Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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While the PS3 is climbing up its way in current sales market share it still has a ways to get cemented as the current 2nd place holder. Personally I'd imagine that there are two things worrying SONY right now. I mean yes this market share crisis happened to Nintendo once before but Nintendo had 2 things different with the N64 and Gamecube that SONY doesn't have with the PS3 and PSP. That is that Nintendo were selling machines at a profit and that Nintendo had a strong fanbase. I'm not too sure about the PSP but I do know that SONY was losing hefty dollars on the PS3. I'd actually imagine that they still are losing money on PS3 sales due to them being so hesitent to drop the price.
In terms with strong fanbase, okay lets cut the crap here, this isn't Gamespot or 1up so enough of this "OMGZ it must be equals" crap. Cutting out God of War, Gran Turismo (so underserving), Team Ico, what other current IP's does SONY have that can give off massive fan appeal or even strong cult appeal or what not of say Zelda, Metroid, Advanced Wars, The old Shining Force, Smilebit's works, and Super Smash? I mean really it's a no brainer that SONY didn't get where they did because of their solid 1st party line-up.
SONY got where they were with the PS2 due to them striking at others past fuck-ups and having great relations with third parties. Why did developers choose the PSX? Because it was the only console that wasn't a fucking disaster. Why did they enjoy working on the PSX and PS2? Because they had a big install base and the games sold. Why did they sell so much? Because they had appeal. But why did they live so long? Cause they had the games.
The PSX and PS2 didn't sell due to games like Warhawk and JumpingFlash. No they sold because of games like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, Tony Hawk, Resident Evil, etc. The Playstation branch lived on due to third party games not SONY's games. Why do people think that the PSP went from having a slight edge over the DS to now some sites claiming it's "dead"? Because the games that people by the Playstation's for just weren't there. And to be honest most people didn't really care too much about games like "Daxter" or "Wipeout".
Nintendo stabbed themselves in the back by relying too much on their own development studios, SONY has stabbed theirselves in the back by relying too much on others.
One of the site's forefathers.
Damn I missed a lot today, going back to the who to invite question, Carnage is a no, forever. Marcus, that guy has morphed into the new Grammaton, every time he posts he adds some smart ass hidden insult, so no. Skylock is a great guy, maybe here he may open up or maybe not.
Oh and Edge you are right you are not the guy that talks to Dan, its GME.
Regarding tripping: That's what I suspected, and it really irritates me, since I like to sprint around most of the time. Sprinting was a real boon for me with Melee's Ganondorf, but now I'm penalized for trying to speed up a slow character.
My favorite Melee stages were Hyrule Castle (which I hear is/was actually one of the worst in the game for tournament play) and Final Destination... neither of which have any moving elements. Yeah, you got it: interference from the stage is what bugs me about Brawl's stages (the ones that aren't just nearly static platforms zooming around).
I hate the tripping as much as anyone. I've turned the game off multiple times because of it.
Hyrule Castle was definitely my favourite Melee stage, followed by Jungle Japes (I think that's what it was called. The DK level with the water, anyway). Any scrolling is instant fail. I'm not surprised Hyrule Castle is bad for tournament play, though, it's just too big with some spots you can exploit. I'm no tournament level player, though.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSomething I always forget to mention, but something that bugs me nonetheless, is that many deaths that would clearly and reasonably be counted as Self-Destructs in Melee are now counted as Falls, making your opponent seem better than he is. I swear I've jumped off the stage, following him and trying to KO him, and when I die in the process, no hits from my opponent, it's counted as a Fall in Brawl. What the hell?
Man, Gran Turismo man. It was awesome on the PS, but Gran Turismo 3 was just absolutely mind blowing, and incredibly addictive. And yes, it was mind blowing because it looked good.
A gem from SW:
"It would be a shame to watch the series NOT evolve into its third gamein the series. It'll just be what we saw on the PS2 with some lame motion controls. Like every other game that hit the Wii. I have a sneaking suspicion the reason alone in the dark blows is because they multiplatted it onto the Wii thus bringing down all the versions of the game."
Can't they just accept that it sucks?
