Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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I'll make sure to have plenty of healing crap for the middle then.
Not stupid, but clever. It is clearly a brain washing mechanism used for taking away all individual thoughts, making you a rabid consumer that buys things your master tell you to.
You truly do like everything
Just kidding.
Guys, this is from an ONM staff writer
Naturally, you can expect more big titles nearer Christmas. Although some of these games may slip beyond Christmas, as far as we know just now Wii gamers can look forward to the likes of Animal Crossing: City Folk, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels, Wii Music, WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009, Sonic Unleashed, Shaun White Snowboarding, Call Of Duty 5, Tomb Raider Underworld, MySims Kingdom, Dead Rising, Skate It, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3 and maybe a few other surprises that some big developers may still have up their sleeve (wink, wink).
Big developers? Secret winter games? Whaaaaaa?
The camera seems the same as the original game to me. Maybe it was the update that fixed it, I don't know.
Um, I think I passed all the levels up to the poison stuff, forget the name. I'm trying to get at least silver on all levels. I'll finish it then maybe go back and try to get all gold.
BTW I love how this place even has people to chat to at the weekends. I remember even last sunday was active with no news. Sundays are usually dead any place.
Well it WAS a Micro$oft idea.
Poisen? Eh?
Let's see what they have. They have Explore mode with grabbing, throwing, shooting, bomb placement, mine exploding. Then explore challenge which is a harder form and a similar number of levels. Then adventure mode which has 4 sections, medievil jungle, western, zombie kittens. Then adventure challenge mode which is around the same number of levels but harder.
Then you have the level creator which is great, I need to send you a couple of things. The mutliplayer has around 30 or so levels to try out too.
Hearing that little achievement chime is like a nice shot of satisfaction. I also like them because they act as a tangible verification that your friends can see. I like the gamerscore as well. I fall in the middle ground since I don't whore on games I'm not interested in just to boost it but I do love getting the most points out of games I do like. Trophies will be the same way for me as it'll be just a collection I'll enjoy building.
I want Boom Blox...
I have a free rental at BB should I rent that or hold off and own it down the line. In fact why don't you guys choose what game I rent, remember no 360. Give me suggestions (I was thinking Mercs 2).
Okay, I'm not even close to done. The game makes you think you're making more progress than you are. Those levels where you have to pull blocks out trying not to tip the top over is a pain in my ass.
I played the mercs 2 demo, it is fun but definitely a step below the first game. Very unpolished. You can tell they got caught in between making a last-gen and next-gen game, and ended up fucking both up.
How about renting Biko 3? On the PC!
GIMP is a free, fully featured image editing tool, and Paint.NET is a free Photoshop clone.
Everything in your last paragraph is only done via server-side programming. This is due naturally to the fact that the data has to be stored, and to do that you need an interface with the server from which people are accessing your site. The big guns in server-side are PHP, ASP.NET and JSP.
I'm a big PHP proponent due to being a very code-oriented programming (I'd rather just edit the text). It suffers from unfortunately bad error reporting though. ASP.NET has shifted toward development using Visual Studio and C# as the programming language. It lets you do some complex things in a really short timespan, but I find doing much in the way of details a huge pain. JSP I need more time with, but it's not exactly inviting.
Covering JavaScript but not CSS seems entirely weird to me, but JavaScript works as a good introduction to programming languages. It's very loosely typed (not strict in syntax), Firefox has clear JavaScript error reporting, it is a fully fledged programming language (includes variables, conditional statements, loops, functions and to some degree, objects) and doesn't require anything additional to run.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo is Nintendo going to let Rare put an N64 in BK3?
"Though Banjo 3 strays from the tradition of its predecessors, you can expect to see some Rare staples. There'll be humor aplenty, some videogame in-jokes, cutesy characters, and lots of things to collect. So stop crying over the fact that this isn't your daddy's platformer. That's the point. It's better than that." -IGN
Ign claims BK3 is the best one yet, despite how different it is? I'm hoping its great obviously, but I'd be shocked AND awed if its better than the olde games.
Do the have a new preview over at IGN? If yes post it in the news section! Banjo Kazooie was my second favorite platformer after Mario 64. I do not expect the new game to be better judging from the videos, but Xbox has almost no platfomers on it. So I hope the game scores and sells well.
There's just a couple of paragraphs in the "Xbox 360 Games of Fall 2008" article.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI dont like achievements. They just pop up on my screen and break me away from the immersion in the game. They also reward pointless crap. I prefer something like the Goldeneye cheat system, which you earned through trials.
Rent Oldboy.
It's Jenga man
But you don't have to clean up or re-assemble. And there are baby gorillas who depend on you! Let me see, you start off just throwing balls to knock down towers in boom blox. Then you start pulling out blocks in jenga style. Then you have the bomb balls to protect your gems or destroy rival castles. Then you get to blast inside a mine and bounce balls off the walls to collect gold. Then there are the missions where you act as a demolitions expert and plant explosives to collapse structures. Then there are shooting missions either in zombie land or wild west. Then there are placement levels where you have to arrange blocks to defend the path of a kitten. Then there are levels where you use a hose to knock blocks into point zones.
There is a lot of variety overall. I still haven't finished it, the challenge modes are tough.
I heard about the gimp, someone said to search for it on google and I was a bit wary as a gimp is like some guy in a leather mask.
I should get it. The rest of what you said, I have no idea. Right over my head, but thanks.
That's weird, the previous IGN preview via Matt Wales said it was dubious as to whether this was any good or not.
Man, I checked out all the "GAMES OF FALL" lists...starting with PS3, 360, DS.....then I go to Wii and it was fucking sadness. The DS lineup destroys Wii. And the PS3/360 lineup just obliterates it. There should be a hell of a lot more great games coming out this fall on a 2-year old system this popular. What the fuck Nintendo...
PS3 and 360 lineup's are very close, I'm not sure which I'd give the edge to. They each have some big exclusives and they each have all the killer multi-platform games.
Well they were more critical in the preview calling it kinda tedious. So I think they are overhyping it here to make their list better!
Sony use the Legend of Zelda theme tune at Malaysian PS3 launch
I think we just entered the bizaaro superman world.
Q: It seems like a more natural progression for the series to move to Wii rather than the DS. Is there any reason why you didn’t take it there first?
A: It didn’t feel natural to us, I guess. It really was that the DS felt like it had a lot of interesting challenges that would be totally different from what we’d done in the past. The stylus and the chance to use minigames in that way was really interesting and exciting to us, and we thought we could integrate seamlessly between those two modes. And it would be the chance to make something really good on a handheld with our handheld-focused team. That was really why we went that way. We haven’t really done any concrete, major thinking about the Wii, one way or another. They’re sort of separate issues.
I understand the second part of Rockstar's thinking on having a project for their handheld team, but not the reasoning for the first part: you can literally replace the words DS with Wii and you have the same reasoning:
A: It didn't feel natural to us, I guess. It really was that the Wii felt like it had a lot of interesting challenges that would be totally different from what we'd done in the past. The Wii remote and the chance to use minigames in that way was really interesting and exciting to us, and we thought we could integrate seamlessly between those two modes.
They should do some major thinking about a Wii GTA, despite being the biggest selling game this year, I saw reports that said GTAIV was underperforming on gamesindustry.biz and given how popular the Wii is, they should at least do some "major thinking" whether they final result is a big fat NO or not.