Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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Yeah, I threw the Atari suing story on there. I'm getting to the weekly organization stuff, but I got caught up yesterday before being able to accomplish much.

As for the site, I just get caught up doing this kind of thing. I should thank you guys, with someone around it doesn't look as if I'm crazy. Like a homeless guy talking to himself isn't crazy if people are listening.
I'd like to see your webpage GG
Without coming across as obnoxious, I have a couple suggestions: Try to code in XHTML standards (such as closing all tags, correct tag order, etc.), and make use of Firefox (it has great developer extensions, such as Firebug and an XHTML validator). Ack, there I go again.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileGeorge Carlin is too good for my condolences. Almost symbolic in timing given the deterioration of the integrity of the United States government.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWII-KLY UPDATE: ONE WIIWARE GAME AND TWO VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAMES ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL
June 23, 2008
Everybody loves a cIassic battle between good and evil. With the latest additions to the Wii™ Shop Channel, your greatest challenge will be choosing where to wipe out the bad guys-in deep space, on mean city streets or in a monster-ridden fantasy world. Whatever the venue, be ready for outrageous enemies and memorable missions you'll relish from beginning to end.
Nintendo adds new and cIassic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii™ owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
Gyrostarr™ (High Voltage Software, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Fantasy Violence, 700 Wii Points): Gyrostarr challenges you and up to three additional players to pilot your ships through a series of twisting, turning technoplasma tracks while battling a variety of deadly alien foes at ever-increasing speeds. While fighting and maneuvering, you must collect enough energy to activate the ancient warpgate at the end of each track. Succeed, and you can journey to the next, even deadlier track. Fail, and the gate will slam shut, destroying your ship. Enhance your ship with weapon pickups, coordinate attacks with your friends to fire powerful combined blasts and use your grapple to snag energy and pickups in the midst of combat. Control your ship with the Wii Remote™ controller, Nunchuk™ controller or CIassic Controller™, or use the "paired" control system that allows two players to use a connected Wii Remote and Nunchuk or CIassic Controller at the same time. Offering 50 levels of intense action, powerful pickups, high-speed bonus levels and mayhem for up to four players, Gyrostarr is a killer arcade challenge.
Virtual Console™
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Sega Master System, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone-Comic Mischief, 500 Wii Points): In this platformer from the 1980s, you're Alex Kidd, looking for your lost brother Egle. In order to find your brother, you'll have to contend with the evil Janken the Great, who will send his henchmen and monsters at you to thwart your progress. One aspect of this adventure is that you'll have to play the cIassic game of "rock, paper, scissors" against the henchmen in order to defeat them. With 16 different levels to conquer in order to save Egle, this cIassic is sure to test your skills and your wits at the same time.
BURNING FIGHT (NEOGEO, 1-2 players, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older-Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence, 900 Wii Points): Released in 1991 by SNK, BURNING FIGHT is a side-scrolling hand-to-hand-combat action game. In pursuit of Casterora, leader of a huge syndicate that has escaped from New York to Osaka, the protagonists are three detectives: Duke, Ryu and Billy. Each character fights using a combination of punches, kicks and jumps, plus his own particular special move, activated by simultaneously pressing the jump and attack buttons. These lethal techniques have enormous destructive force, but they also consume a great deal of energy. For this reason, players must use their special moves with skillful timing. Luckily for the detectives, new weapons and additional health can be found by breaking things like phone booths and street signs along the way. A boss, who must be defeated in order to continue the mission, awaits players at the end of each stage. You can also take on the gang with a friend, but beware-attacks by one player can damage the other, so keep an eye on where your partner is in the heat of the battle. End Casterora's reign of terror once and for all.
"Call of Duty 5 is going to look better than any Wii game I've ever seen on the market. For all intents and purposes it's the same game. (as 360/PS3 version). This will easily the best shooter on the Wii." Senior producer Noah Heller
Hmm, impressive. Look better than any wii game he's ever seen on the market? So better looking than MP3 and Mario galaxy? This guy is off his rocker, but it is using the COD4 engine and he's saying that it's the same game "for intents and purposes" as the ps3/360 versions.
