Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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It's worth buying, especially if you're already a Smash fan. I really like playing it, even more than Melee, but that's probably just because it's fresh and has tons of cool stuff in it. If you don't mind the tripping and the new physics, it's superb. It's just that for purposes of competition and speedy fighting, it's a few steps down from Melee. I've heard the game is more like the N64 Smash than it is like Melee, so my favorite in the series has become, I guess, sort of the black sheep.
If you have a Wii, buy it. There's really no good excuse not to, especially if you liked the previous entries. After all, there's not much great stuff on the console. Brawl is near or at the top of the great Wii games.
Anyway, I'm tired of talking Brawl and everyone's probably tired of my griping now, so time for a new subject for me.
Regarding invitations: I know there's a consensus, but I also want to express my desire that Carnage and Grammaton not be invited. I like the fact that they bring some (IMO) much-needed spice to the GGD, but we don't need their kind of confrontational, belittling shit here. Man do I miss the days of Dan, Pedro, and those guys. Now the GGD is boring except for threads made, for the most part, by people over here. But, like I said... no, they're too much.
And I know an invitation has already been sent to gamingqueen, but she's reallly gotten on my nerves lately--mostly in the MGS thread(s)--and I'm wondering if inviting her was a good idea. She tends to state subjective opinions as objective facts, and is sort of condescending. Plus, she thinks MGS2 is a better game than MGS3.
I think that having UpInFlames and Shame-us over here would be nice, though.
And actually, I'm now under the impression that there's a healthy contingent of people who prefer MGS2 to the others (maybe minus MGS4). I really don't know why they like it better than the others (it was my first MGS game, but is now my least favorite). Anyone want to hypothesize?
I noticed that, I was just polishing off the weekend updates when it happened. I retreated to my 1up blog as I always do when this place is jammed. Sometimes the server doesn't respond and I have to start the process of making an update again. On p24 it wouldn't let me edit my comment. It just says processing endlessly.
I was just playing NIGHTS Wii again. Once you disconnect the nunchuk it stops being a retro POS and starts feeling a little new. It's... fun-ish. If I had paid more this would be on ebay overnight, but it's got nice music. I would have preffered if they had kept the world/characters/music and made an adventure game or platformer.
So SteelAttack, it's a weekend and there are 38 updates just today. You up for this?
Oh yeah. You know it.
Gran Turismo really is just bad. I mean most people liked the game because they didn't play the simulators that were offered on PC, and now it is due to name. I mean no damage? How is it a "simulator" then?
I agree that the Xbox, GC, and DC were far superior then the PS2 in terms of hardware and philosophy. The Xbox was everything the PS2 was and more, the GC kept the "Nintendo simplicity" intact as well as was hailed to be "the N64 evolved" (though IMO it was anything but as they just launched a bunch of "experimental games" on the system). The DC was way ahead of anything. Online? VMU's? True Triggers? Hell that system had things that the console today don't have. But the PS2, what did it have? A DVD player? Like the Xbox. ....Broken hardware? I mean the system was so highly praised due the games it got.
You play WRPG's but not on the PC? That's like saying you play JRPG's last gen yet you don't own a PS2. Get your ass towards a bittorrent site and download the Fallout 2.iso!
foolz said:
Buy it it's good. People always complain about every new addition towards a competitive genre, especially fighting games. There is BS in all versions of the games, I still remember people complaining about the crap Melee gave them. This is no different then people comparing 2nd Impact to 3rd Strike or Accent Core to # Reloaded.
One of the site's forefathers.
Punk, I don't normally play WRPGs I've just picked up those two games because they were highly critically acclaimed. Oblivion is still my favourite 360 game and if it weren't for that game for the first year of owning a 360 I would have been profoundly disappointed. I like mass effect so far.
I personally like walking around and talking to characters and helping people, whether it's JRPGs or WRPGs. Alot of the time I wish they would cut the dungeon crawls and crap and just let me wander about the towns like a virtual tourist. My favourite part of the wind waker was wandering about windmill island.
It has five additional areas to the PS3/360 games. Compared to those versions graphically it looks crap, but for some reason I find its more cartoony take endearing. Also the prospect of motion controls for force powers and this dual mode where you can pit any lightsabre freak against any other in these arenas. It's a shame that the game has been made with the PSP and PS2 in mind, otherwise they could have really stretched the wii's GPU. Shame Krome is making it too. Looks like I'll buy the 360 version and rent the wii one, or get it secondhand.
The preview http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/article.php?id=4917
"The Force Unleashed is also being released on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Usually when this happens alarm bells start ringing, as more often than not developers work on those then slap out a quick Wii version with rubbish graphics and broken controls. As a refreshing change though, the Wii version may actually be the best of the bunch. As well as the added enjoyment of the Wii's controls, the Wii version also has five extra levels that don't feature on the other consoles. Even better, there's also an exclusive Duel Mode, which really impressed us. This mode lets two players battle each other in a fight to the death. There are 27 different Jedi to choose from, spanning the whole Star Wars saga. So if you've always wanted to see Luke Skywalker fight Darth Maul, or fancy making Mace Windu give Darth Vader a bit of a kicking, you can finally live that dream. The Force Unleashed looks set to be an absolute cracker. It's not often that a Wii game is the best in a multi-platform release, but the force is definitely strong with this one."
That's the official UK nintendo mag preview BTW^ I find the way the game is using the force powers to be really stupid given what the wii can do. Dvader will back me up when I say that if they had used a similar Elebits style physics system for force manipulations it could have rocked the boat.
