Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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SupremeAC (9m)
I'm not a big fan of the "people keep buying it, so lets continue to rip them off" adage. I know there's no honor left in this world, but still. There's a lot of people who can't afford to be ripped off.
I did not know RS was $8...well screw me blue. I never see the game anywhere anymore. *goes to circuit city website*
It's not the number of instruments that counts.
And as I said, diversity (so diverse I couldn't find an example of ingame!)
To conclude, I bring down the hammer
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's not the number of instruments that counts.
And as I said, diversity (so diverse I couldn't find an example of ingame!)
To conclude, I bring down the hammer
Your hammer is weak Yoda.
Relax a bit
I am surprised you did not mention this one
Your hammer sound more like a ordinary pop song. I rather see something more epic
But let's end it from where it began.
^^Ripped off? How so, the game stays the same price. What is your definition of ripping off? And are you a communist?
i played it too. i sort of liked it. it's been my only real experience with the wii on an FPS type game as i never had much time to spend with metroid prime yet and i don't have medal of honour heroes2. it's half-baked no doubt, but i did enjoy it for what it was. right now i hate ubisoft too much to even consider the possibility of them ever releasing even a decent game on the wii so i have little hope for RS2
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
a lot of ps3 games are sort of half price already online even if they're not platinum in europe. for around £15-£16 each one can get: Resistance, Motorstorm, Drake's fortune, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, Virtua Fighter 5 maybe more. i'd be getting those if i had a ps3 but i think it's best to save up for a new computer with new starcraft and diablo on the way
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That is entirely true.
And in typical Sony fashion, Australia hasn't received the 'platnium' range yet. I pray that we at least get the silver or red cases - not that terrible yellow art...
The platinum will still be more expensive.
Take advantage of the region free dude!
So yeah I just got done watching the movie "Battle Royale".
One of the site's forefathers.
Fatal Frame 4 scans of the manual
WTF? A communist?
If sticking up for people who work their asses off for shit pay and no healthcare so some rich asshole can go buy a new Porche is being communist, then yes I am. I don't know where you live, but that's where America is heading very quickly.
Drop the good games, and keep the crap ones. Thanks, Activision.
The comunist stuff was just a joke!
Judging from your response it seems that you are politically left orientated. In other words you would vote for Labour or Socialist political parties. Too bad that they do not have that in America, man. American political system sucks.
Damn you. I've had other people bring that communist crap before...and they weren't joking.
I'm not much for politics...this party, that party...whatever. I just know what's right and wrong. But yeah, American politics indeed sucks, and over the past 10 years seems to be really coming undone.
That Deadly Creatures live wire vid was really I got a nice shot of Chobot's sweet thighs, always a plus.
I like how he called the bugs you kill and eat for health "mobile health paks" LOL. The snake fight was pretty neat too. I didn't know until now the game got delayed to One of the only really great looking Wii games for this year, and now its next year along with Conduit.
The Wii could sooo use that one big game this year...that one Metroid-level experience. BTW did anyone else catch the part in IGN's recent E3 rant where Matt said Retro Studios have "numerous" Wii projects underway? As in, more than 1?
^^Edge Deadly Creatures may be released late December, but I think it will probably be January. Metroid like experience, well there is Fragile, it stated to be released in 2008, but that's in Japan and even that is not certain. Fatal Frame is to be released about now in Japan, but no Western release date yet. Maybe on Halloween, this is your best bet for a atmospheric game released in 2008.
Well Wario is here to keep us company.
Get out of your before I blacklist you!
Riddick is also one of the games Activision is rumored to be dropping.
Somebody else better pick these games up....EA maybe? Just to rub it in Acti's face.
I don't really care as it's not like a 7 year old with a cap on. From the back it looks like any other RPG type character to me, only holding a stick
Yeah as long as it's well developed is key. According to various sources the project was completely overhauled like Splinter cell conviction and Ubisoft want it to be amazing, ign said that. I'm still skeptical but I did enjoy the first game despite its general sloppy nature and now clunky by comparison controls.
I'm getting GTA IV tommorrow
Did you see Oldboy yet?
Iga I still haven't got to watch death note yet, I saw a live action version on dvd, what's up with that?