Wise Peter Moore believes suing pirates is wrong.
Moore loves piracy. :P (He's right)
New MLB minigame collection game by 2k for Wii.
There is a steriod injecting minigame!
Capcom doesn't realise the potential of Elebits
Svensson calls the game "unremarkable"
C3xHobby Fair Next Week!
Fragile, Sky Crawlers, and Soul Eater DS playable!...in Japan
Punk Rebel Ecks
David Braben interview
talks about Mario’s timeless quality, Sonic’s lost spark, and teases LostWinds 2 once more
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Recently Spotted:
I hate Nintendo.
Rarrgh, "Top 25 Mario Moments" ... ON 26 PAGES
Oh, and this gem, "Considering all the guff that Mario's taken from Bowser over the years, we're surprised to see them team up. However, that's what happens in Super Paper Mario, as the duo works side-by-side to take on the evil Count Bleck."
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile^Obviously they're like me, and never played the SNES game.
Cursed Mountain Gamespot preview:
"In addition to the supernatural encounters, you'll have to deal with the rigors of altitude sickness, which, according to the developers, will have the main character wondering if what he's seeing during his adventures is real or imagined."
Cool, ripped from Eternal Darkness. I wish more people would copy that, though its kind of sad that Gamespot doesn't mention the fact that they ARE taking it from ED. Heh, the guy that did the preview probably hasn't even played ED.
You're going to trust Gamespot's actual content?
Then again, most people didn't own a Cube or Eternal Darkness. It's sad though, that game was fuck win.
^I don't trust anyone's content. I just like to read the shit regardless when its about a game I'm interested in.
And yes, that game WAS fuck win. Easily one of my favorite games on last gen on Cube or otherwise. Such a cool vibe, great audio (not many better game's on Cube in the audio area) and great story.
I'd much rather have a new ED than another Too Human.
Gamingeek, go HERE and tell Pandemic why they're foolish for ignoring Wii and instead wasting their time with a PS fucking 2 version of Mercenaries 2.
GG = Insert Coin's complaining machine! Go GG rip them a new one!
Ah, it's been far too long since we've had some awesome Chobot pics in here. *drools*
I just realized I hadn't posted from the Wii -- SUCCESS!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileConsidering it's a cliche, no need to.
More Fragile info from Neogaf
From sp0rk
Brian says:
so the demo was really short and sweet
sp0rsk says:
how short
Brian says:
it took place in the "Hotel Where Time Has Stopped" ruins
Brian says:
about 5-10 mins
Brian says:
closer to 5, because i was quick to pick it up
sp0rsk says:
wow damn that is short
Brian says:
the demo starts you outside the building. you guide the main character inside, explore for a bit, then face a boss
Brian says:
the game looks really nice, but because a lot of the "wow" depends on the lighting, the indoor locales obviously look a lot better than the outdoor ones, IMO
Brian says:
the camera is handled kind of like metroid prime 3
Brian says:
you have a light source which works as a reticle. you point that at things. unfortunately, though, the only way to turn around is to pan to the edge of the screen
sp0rsk says:
how was the music
sp0rsk says:
could you hear it
Brian says:
which was a bit clunky
Brian says:
couldn't hear the music
sp0rsk says:
Brian says:
but the voice work was great (there wasn't a lot, very immersive so not much text)
Brian says:
i got the impression that there are a lot of ambient SFX going on
sp0rsk says:
not a lot of text, thats good.
Brian says:
the mission for the demo revolves around finding out where a mysterious voice is coming from
Brian says:
so i was like "but i don't hear a voice!" and the attendant was like, "yeah, it's too noisy in here"
Brian says:
they talk about sound design a lot on the blog, though, so i get the feeling it's a big factor
Brian says:
generally the visual design stuff was all handled very well, so i expect the same from the sound
Brian says:
what wasn't handled so well was the combat
sp0rsk says:
so how did you find it?
Brian says:
which was terrible
sp0rsk says:
sp0rsk says:
what was it like
Brian says:
Brian says:
A button attacks
Brian says:
and you basically mash it
Brian says:
that was the only move
sp0rsk says:
Brian says:
and it doesn't lock onto enemies, so you whiff 80% of the time
sp0rsk says:
but was there a lot of combat? is it pretty combat heavy?
sp0rsk says:
Brian says:
not much in the demo
sp0rsk says:
like around how many?
Brian says:
an encounter in one of the whole rooms and the boss for me, but there might be more to explore
sp0rsk says:
did it feel frustrating?
Brian says:
once i got the hang of it, it was easier
Brian says:
but i won't excuse it. the controls need a lot of work
sp0rsk says:
Brian says:
there should be a butotn to turn around, too
sp0rsk says:
did you tell the attendant
sp0rsk says:
Brian says:
i asked her if there was a way to do a 180 and she said no, and i gave her a little sniffle
Brian says:
the exploration parts are fun
sp0rsk says:
what were they likke
Brian says:
the whole level is exploration, basically. you can collect items by holding down a button (i think it was B ) to zoom in the reticle on these shiny areas
Brian says:
sometimes the item will be a mystery item, and the only way to find out what it is is to take it back to these points along the map where you can also equip things, look at the automap, etc
sp0rsk says:
so is the freelook controlled by the wiimote
Brian says:
Brian says:
nunchuk is move, remote is move the flashlight
Brian says:
the attendant was saying that there are more items which increase your arsenal, and also "memories" which factor into the real gameplay but not the demo
Brian says:
i was intrigued and wished they'd worked that stuff in somehow
Brian says:
because the demo was essentially this awesome wide open level which they ferried you through without letting you do anything cool
sp0rsk says:
what are these memories
Brian says:
Brian says:
not sure
Brian says:
considering what the game is about, they're probably just snippets left behind all the humans who are now gone?
Brian says:
maybe it has to do with that contest they held. i have no idea
Sorry for the formatting
Sounding pretty good. As long as the combat isn't important shouldn't matter.
So the original Red Alert becomes free this week...
Who's tipping that it's just the original game, and no expansions?
I thought that was a pointless feature that got quite a few things wrong and made some ass-ish assumptions that I could counterpoint quite easily.
Shut it Edgecrusher! This place was inaccessible all day on Saturday for me
The Kizuna art link is actually a frame taken from that awful website. It actually has screens if you scroll to the very bottom, so re-label the title. Game looks cool.
Yodariquo, I still see the IE currency symbol switches.
That article was such crap on many levels. It's like they completely missed the point. Oh Brain age sold a jillion copies right? So I nintendo is just casual no and nothing else. Let's forget that they just released mario galaxy and it's sold 7 million copies and is one of the top selling games on wii and one of the best games ever made.
Ah, maybe. I want to see if Free Radical respond first. Then again I really dont give a crap about Mercenaries. It's about time companies like Pandemic and Valve stopped paying lip service to wii and started actually making some games though.
I saw Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea last night.
That will mean something to some here. Miyazaki's latest. I'm wondering if I should do a review.
Hoi, just came back from training. I am only wearing underwear, sexy he?
Well of course it was inaccessable....you had a deep dildo in the way.
How'd you know it was me and not Leo?