. I am getting it on the PS3 for that and cause I dont want to take up space on the Wii.
Why does Megaman has achievements anyways? In the good old days the only achievement you needed was knowing that you have beaten the game. That was enough.
Shh.. achievements are a good thing.
No they are not, they are evil!! EVIL!! Besides isn't MM9 supposed to be old skool, why achievements?
Yeah I know they all have achievements in them but I like the 360's achievement system better with the gamerscore thing and all. I know there is no online but I want to follow my progress and compare myself with my friends on to 360 leaderboards. While the Wii-mote on it's side may be nostalgic and all I really don't care much for how it feels anyway picking up the classic controller for the Wii was one of the very first things I did when I got the system.
I did an update yesterday. Everybody fuck off.
So I went and grabbed Yakuza 2 at Best Buy. Probably won't play it for awhile, but I felt like grabbing it before its hard to find. I also pre-ordered Silent Hill 5 from Gamestop, and as I was going through their site I noticed alot of older games I either don't own anymore and wanted back, or games I never had, for real cheap. So I nabbed a bunch of them, including SSX, Sled Storm, Max Payne, Mafia Xbox (runs horrible on my PC), Twisted Metal Black (no idea why I got rid of this), Mark of Kri (ditto), and Maximo.
So I started playing 2 games this week: Ninja Gaiden 2, and.....wait for it...........BOOM BLOX! (Yes, I finally got to it)
Really liking both of them. I'm baffled as to why people said NG2 isn't as good as the original so far, as I'm loving it myself. Its not some huge difference or anything, and its not as impressive production-wise as NG1 was for its time, but it plays smoother and the combat feels more satisfying IMO, and its also a great looking and sounding game. Also quite a bit more brutal than the original. Great stuff, definitely liking it more than DMC4 so far.
Boom Blox is simple fun. Pretty humorous and funny, and quite clever in its design. It kind of seems like something that would have been a downloadable game on the other machines, as its basically a simple puzzle game. Also seems kind of short, as I'm blowing through the game and I've only put a few hours in. Its definitely fun and addicting trying to figure out the best way to knock down the blocks.
And I need to get back to Persona 3.
Yeah I can go in. Remember it was you me, godmode, flames and steel who were the original 5 in the ring of fire, then we started that game tournament and edge was invited? I check it out if I'm seriously bored like once every 3 months or something, just to see if everyone is okay. I'm sort of happy enough here and it doesn't seem so awesome to me, to want to go back. But gamespot burned that bridge so I feel no need to go back there.
I remember you saying that you dont check news till the afternoon.
No, everyone here can post articles, so it's not just Dvader. He was part of the original scheduled posters and he did his updates reliably. Yeah if we think about it as the original news guys:
Than, Steel isn't really here that much. (I don't mean anything bad by that but from what I see Steel and Dvader have a Gamespot/Insert Coin ratio of about 80/20). I don't blame them, there are more people at Gamespot and some of us here are ones who chose to leave.
Raven is busy and Hires just pops in from time to time. Hi man!
I think free for all is a great concept that should work, but people have to use it. If they don't than we end up posting more. I think we need another couple of volunteers, a new schedule but also still having the option open for people to post updates as and when they break. I've been fairly happy recentely in that there has always generally this week been someone to chat to, whenever I have logged on, whether it be Darth or Bugs, or Iga or Punk etc etc.
Again I think we need the forums.
LIES!!! Achievements rock. They were a stroke of genius.
They are only evil when it drives people to play crap games just to earn points, but I put that on the gamerscore system not on the achievement system. Achievements allow you have new goals, plus it allows others to see that you have accomplished those goals, excellent system. MM9 is old school where it counts the gameplay and graphics, I am glad its filled with quality extras.
I know that in reality you are just scared of achievements cause then we will all see that you suck at this game.
I just unlocked Super Mario World demo and I tried playing it with the Gamecube controller. Horrible, horrible it was. I need to buy the classing controller to play Snes games, but the wiimote is good enough for Nes games. Why would I need more buttons? Unless of course the Classis im more comfortable? In Japan they have a Snes controller for the Virtual Console, wish they brought it over here
. So you admit you are a gamescore whore? 
You dont have a classic controller? Go get it now, its so nice. I love the big d-pad.
Yeah Ninja Gaiden II is totally freakin' awesome. Easily the best action game I have played since NGB. It'll start getting tougher around half-way through and I think most people's complaints focused on the middle portion of the game. The last few levels are incredibly freaky cool.
Silence you! In the old days you made your own goals and they you did them. Like trying to collect all the coins in Mario 64. Or doing the time trial shorcut in Mario 64. I did not need achievements for that. The kids these days have no imagination at all.
I think its the little noise and icon that makes all the difference. I will admit it with the trophies on PS3, when that little icon pops I am like WOOOOO!! no matter how crappy the achievement was. So dumb when you think of it but it works.
Did you update a NG2 patch or something? I heard the camera was awful.
How far are you in Boom Blox? I think maybe you're underestimating how much content is there. It has over 300 levels and challenges and it's not till you are about 60% in that you realise how much variety there is in the game. Also are you just passing the levels or going for the gold medals? Unless I have a gold I am not satisfied. Don't forget about the level creator (plug the nunchuk in for that) and all the challenge modes which open up as you earn gold medals in the game. For instance the adventure mode in this game is only about 20% of the game as a whole, another adventure mode opens up after you complete it and you have to try the multiplayer with a group of friends, it can be brilliant fun. It's the kind of game anyone can get into but it has depth because of the physics and yet is simple as hell to understand and get into.
For people who haven't played it, let me explain. Each level has a medal system for instance you have 5 balls to knock down some towers. If you use 3 throws you get a bronze medal, 2 throws for a silver. And if you find that magical single killer shot and topple it all in 1 then you get a gold medal. It is supremely easy to retry a level so you always go for that gold medal as it becomes compelling.
Yeah I find the classic controller just feels much more comfotable. Even though I basically grew up with a NES controller using it now just seems so awkward. I'm not quite a gamerscore whore because I won't play games that I don't like just to get points but I am enough of one where it will be a big enough draw for multiplatform games to get the 360 version unless it's horribly busted in some way though. I guess I'm a gamerscore whore 'light'.