This is a disgrace:
I played some Brawl after griping about it here. Level 9 Ganondorf versus level 9 Kirby, Final Destination, no items, five stock. First stock: Kirby gets Ganondorf above 100% before Ganondorf even lands a hit on Kirby. Ganondorf dies at either 127% or 157% (can't remember which), while the only thing that happened to Kirby was that he was thrown and incurred 7% damage.
That little pink bastard almost four-stocked Ganondorf! Given the conditions of the fight, that should NOT have happened. And while I might have a clear bias here, I don't remember anything this ridiculous happening in Melee with the same conditions and characters.
If you guys are getting tired of the Brawl complaints, be sure to say something. Brawl and Zelda were perhaps the two games I bought a Wii for, both have disappointed me, and I want to validate my console purchase, dammit!
Super Mario Galaxy validates it all!
Random thoughts:
PRE is right about Sony...they don't have a stranglehold on 3rd-party support anymore so of course they're not even close to what they were with PS1 and PS2.
They made the right system at the right time with PS1, then PS2 basically just rode the PS1's coatails to success. Really, kind of a free ride, as I still think the Xbox and Gamecube should have both smoked it. With PS3, well, times have finally caught up with them.
Free Radical Design......I know some people swear by Timesplitter's but to me they've just never impressed me much with anything. I tried to see the greatness of Timesplitter's 2 (apparently the pinnacle in the series) 4 or 5 times, and failed to every time. I honestly think Goldneye and especially Perfect Dark destroy anything Free Radical has made and I would rather play those still to this day, and when it comes to Perfect Dark Zero Rare just totally outclassed them.
Smash Bros. is the most overrated franchise in gaming. I love the collectibles, but I'd rather have them in a good game.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is done. Great game, but the ending mission wasn't too hot IMO. I still like MGS3 the most. (Ironically, the one game that doesn't star Solid Snake)
That comes with the territory, when you came here you signed away your sexual rights to me.
Yeah I am. That grain shit is a filter? What the hell? I thought it was just crappy picture quality. They put that crap in? Why would you make it grainy deliberately? Screw that crap. How do I change squad members? Apart from when they put it on screen for me, I cant seem to find the option to do it whenever I want.
Is there onscreen counter we can see? Todays weekends updates were 38
I thought it would be quiet. I'm close to 250 updates this week, that's crazy, in a month it'll be over a 1000 at this rate. That's insane.
I don't game on PC. And I never heard of fallout before fallout 3 and the only reason I'm interested in that is because of oblivion. Sorry punk.
That was in Tuesdays updates. Too much info. This is why it's going to be difficult with news posting. I have it in my mind what I have and have not posted ingrained in my memory. It's going to be really tough when it comes to duplicate posting with multiple posters. But I cannot keep doing between 30-50 updates every day.
I want to make clear that the people I've said NO to, bar a couple I don't hate any of them. So don't take it as that. For instance I quite like a few of them, including F1 etc. I just have nitpicky things that irritate me. I mean smerlus for example I have totally nothing against the guy whatsoever and he seems like a good sort but he sort of ruined the Donkey threads comeback with a comment.
Technically I remembered that earlier news posting, but I didn't get around to reading and figured it was about cutting losses and not so much about how much they've mounted. I would have actually made sure if I were going to post it in the news section, though. I can't be counted on to post news, but I can at least read through and remove duplicates.
We do have a search news function, though. You can always search previous stories to check for duplicates.
I also noticed that, though I avoid suicides enough not to care so much. I'm not sure how you even get a self-destruct in Brawl. The good thing about Brawl though is that I wasn't so hyped for it since I knew generally what to expect. I'm generally happy with it aside from the tripping, but I also expected less than most.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI'm going to have to move servers soon. x10hosting now automatically suspends any accounts that spike in CPU activity above a certain level.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI think you've all put me off getting Brawl...
That's pretty much exactly what I thought to myself as I played the game.
Buy now, or else!!!!
Most of the people I invited here, have read my invite....but most didn't respond. Fuckers. This is no way to treat a friend...
Funny Genesis comercial