Wise Peter Moore believes suing pirates is wrong.
Moore loves piracy. :P (He's right)
New MLB minigame collection game by 2k for Wii.
There is a steriod injecting minigame!
Capcom doesn't realise the potential of Elebits
Svensson calls the game "unremarkable"
C3xHobby Fair Next Week!
Fragile, Sky Crawlers, and Soul Eater DS playable!...in Japan
Punk Rebel Ecks
David Braben interview
talks about Mario’s timeless quality, Sonic’s lost spark, and teases LostWinds 2 once more
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robio (4m)
FREE FOR ALL!! Finally, sorry but I believe thats how it should be from the beginning.
I read that review score thing, I think he is right at the gamerankings aspect about that, I do believe that is wrong as well but that doesn't mean all review scores should be abolished. Unlike these reviewers we don't get to magically play these games for free, we have to pay a lot of money to play it so a choice to buy a game is an extremely important one. The scores help in providing something in common with all games so you can compare. When you buy a game that probably means another game is being left out for you, we need to make choiced of which games to buy and which ones not to and scores are a PART (not the whole thing like metacritic) of that deciding practice. Obviously scores from different sites mean different so its up to you to figure out how much weight to put on them, and of course the written part is the most important. But its a tool and a very good one when used correctly.
I'm glad someone did some updates today and it wasn't me.
This week has been a relative ghost town IMO.
But really the problem is that we update in blocks, like you sit down and have the update page open and you just do a string of them in one go. However while you do that you are oblivious to whatever everyone else is doing. Since going free for all I have seen at least 5 maybe even six repeated stories and since you can only edit or delete your own postings, you can't do anything about it either.
The link checker doesn't seem to be 100% either as I noted a couple of repeated links. I took down two stories I repeated from Dvader.
I agree on review scores Dvader, I like them.
I just saw the new tenchu pics. Looking better. Slightly.
Trailer is like a slideshow on my comp. I assume it's Iga doing the updates? Well done friend.
Crap I was trying to look at the japanese mag pics. Why do these people take crappy cell phone or camera pics of these things? Does no one have a frigging scanner these days?
That's why we need free demo's. You like the game than you buy it, this way the sorry excuse of reviewers can all lose their jobs. I will not miss them.
Demos are not a good way to judge a game. A game can have a fantastic demo and suck ass the rest of the way. Or a brilliant game can have a demo that doesn't show much which leads you to believe it sucks. Its good just to get a feel if you would like the game or not, but not enough to know if its worth buying. Most of my info still comes from impressions of others, cause I dont care about the first few moments of a game, I care about the whole experience.
Japan is getting secret of mana 2, mario golf 64, Forgotten worlds and the ninja warriors for VC in september.
Check my sig blog part 2 fellas.
NOM said force unleashed was: so amazing but the thing that let it down was its far FAR too short 82%
Japan is getting Seiken Densetsu III, but I thought Square would re-release the games on DS to milk more money! Good news indeed!
NOM scores
wario land the shake dimension 88%
force unleashed 82% (said it was so amazing but the thing that let it down was its far FAR to short)
summer athletics: 38%
soulcalibur legends :47
the mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor 48%
viva pinata: pocket paradise 90%
final fantasy iv 90%
dragon queat: chapters of the chosen 78%
red bull bc one 80%
strong bad: 88%
wild west guns 80%
international athletics 51%
splatter house 2 54%
sonic the hedgehog (master system) 58%
samurai showdown 2 71%
ecco jr: 76%
super fantasy zone 82%
wario land the shake dimension 88%
force unleashed 82% (said it was so amazing but the thing that let it down was its far FAR to short)
summer athletics: 38%
soulcalibur legends :47
the mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor 48%
viva pinata: pocket paradise 90%
final fantasy iv 90%
dragon queat: chapters of the chosen 78%
red bull bc one 80%
strong bad: 88%
wild west guns 80%
international athletics 51%
splatter house 2 54%
sonic the hedgehog (master system) 58%
samurai showdown 2 71%
ecco jr: 76%
super fantasy zone 82%
Tenchu IV youtube trailer
Did some of you see the avalon code trailer? Watch it!