He's either talking crap or overestimates their skills. Either way I'm interested in how it turns out. I thought, as did most of the press that MOH:H2 was pretty good on wii. If it was in an original setting and lost the WW2 BS it could have been approaching a 9.0
Crap, something went screwy with an update. I'm on it.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo no matter how good CoD5 is a 9.0 isn't possible?
Yeah we aren't on XHTML yet we've only talked about it, it's a stricter form of HTML right? My webpage is very basic but I can construct the GG weekly page as it was on 1up, everything on there apart from the mouse over images and the comments. It's very basic stuff but I like injecting my personality into it. It's like no more heroes, rough around the edge, highly stylised, fun but a little rough.
I was halfway through registering on freehostia but I'm sick of giving my every detail to everyone on the internet.
Not unless aliens invade and it becomes a wii resistance
So I was thinking, do you guys think there should be a separate forum from the GGWeekly thread? I'm just thinking that with the few people we have we might all get separated. I see a lot of private boards with a couple of replies per thread.
All better. Viewing older previous weeks of GG Weekly can now be done by using the archive linked to at the top -- note that you cannot comment in the past; any post you make will appear corresponding to the present time.

Yes, XHTML is basically a validation method for making sure you're coding HTML cleanly. I started with web design by modifying existing source code. I originally had a Geocities page that you used a WYSIWYG editor, then started messing with things on my own. It really is the personalization and control that makes it rewarding. That and you can see your results immediately
Registration forms are a pain. You really don't have to give out anything other than your e-mail though. The rest can be, to steal a British term, bollocks.
EDIT: Whoops, seems I forgot to update the comments when you view the older weeklys.
EDIT2: There we go. Archive + old comments complete.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI figured that in time we could expand into a forum if need be. To this point I think it unneccessary given the level of discussion and activity as it all works well as a gathering here.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHrmph.
That view older entries thing isn't very user friendly. It should just list the links to an existing week. So like a I used to title them on 1up: Week of 16th June, Week of 23rd of April etc.
^ You seem overly bitter about that
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile???
WiiWare/VC updates:
Gyrostarr looks interesting. Wow, it's been nearly 20 years since I played Alex Kidd in Miracle World! I may buy that one just for the novelty of owning an Alex Kidd game after all of these years. Then again, maybe I'll just wait for Alex Kidd in Shinobi World.
I hope Sega releases Golden Axe Warrior (SMS) on VC soon. That game was a fun Zelda clone. Shoot, it was even better than the original Zelda!
Just the "Hrmph" haha
Anyway, I should have clarified that it is really a quick fix and not so much a perminant solution. I'm working on too many things at once, I just wanted to get the functionality in there for now since it was a very simple process in that regard.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHrmph! I still can't find the comments for the weekend
Freehostia started asking for my home address, postcode, phone number, email, all sorts of crap. I'm sick of it! Anyway you can imagine my webpage, a gold background, large purple impact titles, everything centered, a silly pic, a bunch of updates and a black title for the mondays updates. My other page is a just a bunch of stupid pics.
Is who?
So Burning fight is that beat em I asked you about before Phantom? No good eh? Bleh. I'm going to try the ninja gaiden ds demo again instead. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel that the VC has been pretty crap for a couple of months now at least. Where are the big titles I want?
He was a comedian. More here: NY Times George Carlin, 71, Irreverent Standup Comedian, Is Dead
Yo bitches, I am baaaack!
I'm currently writing a HUGE article for the blog part of the site. I'll be sure to let everyone know when it is posted.
One of the site's forefathers.
I can feel my ass tightening already. Please paraphrase.
Good, now someone quick, ban him! He tried to ban me from life, but failed.