John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
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The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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While the negativity is repetitive, it wasn't 2 months later for Twilight Princess; it was pretty much immediate. It's the same thing, though, "oh, it's too similar and therefore worse than this other even less unique title."
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell the cycles go faster and faster. Phantom Hourglass was imediatelely bashed, but it is different with Zelda. Why? Because Majora was bashed for being too different. Zelda are bashed for being the same (Twilight) or too different (Celda, Majora). So all Zelda's are going to be bashed it's tradition.
Updates complete for now. Where is everybody?
Well, I just got back. Bloody train broken down two stops away from the place where I needed to get back, and got back over an hour later.
Now I'm off to watch the Simpsons and get some work done.
I am here now.
Have you guys been reading the Zelda gamespot thread or what
Which one, and why do you ask?
Because there was one recentely. They seem to crop up every few months. Playing GTA IV I just find it hugely hypocritical. Most of these guys will lambast Twilight Princess for being too similar and yet give GTA game after GTA game a free pass because they change the scenary and re-label the radio stations. It's the same fucking game.
Not that I dislike it. I'm actually enjoying number IV a lot more though. Still not as good as past games and all this 10/10 bullshit going around is some crazy shit.
I think that's because back then, there wasn't such a stupid need for multi-player online modes. Half Life and Dues Ex were designed to be incredible FPS story-based, campaign based games.
Most of these shooters today....and the developers making them, I mean they just half-ass the single player because they know they can use the online multi-player as an excuse to do so. They know sites like Gamespot will up the rating on their game as long as it has that damn online mode, even if the single-player is nothing special. Hell look at Bungie. Halo 2 sucked compared to Combat Evolved....but it had online multi-player! Automatic mid-9's rating.
Its sad that there's close to zero inspiration these days to push shooters forward in a cinematic, story-based way....people just keep falling back on those easy out lazy ass online modes that are all the same shit over and over again.
And Edge to make matters worse, they never test the game out when it comes with balancing issues and lag. Yes the game never has lag, that's because they test it before it is released. Almost never are games tested online during real life conditions and never do they test the balancing.
Did you post an article that was about how games these days get 10s easily? They specifically state the conditions GTA4 is reviewed in. Most of these so called reviewers did not even finish the game.
About Zelda, yes it is hypocritical, but it would not be Zelda if it did not happen. Read my post of the eternal love-hate cycle of Zelda games.
My post never made it so I will retype it.
100 zombies for Dead rising Wii? The screens have 30 on screen and svensson said that that was indicitive of the number of zombies. I would prefer smaller environments and increased visual fidellity. If they cant even match RE4 on GC visuals they shouldn't bother.
Good news on the spyborgs front as it looked like a PSP game.
Shit, Deca Sports has sold 700'000. So tricking guillible consumers into believing it's a wii sports clone worked.
^360 avatars only used in non-violent titles. Huh.
IGN Podcast summary via Neo
I tried cutting the fat with this summary.
Fatal Frame Wii :
-"Retarded Controls". What should be a better controlling experience on Wii is not, it feels worse. "clunky". Very Tank like.
-Nintendo Theme'd unlockable costumes (ZSS, Luigi)
-Not completely widescreen, it has borders. Frame rate issues.
~Disgaea DS: Positive Impressions
Wario Land Shake It :
-They all believe the programmers were lazy for not including a true widescreen
-It only lags if you shake it really hard
-Positive Impressions
Random stuff from Reader Q & A :
1. They think the apology on some Japanese site marks the death of Disaster
2. If Wii Music was to be scored today, it would get a solid 2. Nintendo has no plans to change it. But it'll still sell amazingly.
3. They confirm Factor 5 is making Kid Icarus. (again) After talking about how Factor 5 said they want to make their Wii game as casual as possible.
That wasn't about how games easily acheive 10s these days. It was about how GTA IV was reviewed, the writers were given limitations and restricted access and no advance copies and left with a couple of days to put out a review at most.
But again, when we are talking about similar sequels, if people are criticising Twilight princess then they should be dropping massive turds on games like Halo 3 and GTA IV because those are just HD versions of the same damn games, only in some cases worse. I still prefer Halo 1 over the others, just like I prefer Splinter cell 1 over the rest of them.
There were quite a few changes in Twilight princess compared to those games, so all this similarity BS flies over my head like those air dropped turds.
^^I saw the Wii voicechat, but I did not post it, because we do not do the same for the other podcast. Plus they suck and are way to long. Plus they are getting whiney and annoying. Still talking about Kid Icarus? They never learn.
Is this shit for real:
And a new Resident Evil 5 screen:
The order page doesn't work.
And lulz.
It's quiet too quiet.
Let there be noise!
Holy crap this game is beautiful
thank goodness someone else feels this way. kill-bill 1 was this awesome full-blown homage to cool kung-fu movies of yesteryear leading up to the awesome showdown with lucy lou in the end and so many fantastic sections in between (hatori hanzo, the anime sequence etc). just an all around awesome movie which was a joy to watch from beginning to end ...
then came vol. 2 and tarantino suddenly decides vol. 1 wasn't 'tarantino' enough so decides to fill it in with inconsicuential dialogue that's not even remotely funny and remove any sense of climax or build-up and catharsis at the end (or even a decent fight) but for that stupid punch. thorough thorough letdown.
i do still watch vol1 and enjoy it in its own right but vol2 was a completely wasted opportunity.
PS i'm well impressed by people knowing gill scott heron. the revolution will not be televised ... ya bastards!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Phantom Hourglass didn't get that much hate as it was just a handheld game. Majora's understandable because it followed the highest rated game of all-time and it was so radiacally different. Windwaker (as someone who played it) was nowhere near the quality of the previous ones as it was far easier and shallower with ridiculous amounts of sailing. Fans begged for a game like Twilight Princess, when Nintendo finally answered their pleads they complained even more.
Agreed. And the thing is that people eat this crap up. How a game like Resistence becomes the "definitive" PS3 game and how Turok for the PS3/360 surpasses a million copies is beyond me. Honestly though I'm sure developers can't be happier. Shooters are so easy to make and make the "next gen checklist" easily as they showcase graphics and A.I. into their gameplay easily. If developers were making a game in any other genre it would cost far more. I mean what would be harder? Creating a shooter to meet next gen standards or creating a RPG or action-adventure game?
*Sigh* I really miss last gen. By this time we were getting a wide variety of games coming out on a regular basis like Zone of the Enders 2, Aterial Iris, Viewtiful Joe, Shinobi, Shenmue 2,Metal Arms, etc. I mean all these games are completely different from one another. This gen? Nearly everything plays and even looks the same. The only console that doesn't suffer from this is the Wii, and quality games are pretty few and far inbetween and it isn't until just NOW that a steady stream of production valued games are getting announced for it.
I truly hate this console generation at times.
One of the site's forefathers.
Damn straight. I put my copy of kill bill 2 in the bin. I've never been so bored. It's like tarantino took this one big film, put all the best bits in the first film and then it was a hit and decided to put out the boring leftovers into the second film.
They are? Where?
Damn publishers are still undercutting the system by a long way.