Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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I didn't do it!
Oh no! GG Weekly has crashed!
It has not crashed, the time is on GMT, so it's now Monday and the cycle automatically repeats. I haven't got the archive code set up to go back in weeks, but everything's still there.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOkay that explains why this is the only page on the site that's different.
I should probably add something like "The week of..." to the top somewhere for clarification. I'm going to do that and the previous week things now.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI'm liking The Last Remnant....kind of has a Lost Odyssey look to it and I thought that game was awesome. At least Square is finally making another serious RPG and not another fake Final Fantasy or another Disney Hearts game.
I wish I could get into RPGs, especially JRPGs. I've tried many times, but I always grow bored by the 5th hour or so and stop, never to return. The only RPG's I've actually finished in the past 28 years was KOTOR 1 and Fable.
I came close to finishing Paper Mario:TTYD, but my damn memory card got corrupted and I lost my save; I doubt I'll ever start that one over again. On a bright side, Fable 2 should be coming out this year, so maybe I can add a third RPG to my list?
God damn it I wanted to see replies to my SONY PS3 comments.
One of the site's forefathers.
This feels wrong without pictures.
Much better.
HUGE Treyarch interview.
The World Ends With You?
And what are you talking about?
How can you go wrong with recent titles like: Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 2, Dragon Quest Swords, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime, Final Fantasy Tactics PSP, Final Fantasy I PSP, Final Fantasy II PSP, Final Fantasy: My Life as a King, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and let's not forget Final Fantasy XI's recent expansion packs.
I mean the future line-up of Square-Enix is even more killer: Excluding the game you are talking about there is That Weird Adventure Game, Sigma Harmonics, Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Versus, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Wii, Kingdom Hearts DS , Kingdom Hearts PSP, Kingdom Hearts Cell Phone, Star Ocean IV, Final Fantasy Dissidia, and Dragon Quest VI.
One of the site's forefathers.
Go get 'em, Jaffe! I completely agree with him on this. The open-world, sandbox with boring, repetitive gameplay missions just plain suck. The last Spiderman game I liked was on the Sega Genesis.
Well I'm not a handheld gamer, so The World Ends with You is unfortunately not on my radar. Even if I was a handheld gamer, I still don't like the idea of playing huge RPG's on a handheld.
The rest of that post nearly made me upchuck, thanks a lot! Its such a shame that they've milked the FF name to death over the past decade. I really wish they would have continued with the software strategy they used on the PS1.....keeping FF, well, FF. And making a bunch of other great games, taking chances.
Where's GG?
Hahaha, this place pwns Gamespot so hard man. I love it.
I think some of the remaining cool people at Gamespot should really see what we're doing here, if they could pry their wanton eyes away from the almighty Gspot for 5 seconds. They may like it.
Spore Zelda characters rule.
I really need to thank you guys. Especially GG and Yoda obviously...I mean without you guys I would be a man without a country....nowhere to chill. Instead, you guys created this badass site with really everything we need to have a great time, while cutting out all the BS and all the fluff.
Its so cool here. Its organized, yet random. All the info and news that matters, plus all our reviews and blogs...and all the ramdom posting insanity that made the original Ring Of Fire so cool (it wasn't called Ring of Fire....I can't remember what we called it).
So again, thanks guys. Group hug??? No? Fine......smell Steel's anii!!!
I live on the other side of the world so I may be asleep. Or just busy.
Yep, like when I had it on 1up, it would be useful. So what happened to the last week? I wanted to see the rest of the comments. Did you post that Atari story?
Still feels so weird to me. Just floating like a turd in the wilderness for 5 months then doing GG Weekly for 9 weeks on my personal blog and now this whole transferal. I need grounding. I'm thinking of keeping my blog at 1up just have a little place of my own to muse on crap.
I'm going to do a tribute entry on the whole 9 weeks soonish and it can always be a fall back place when this site isn't working. I've also been making my own webpages at home for practice and it's a world away.
George Carlin died....I just saw a quick news flash thing. Wow that sucks so bad, he was one of the only people who just told it like it is, and a true original.