Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
Every article, every video, one place.
The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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I don't know...I'm playing House of the Dead 2 at the moment. That's pretty horrible also.
I'm really liking E3 myself. Still lots of games I've seen that I'm really looking forward too. Gears of War 2, both the trailer and demo, looked awesome. Fallout 3 looked fantastic. I love how Banjo is looking, really dig the graphics in it. Same with Fable 2, I love the artstyle for that game. Seen a new trailer on Marketplace for Bionic Commando and the game is looking great. Also love what I'm seeing for Resitance 2, Farcry 2, Prince of Persia, Infamous, Resident Evil 5, etc. Just a ton of games I'm really looking foward too plus the new dashboard overhaul for the 360 looks very cool. I really like the Wii motion plus add-on.
Really the only thing I'm disappointed in is that I was really hoping for an HDD for the Wii plus I was hoping for some news on a bunch more VC titles. Something about maybe an addition or enhancement feature for the Wii console via a software update would have been nice too.
I have not even touched my PS3, OHH! *runs*
For those who may care:
Wii Sports Resort with MotionPlus Has Pricepoint
"A Nintendo exec told us that the Wii Sports Resort will be $49.99 when it's released next Spring. This next version of Wii Sports comes with the MotionPlus accessory, which gives people a true 1:1 motion mirroring on their WiiMotes. The price of the MotionPlus accessory on its own is undetermined, but it seems like Wii Sports Resort is the new Wii Play in that people will buy it because they want the accessory it comes with."
Sounds good to me.
Miyamoto Says New Zelda for Wii Progressing
"The Zelda team in particular always works on Zelda titles. The core members of the Zelda team have for a very long time now been focused on Zelda games, and continue to focus on Zelda games, so they are hard at work and working away, Miyamoto said. And then, of course, we have the DS Zelda team as well, so even there we're having some switching of people in and out where the DS team is mixing in with the Wii team and working on the Wii version."
"I don't necessarily think it will change that drastically, but I think that Zelda is a franchise that does need some big new unique ideas," he said. "And so the team right now is very focused on trying to find those ideas."
Animal Crossing: City Folk Date
November 16th 2008
The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
(Note: this site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic)
New Galaxy, Pikmin and DS Mario Coming? (rumor)
"There isn't anything that we can announce right now, but I'm sure we'll probably do something with it," Miyamoto said of a Wii Pikmin sequel. "The Pikmin team is, of course, still there and maybe we'll have something to talk about before too long."
"[IGN] stunned him with a hard-hitting follow-up: 'We don't really have a question. We just want you to make another Galaxy game.' To this, Miyamoto replied, "Leave it to me.'"
IGN Hands-on Animal Crossing: City Folk
IGN Hands-on Wii Sports Resort
"[Wii Motion Plus] It works. It actually works."
IGN Hands-on Wii Music
"So simple even a baby could do it."
Miyamoto on Wii's Lacking Storage Space
"There isn't anything that we can announce today, but we have been thinking along a variety of different lines regarding this matter for some time now," Shigeru Miyamoto told IGN. "So my hope is that sometime in the not too distant future we will be able to discuss some concrete solutions."
Wii Game Release Schedule for 2008
List is too big to post.
Miyamoto on Microsoft's Avatars
"I don't really use the term avatar to refer to what we've done with the Miis. We created the Miis with the idea that the people you live with in your house or family, you also live together with inside the TV, and you can use those characters interchangeably in the games you play. To see that a company like Microsoft has taken something we've done and kind of looked at it in a way and brought it out on their platform to kind of show that we've done has become the standard, I find quite flattering. But on the other hand, I think probably the basic ideas behind perhaps those two different systems are different and because of that I think they will probably develop in different ways."
Earthbound Not Happening
"There really isn't anything to talk about right now so I don't know how to reply, said Miyamoto. "I am friends with Mr. Itoi [Earthbound creator] and meet with him several times a year. If we got together and decided we wanted to make something, it wouldn't take too long for him to start working on something."
Little King's Story Images
EDIT: Since no one's posting news right now, I'm going to go ahead and post these on top.
LMFAO! I've heard far, far worse though.
Nintendo E3 pretty much going back on everything they said they'd do before E3:
"Whaat?! I didn't see that coming at all!"
I already posted that Motorstorm video unless it is another one.
Yeah, I know. You're link doesn't seem to work, so I posted it again.
EDIT: I can take mine down if you want to fix yours?
Good work raven (and others for continued to work on news).
I'm interested in what's actually going to be in Wii Sports Resort. I mean, how expensive is that Wiimote add-on? How expensive could it be? Wii Sports was "free." I mean, I'm pretty sure I'll get Wii Sports Resort (I guess that's all that matters), but $49.99--even with the bundle--seems either that the controller expansion is going to be expensive, or the game [should] be very flushed out.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThanks, Yoda.
As far as Wii Sports Resort bundle, I think Nintendo has choosen that price point solely because they know a ton of people will pay that price. I doubt that either the game or the Motion Plus add-on will be all that expensive to make. I do hope they make Wii Sports Resort a much larger game than the original was.
Just finished watching G4s coverage today and another great day. A run down of the games and what I think:
Resistance 2 - Ted Price was there showed the same thing we saw at the conference. R2 is not the best looking game in the world, its nice but it becomes noticable when he is looking at some walls and such. The boss fight is massive but soooooo slow, the attacks look so scripted. Still I am excited for this game and all its modes, I liked the first. Compare that too...
Gears 2 - ...which has a massive monster fight which is crazy awesome!! This demo was a bit different, same level. Cliff fights all sorts of enemies and pulls out stuff like a flame thrower, that beam of light thing. The look of this game is crazy, some of the best visuals ever. The action is non stop, looks phenomenal!!
Killzone 2 - Yeah this is the best looking game out there, its almost surreal to look at. But why is it so boring! Maybe it was just the level they picked but after the Gears demo this seemed like a game in slow motion. It was just a guy walking around, he would see an enemy far in the distance, zoom in with the sights and shoot, move on, repeat. Luckly there seems to be a lot to this game cause the multiplayer sounds awesome, almost TF2 like. Impressions have been great as well, just this particular video was beautiful boredom.
Red Faction 3 - Never played these games so I have nothing to base this on. Looked like a sloppy third person action game. The downgrade in quality from a Gears to this is staggering. Some games have polish, this one not so much. Yeah its cool that you can destory everything and stuff blows up cool but looks eh.
Motorstorm 2 - WOAH!! That is one gorgeous racing game.
Prince of Persia - Same demo from the Ubi conference, I am still blown away. Its like a total revamp of the series, I love it.
Dark Void - So this game comes on and immediately I think another standard thrid person shooter. Oh but this guy has a jetpack he uses to get around, whatever, still looked sloppy. Then the guy jumps off a cliff and starts to fly around like an air combat game, woah. Then this UFO comes out and he jumps on it, has this fight with a turrent, rips a robot out of it and takes control of this space craft, wah!! So this game surprised me, if they can mix the two apsects well it could be a decent game.
Star Wars Force Unleashed - This game looks 100% geniune kick ass! The stuff they showed, the combat, incredible! It looks so fluid, your guy moves like a character in a true action game, and he has such crazy powers. He would impale a guy with the lightsaber then launch him across the room. Or do the pick up the tie fighter and launch move. Juggle guys in the air and force pound them down. Electricute them then throw them like an electric bomb. Awesome, its like a spritual successor to Jedi Knight but with way better combat. The only thing I did not like is that the guy did a 4 hit combo on a guy with his lightsaber and the enemy lived, so the lightsaber isn't all powerful but it most be done. Oh and there will be skins unlockable meaning they will put in many clasic SW character for you to play as. Its been a while but I get another SW game I will be buying not for the name but for the gameplay.
Bionic Commando - I want to like this but something seems off. The swinging stuff looks great, when he is swinging from tree to tree it has this spiderman like freedom to it. But the game world looks a bit empty, enemies are totally generic. I dont know.
Rock Band 2 - Exactly like Rock Band 1.
Tomorrow they got SFIV, I think RE5, and Deadly Creatures!!! Deadly Creatures!!!!
All of the videos can be found at
GS has an infamous demonstration, so sweet! Why the hell didn't Sony show this off at the conference.
Tons of Killzone 2 stuff at this thread, multiplayer sounds great.
Just checked out the Mirror's Edge clip, unlike anything I have seen. Defintely I am interested in it.
Guys dont forget the link I put for RE5, it has EVERYTHING. No need to update anything on RE5, just link there, its in yellow you can all see it. I sat down and saw all gameplay videos, I added a ton of info. Plus the designer says new control schemes are coming, that has me scared. New versions of the trailers and more. All at the link!
RE5 Game of the show.
Wrong Vader, Madworld game of the show!
Jesus Meebus! I was cleaning my Mom's garage all day and just got done (it's 2 in the morning).
I don't know what's worse, his stupid mohawk, is horrid drum playing, or how stupid he looks.
That's what was appearing to happen last year. Remember Nintendo's E3 with Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit and E for All with Monster Hunter 3, Wii Ware, and other first party reveals.
I seriously think that they should just do this.
E3 = Hardware unveals and market talk
E for All = Software
TGS - Japanese Stuff
I fucking hate portables....back in the day nodody wasted their E3 time on them. Nobody wasted E3 time on movies and other non-games crap either.
Somebody give SEGA 10 billion so they can put out a new system where I don't have to deal with all this crap.
Portables > Consoles
One of the site's forefathers.
Craziest news so far, not at E3, from Famitsu, Dead Rising coming to... Wii?!?!?! Woah!
Horrible scan here,
If you only have a Wii then yes...
Another game Nintendo desided to ignore, The Conduit, walkthrough
Generic as hell but at least it pushes the Wii.
Whoa, indeed!
Thanks, dvader. I put it in the news.
Wow, this game is really starting to look good.
Wow IGN about Wii sport resort sword fighting
Nintendo suggested that we grip the Wii remote with both hands, the top able to press and depress the B-Trigger, when playing. You quickly learn that there's a lot of strategy to the duels. We held strong to a guarded approach in which we blocked our opponent's advances and then knocked them in the head with a single blow before shielding ourselves again. :/

In case if some of you are wondering why I am glad. This is exactly like the tactics used in real sword fighting. A real sword fight is over in 2 seconds at most. So in other words no not expect to see Star Wars like sword battles. The Jedi's are doing it wrong
P.S. Katana>>>>Lightsaber
Now I have read it all...
Lightsaber >>>>>> any weapon.