Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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Archangel3371 (5m)
did you really like it? i found it very underwhelming with little merit or substance besides the initial shock value. i would recommend the vengeance trilogy (oldboy, mr vengeance, lady vengeance), ichi the killer, hana-bi etc for some really good "asian invasion" (i loath the term) movies.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
What I found interesting personally was how that it took at least a couple of hours to get familiar and proficient with the controls, but it wasn't till I actually completed it that I became truly skilled. It made the second play through more fun though. Is your wii still packed away from the kids?
They dont have an official line of cheaper games but whenever I go into a games store all the older games are half price anyway over here. I was even tempted to pick up House of the dead 2 and 3 for half price and dewys adventure.
You tard
Is that a good wow or bad?
Godamn fucking Chobot and her annoying sexy thighs. *goes to watch*
Yep there is live action, but it is not nearly as awesome as the manga and anime.
P.S. did some one actually watch the Ask a Ninja thing I posted?
You... what? Old Boy and Lady vengeance are two of my favourite movies ever. Mr Vengeance was boring and overly violent though. Ichi is funny and cool
if slightly twisted 
What is hana bi though? Got a trailer or review? I saw the warlords and CJ7 recentely. CJ7 doesn't live up to Shaolin soccor or kung fu hustle but it's still a funny film. The warlords was okay, nothing special but I did like it when jet li kicked a cannon so it fired into a line of ten cannons. Schweet
Where did you post it?
Take two sounds like they are considering a gta wii. Probably a trilogy port of the ps2 games. LOL
The CEO said that he was really impressed by nintendo. Interesting. I love bully, really you guys, pick this game up. If you get the 360 ver make sure you patch it cause it's buggy.
The conduit is looking better everyday, those vids were fun.
Why are the fatal frame pics such poor quality?
Anyone see this EA interview?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
hana-bi (fireworks) is a yakuza movie. it's my personal favourite out of all the takeshi kitano movies i have seen (and i think i've seen them all). the violence is very subdued and under the surface. i don't know how well you can stomach beat takeshi but i consider this his masterpiece.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
GG it's selling for 5 quid. it's an offer you can't refuse. i paid 20 for it at hmv years ago when it was first released.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
GG here it is. Can't believe I am quoting myself!
Edit: Fixed the link
I'd like to rent it. Was it ever released in the west and if so under what english name?
hana-bi was it's name everywhere. it means fireworks but the title for the region 2 release i have is still hana-bi. it was released about 10 years ago.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
To be more specific. Hana-bi literally means fire flower. Wow, can't believe I knew that. Anime watching is making me learn Japanese.
Fuck you Iga. That link takes me to a picture of that fucking ninja.
Is this some new kind of rickrolling that I'm not aware of?
Hanabi no Iga. Nani?
that was quite awesome of you i have to admit. the literal translation gives an awesome inside into how beautiful the japanese language is. the same object is called a fireflower in japanese and a firework in english. i think i'm going to call them fireflowers from now on. bit like the flower power up in super mario
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Wow, I was so busy fighting Yoda with the music battle that I did not pay attention to the link. I fixed it, but for the lazy.
Ask A Ninja: Pirates of the Carribean 2
I need more hard gay reccomendations.
That sounds so wrong.
Yet is feels so good! Did you see Ninja?
Yeah. Didn't take. I need more hard gay.
Again sounding wrong
Didn't take? What does that means?
More Hard Gay you say. Well did you know that HG is also a wresler. See HG vs Yingling
He has some awesome moves. And Hard Gay visiting a childern's show. Hard Gay and Morning Musume