If any Europeans are interested: THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU
is on ebay, multiple copies availible for around £4 including postage. That's around $8
Sad that it's that low, but good that I can get it that cheaply. I just hope that they aren't pirate versions. P.S Avoid the Hong Kong ones.
We're now on a different server, so hopefully this one's a little more reliable and a little less angry about sites with traffic.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPIRITED AWAY: HAYAO MIYAZAKI'S LATEST MOVIE TRAILER:
Errrr, so it's about a water baby thing? WTH? Doesn't exactly look as good as Spirited Away or Howls moving castle. Could be like Totoro I guess.
Nice one there.
Miyazaki appears to be trying to wipe out the human race by way of cuteness overload.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBeaver you can talk bad about Brawl even though I disagree (I love Brawl and think its better than Melee) but dont you dare say anything bad about Zelda.
About MGS2 fans, oh they are out there. From what I can gather these people are of the mindset that MGS should be a series about philosophical questions, the storyline should be much more than an action story and more about blabbing on and on about whatever MGS2 was about. If see most of their complaints its that the story of MGS3 "sucked", that it had "no depth". Sadly they don't see that the story of MGS3 was miles better, much better paced, actually made sense, never tried to be something its not. Also you will notice that almost none of them talk about the gameplay. I love MGS2 but to me it was clearly the weakest link, even Kojima thinks so, so we are right. Ha.
Wow, good looking Wii games. Both Sonic and Star Wars look very good graphically. Too bad both of those I will buy on the PS3.
Metal Gear Solid 2 has worse gameplay than MGS1? What fucking planet am I on?
All I know is, Metal Gear Solid 2 still hold up better today than most PS2 games, its still one of the most technically impressive last-gen games. It blew me away when I first played it, and it was tied with Halo for my favorite game of 2001.
The story is stupidly confusing yes, but even that I don't remember bothering me at all until the very end of the game. As far as gameplay and setting's, etc.....I loved the game very much
Then you'll LOVE "Planescape Torment".
IMO MGS2 > MGS and MGS3 Snake Eater in pretty much everyway but main character.
One of the site's forefathers.
Why? I can understand the gameplay of 2 being better than that of 1 (except in variety), but why else do you think 2 is better?
First Day Japan Sales (I think the ones that are "()"'d in are the shipped numbers)
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii): about 120k (about 170k)
- Derby Stallion DS (DS): about 120k
- Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (DS): about 70k (about 110k)
- Hisshou Pachinko Pachislot Series Vol. 12: CR Neon Genesis Evangelion -Shito Hutatabi- (PS2): about 30k (50-60k)
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna Vol. 1: Tatari (DS): about 22k (35-45k)
- Gundam Operation Troy (360): about 20k (30-40k)
- Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono (PSP): about 17k (about 25k)
- Sengoku Basara X (PS2): about 16k
- Bleach: The Third Phantom (DS): about 14k (about 40k)
- The King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match (PS2): about 13k (about 20k)
- Disgaea: The Prince of Dark World and Red Moon (DS): about 11k (about 35k)
- Battle Field: Bad Company (360): about 9k (about 15k)
- Our TV Game Exam (DS): about 8k (about 55k)
Just felt bigger and better to me as well as far more epic. I far prefered the story and enjoyed its complexity. I also far prefered the theme then the one in MGS1 (I don't consider a freezer and a steel area different "environments"). Also MGS1 was pretty much just MG2 but with 3D graphics better gameplay and voice acting and lesser everything else (IMO).
One of the site's forefathers.
MGS2 had better gameplay mechanics for sure, it advanced the series very well. But all other aspects I felt was a step back. MGS1 had much better variety, WAY WAY better bosses, better pacing, better level design. MGS2 the tanker level was perfection, if the game was like that the whole way through it would have been a 10 like a feel the other games in the series are. The Plant was dull, its structure was repetitive by design. Every area was a hexagon with a bridge, yeah each room was slightly different but it offered no change in the size of the areas, the types of locations you visit. The inner strut had some diversity but I feel the events from MGS2 were not as good as MGS1. The harrier fight was already done before, it was the Hind D fight. The electrified floor with the nikita missle was done before. I know it was all a reenactment of MGS1 but that is what kind of hurt it. An escort mission underwater is no where near as fun as rappeling down a wall while a helicopter shoots you. Listening for a guys heartbeat is not as fun as going up a flight of stairs as you are assulted by a ton of guards. Having to sniper cover fire is not as good as having an actual sniper duel.
MGS2 had phenomenal gameplay it just didn't use it in interesting new ways. It all felt like a poor attempt to mimic MGS1. Fantastic game, just the weakest one in the series I feel.
O hai!
Everyone please wish Yodariquo
Sunday June 29
I have played the sims on the PC, and Forza, and I honestly can't understand the obsession wtih damage. (Especially when it comes to Forza).
The damage in Forza looks cool, I'll give it that, but it is far too forgiving, and as such for realism it offers very little. Bottomline is if you crash in either your race is over.
The racing engine in GT is fun, the tinkering is fun, it doesn't matter whether it's realistic or want. You can blame Polyphony's digitals marketers for marketing it as a sim if you want, but the bottomline is the racing is fun.
Miyazaki: If it's like Totoro that'll be good, as it's one of his better films.
Looks like I'm the only person here who enjoyed the MGS 2 story. Yes, it wasn't as tight as 3, yes it dind't make sense at times, but for me that was awesome. The feeling of WTF when playing tyhrougth it the first time was awesome.
Overall though I'd say MGS3 is the better of the two, but 2 is my favourite, and I've not played 4.
Oh, and Happy Birthday Yodariquo!
Well I feel the complete opposite, let's just agree to disagree then.
You pretty much just answered your own question.
One of the site's forefathers.