Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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SupremeAC (6m)
About the site its awesome but the issue I have is there is no actual forum. i love this format for news, it allows us all to talk in one place. But what about for an actual game discussion. For instance the MGS4 thread in GS, a place where people just talk about MGS4. You can't start a discussion about any game here cause the topics chage every few posts. Didn't SSBB come out in EU already, do you have it? How would you talk about it, it would be one post and you would move on.
I know at this point its a very small community but in the future its something to look out for.
That Spore Zelda Creatures video was pretty cool.
Too bad my DS is broken. I'd like to try out that Contra 4 demo on the Nintendo Channel.
WOW!! Those are great!
Not enough people here I suppose. I hate it when you have a board filled with topics and only a couple of responses in each though.
The other option is to entirely scrap this feature and just make it one board. But then you'd miss out on news. There are 32 updates just today for instance, and I'm not posting 32 threads a day.
Or just keep this feature for news discussion and have a general board for everything else.
That sounds like the best option to me.
Personally I prefer us to start a different format then boards or even blogs. Maybe something that combines both. I was thinking about it earlier.
One of the site's forefathers.
No I did not fail, you have no life anymore
P.S. are you guys interested in my trip to New York? I have taken lots of pictures, so I could write a travel blog, but it nobody is interested, than I will not bother.
Sorry that I have taken over the review section guys, just figured I should get some out there for the site. The review page needs some work, it should not take you to your own reviews, it should take you to others first.
Anyway my MGS4 review is up.
I'm interested! I've never been to NY.
Oh snap Contra 4 DS demo on nintendo channel, must get!
Damn you Wesker!!!!! You'll NEVER eat Ashley before me!!!
George Carlin for GG:
From the Mad World Preview; More dumb BS about the Nintendo demographic:
"Buyers beware
As Madworld's not slated for release until a non-specified date in 2009, all this will be revealed in time.
But we're concerned that the majority of Wii owners won't want to listen. It's a brave move from Sega, signing up this game, and Wii certainly needs more quality titles in the action genre (not necessarily this bloody, but certainly more action-orientated), but it ain't exactly the sort of thing that Mum and Dad will be playing with little Johnny (or Jack) in the living room."
Give me a fucking break with the "only uptight families play the Wii" crap. Just stop.
However, as I've said before, I agree that Mad World will not sell. But its not for the reasons that the media like to spout. Its because its an ultra-niche looking game, like Okami was, that wouldn't sell well if it was on all 3 next-gen platforms combined. But of course the Wii demographic will be blamed.
When a PS2 game doesn't sell well, its bad timing. When a Nintendo platform game doesn't sell well, its the demographic. Pfft.
oh yeah, GG, here's last week's news and discussion:
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWas it anythink like this?
If so, yes.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSorry for the belated response to this, but I found this in last weeks and noticed it went overlooked.
I don't know what image description confirmation you mean, so I can't really comment.
The titles I didn't like. It mainly resulted in splitting the post into part title and part comment. I think you're in the minority on this one, but others can chime in.
I like the news story button idea except for that I worry about it getting too cluttered. I supposed an icon below each story/link could work.
A smiley button for the editor is forthcoming, I just have to get the time in to spend editing the tinyMCE code to output what I want instead of its presets.
For multiple news editors, I can insert some checking for duplicate stories, including duplicate links and possibly confirmation in the case of similar titles but I'm not sure if I can manage a good enough algorithm for checking that.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhat Edge says is the truth, Mad World wouldn't sell on any system. Tell it like it is Edge!
I think I know GG's talking about. Whenever you insert a pic into TinyMCE editor, it asks you this if you don't type in a text description of the pic:
"Are you sure you want to continue without including an Image Description? Without it the image may not be accessible to some users with disabilities, or to those using a text browser, or browsing the Web with images turned off."
Just got back from Toys R Us with:
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword
Guitar Hero: On Tour
Soul Bubbles (for free!)
In case anyone missed it, they are running a "Buy 2 DS games, Get 1 Free" Promo all week. Now is the time to stock up!
I wasn't planning on GH, but with the sale, I figured what the fudge... er... FUCK! (Heh! Yeah...!)
I hope you had a good time in my now somewhat (temporary/permanent) home away from home, home: NYC, Iga! If I had known you were coming I would have baked you a cake and shown you around town!