Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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Are you a tard? All you have to do is move your cursor to the side of the screen (the blue part) and it'll go right down to comments without "scrolling through 30 pages".
Hahaha, I like how they're trying to steal the insert coin vibe and place it in the GGD right now.
We'll see how long that lasts.
I know how to do THAT... The pages are just all... sloppy... Bleh...
It was nice and uniform having scrollable windows for each of the week's days. It just gave the pages a more clean look.
GG why did you change yer avatar BTfuckingW? I liked your scuba one better.....neon blue and all.
I actually have no idea what in the hell you're talking about. I'll take your word for it.
I had that endless ocean icon for months and thought it was time for a change. At gamespot I started having matching avatars and sigs, now that we have sigs here I could get back to that.
Probably your page glitched. Are you using IE6? Try it with a different browser.
I pm'd Darth.
He thought I was advertising my blog!
Good job.
Yeah, that happened to me once too with IE7.
If you're being redirected to the home page when trying to do something like add a news article or change account settings, it's something to do with authentication. Log out and log back in.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's not a glitch, as it will happen every time because of CSS compatibility. I've now modified it for IE6 to function properly. IE7 has worked for a while.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNintendo Power teases us again
Yoda is God. I'm going to write that on a wall today like those Clapton grafitti from the late 60s. We have sigs!
Yeah, older versions of IE lose the scrolling bars. Change to FF, Leo. Or IE7.
I'm all for getting both Skitch and Flames over here. Skitch is certainly awfully busy and have little time to log on even on Gamespot, and Flames has always been reluctant to show up at other sites, but it would be worth the try. Bring Dan!!!111
I'm going to make a Dan Defense Force sig. 
What do you mean about stealing the vibe, Edge? I'll have to insert more coins into rag's ass to understand that comment.
Rag! Get that ass over here!
I like fragile. And I'm still PISSED about that PIECE OF SHIT CASTLEVANIA FIGHTING TURD. >_<
Well we need a group concensus. If we were doing it that way then Carnage and Marcus could be invited and then they'd see our posts and be all like :angry: !
What I find ironic is that aren't they both in their early 40's or something?
Anyway I just invited GQ.
Lulz Subrosian. You guys have no idea how bad he is in System Wars. He's a total panda about everything.
"The Wii is killing gaming!"
"Core games are being dumbed down for the casual gamer!"
"TRUE PC Gaming is dying"
"Anybody who buys Fallout 3 is evil"
I'm sorry if I seem like the official shit-talker of the site but I'm sorry this guy is just ridiculous.
Rhapsody DS - Don't tell me that this is a port of the PSX game. Sad to say it looks BETTER then Disgaea DS.
Fragile - Looks interesting.
One of the site's forefathers.
Love the way Fragile looks.
Super Smash Brothers Brawl Get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep time for you all to feel PAIN!
Oh man don't make me relive that thread again GG, I was off thinking that I liked Skylock for some reason, until I remember some of my moderations. Sure I called him and SHameus nerds, but it was an obvious joke, and not even really an insult. Plus I thought that I had been there long enough to get the benefit of the doubt, that I didn't get several times with SKylock. I'm scratching him off the list of people that I'm going to pm, myself but I will pm the rest of the Yes list.
Arc rise Fantasia
Looks pretty good, for the style. Character models look a bit lacking though, except for the FMV where they look like 360 characters. I'm glad the Wii is getting some RPG's, but it would be nice if they weren't all so anime looking. How about something more like Lost Odyssey?
Thanks Yo.
Arc Rise does look good-ish. I think the only western rpgs I've played are oblivion and mass effect and I have to say, mass effect is kinda like oblivion with guns. I really don't like the vast array of bewildering menus and options, I can't be bothered reading the manual - that's the type of gamer I am. I just want to talk to the characters, see the sights and blow stuff up.
Should I be aware of any options which might take care of all the minutia for me? I think I set the options at the beginning to auto level or something and casual difficulty. Graphics are great, but sometimes when the camera zooms in you can see the seams, like some pretty ugly aliasing on some lines.
I hate the way the screen blurs when you rotate the camera. And am I going crazy or is there screen tearing? I hate screen tearing I mean how can any developer justify releasing a game with screen tears? Pandora tommorrow was a nightmare for me because of that.
Fragile looks like a fantastic game... oh, and thanks for signatures Yoda!
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"