Fucking controller was awesome. Maybe the only 3rd-party controller I've ever used that destroyed the 1st-party pad. Especially for adventure games or platformers like Zelda and Banjo, I mean it was THE best way to play those games. So much more comfortable than Nintendo's Wang pad.
Demo's are great to have, but I agree you can't really judge a game on a demo alone because they are misleading. I thought Heavenly Sword was going to be an instant classic after playing the demo. Turns out...that's all the game offered and it was average at best other than the production values.
Morning all.
Just posting to see if this works. Is my Twitter account allowed as a sig?
That is spectacular. Fallout 3 will be one of the best games of this gen, I can see it already. Good god October... that same week Little Big Planet comes out. For 360 owners Fable 2 comes out.
Nothing new to me man. This has been one of my most-wanted games since its announcement. Cmon....Elder Scrolls mixed with an apocalyptic setting? With better combat? They'd have to fuck up badly for this not to be one of the year's top games.
He nuked a city!! He punched a guys head off! He snuck a grenade in a mans pocket and blew him up!
I am playing Oblivion again, well now its going to be hard to play that after seeing these videos.
Can someone explain to me what the point of that Edge Nintendo feature was, cause it just went over everything we know for 5 pages. It did not answer anything like, "Does Nintendo care for the hardcore?". Bottomline still is that Nintendo's lineup for wii right now sucks donkey ass.
From "Eguchi's Crossing" Interview (link in News):
“You’ll also be able to do more than ever together when you play online. You’ll be able to experience events or see concerts together, for example. And while in the DS version we discarded a lot of events that were popular in the GameCube version, we’re bringing them back. We’re including Halloween, we’re bringing back Jingle, the reindeer that visits during the holiday event, and we’ve got some new events, too. For example, during spring we’ve got a special visitor who brings paint and eggs so you can have an egg hunt, and we also have a carnival that’ll introduces another new character to the Animal Crossing world.” - Katsuya Eguchi
Oh, hell yes! I was very disappointed when they took out real-world holidays from ACWW, and was the only serious flaw I had with the DS version. But now that they are bringing holidays back, then all is forgiven! Jingle rules! Yay!
Animal Crossing: City Folk is now absolutely guaranteed to be GOTY 2008!
Damn either EGM is harsh or a lot of disapointments.
Also Gamingeek basically I'm at college now at Pueblo, Colorado.
I'm usually on the schools computers which for some reason can't connect to certain sites due to IP's. However my hotel's PC does (I stay in a hotel instead of a dorm because they got full).
Anyway my PC will be here at Wednesday. Can't wait to play some more of Devil May Cry 4!
One of the site's forefathers.
I don't like review scores, in fact generally I don't find reviews helpful when deciding on what to purchase.
I've got to find a reviewer who has the same taste as me, and gives me an idea of what the game is like, and then the score is just a tact on value that I barely even notice.
Of course the last time I read a review that fitted that criterea was several years ago. I'm all alone now.
Yep, no point, plus they are trolling games like Galaxy and Brawl. Galaxy by suggesting it is more casual because it is lot easier than Mario 64 and Brawl is not hardcore because it is a button masher. Both are false, Mario 64 is the first time most of us played a 3d platformer and with a anolog stick. Play it now and see how easy it is. There is nothing there that is a challenging as the purple coin and daredevil missions. And button smashing in brawl will get you nowhere, plus Brawl is full with references of Nintendo games none of us have ever heard of, so that is pretty hardcore.
To answer the question ""Does Nintendo care for the hardcore?" The answer is: they are releasing a 2D platformer animated by production IG on the Wii. Yes I am talking about Wario and it will be a retail version. That is proof enough! And lets not forget the huge ammount of games they released the first year.
Some people may say but it is so much easier to make games for the casual because the cost less to make and they sell more. And they furter say Nintendo is greedy and will therefore make only casual games. Well I say this to them. Let's says they make 10 milion on a casual game and 1 million on a hardcore one. So Nintendo would choose the casual one right? False if you think Nintendo is really greedy they will make both and make 11 million. The hardcore game will sell to another market than the casual one and to maximise profits you will need to make both.
Hallooooo, Hallloooooooo!!!!
Am I the only one left?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile