The Metal Gear Revengeance directional slashing is also ridiculously overcomplicated.
You have a console with motion controls but you can't just red steel it. You have to press X to initiate, change the direction of your slash with the left stick. Then use the right stick to sort out your orientation. And press Y to slash.
And press in the right stick to slow time. And meanwhile they've left the most pointless amount of motion control with the right joycon. So trying to press Y to slash actually shifts your hand and slash position off centre. Start again.
Or even have to quit out, move your character to a better position and start the whole process again.
Oh yeah, definitely not changing. It's setting records in Japan and doing well worldwide.
I have to admit it still boggles my mind how it keeps selling so well. I guess there's always new kids coming of age that are getting introduced to it.
I renewed psnow while I wait for my Retroid to be delivered. So I downloaded Bugsnax, Tetris Effect and Alex Kidd DX. Alex Kidd is not fun, but Tetris is still tetris. And I haven't tried out Bugsnax just yet.
There's a good game underneath here but the controls and camera are really pissing me off as the games enemies become more demanding.
Ive come to dislike the Astral dimension levels, they all look the same, you're battling enemies whilst also trying not to fall off platforms.
You're often backed against a wall and the camera decides your best point of view is point blank behind the characters head.
All while multiple flying enemies are zooming about with the camera doing backflips as it locks on and loses lock of them.
Thinking back on all the Platinum games I own or have owned and sold, Mad world is the only one I saw through to the end.
I'm going to use unchained mode here at times when it gets annoying.
I don't see how play testers allowed these flaws to make it through.
You have a console with motion controls but you can't just red steel it. You have to press X to initiate, change the direction of your slash with the left stick. Then use the right stick to sort out your orientation. And press Y to slash.
And press in the right stick to slow time. And meanwhile they've left the most pointless amount of motion control with the right joycon. So trying to press Y to slash actually shifts your hand and slash position off centre. Start again.
Or even have to quit out, move your character to a better position and start the whole process again.
Damn. You know things are bad with the new Pokémon game when even Nintendo starts handing out refunds.
Tried Lost in Random last night. Only £5 in the sale. Seems really good.
Nails the Tim Burton vibe. Looks excellent on switch too. I thought it would be some blurry bullshit but it looks nice.
Love the atmosphere and voice acting too.
Oh Buried Stars is £12 which is 70% off. Its supposed to be a great Ace Attorney like game.
No one picking up any Black Friday deals on the eshop?
Not likely change because the game sold like crazy.
I have to admit it still boggles my mind how it keeps selling so well. I guess there's always new kids coming of age that are getting introduced to it.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, whether you celebrate today or not. What are you playing today? I'm still enjoying my adventure in RDR2.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to my southern neighbors.
Just looks so messy technically.
Happy thanksgiving!
Still getting through giant God of war. It's so good.
Still playing Astral Chain. Outside of the combat which you can automate, theres a lot of really interesting ideas here.
There's the detective work, handing scents to a beast legion to track things. World traversal with a hookshot of sorts.
There was a Splinter Cell like level where you almost become a bit like Batman.
Now I'm in a level which could be a cyberpunk rpg.
Happy Thanksgiving all! What I'm most thankful for is being well endowed...
...with an amazing group of online friends for all these years! 🍆
Cooked my meal, my guests are gone. Time to play some Metroid Dread, Marvel Snap! and Nobody Saves the World!
Well, the wife and I did something this weekend, booked a flight to Paris in April.
I'd happily recommend you a lot of stuff, but it's been ages since I've been there and my recollections would just end up in you getting lost