Legendary Designer Charles Cecil Talks 'Beyond A Steel Sky'
And Switch's Suitability For Classic Adventure Games
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gamingeek (3m)
Yeah I definitely noticed that about this game. It took me several attempts and some strategizing to get past the first boss.
I was tempted to buy those ears. I did change my spartans colors to peppermint.
15 hours into Crysis 2. It feels extraordinarily long for a fps, it's very enjoyable though and smokes the first game by a mile IMO
25 hours into the Great Ace attorney on case 5 of the first game and I'm feeling burnout there a bit. There's so much unnecessary text at times. I wouldn't mind if there was voice acting but sometimes it gets tiring. Still great fun and value overall. If the 2nd game is a similar runtime you're easily looking at 50 hrs of gameplay.
10 cases and 2 games in one package. And it's pretty much the Ace Attorney you know and love.
Played a little of Streets of Rage 4 and... Whoa that's how you make a sequel. It's really good! Shame the turtles game they're making using pixel art.
Just bought Shakedown Hawaii
I've all but given up on JRPGs at this point. The excessive menus and complicated battle systems. Eh
Though I'm interested in a new Xeno game, still haven't played past 25 hrs of Xenoblade 2.
My first reaction is that there really aren't that many menus and it's not too complicated. However, the more I thought about it, I've been playing games in and around this series for about 15 years. So yeah, they're probably complicated.
I started Divinity OS2, so far it's great, so many quests, so many way to tackle them. Interesting world and characters.
hope you all had a great Christmas! Sorry to hear about the parking GG. Also yes Streets of Rage 4 is incredible.
I now have a Switch.
Any highlights in the sale about to end I should be looking out for?
Everyone always seems to like Mario and rabbids Kingdom battle, and that's pretty cheap. I can't say anything in the sale really catches my eye as far as deals you won't see again. Oh, World of Goo is cheap if you never got around to that.
^ he certainly looks like he'd own one.
Mario VS Rabbids is indeed cheap and good. For what it's worth, I liked the DLC even better.
FAST RMX is cheap now if you never played it on WiiU. It's basically F-Zero
If you're looking for couch co-op Human Fall Flat is a fun 3rd person puzzle game and currently on sale.
Lovers in a dangerous Space time is superb in couch co-op as well, although I don't think it's currently discounted.
Yoku's Island express is a pinbal/metroidvania hybrid that was rather enjoyable. I believe aspro played it as well.
Lair of the Clockwork God is a platformer/point and click hybrid which is supposedly very funny. It's currently 75% off but I haven't played it myself.
And of course, Splatoon. It's not on sale, but it is very, very good.
Asphalt 9 is free, and awesome. Great to play whilst watching TV.
I think the Crysis trilogy is still on sale too, great value and very good games. Started Crysis 3 yesterday. Love starting one game after the other, feels like binge watching a great TV show.
I thought the graphics in crysis 2 looked great, but 3 on switch barely looks like a switch game. There's some crazy ass stuff like ridiculous details on faces, crazy amounts of foliage moving.
I saw a ivy wall, walked up to it expecting some baked in shader or texture and instead the hundreds of leaves are all separately rendered and all independently swaying in the wind. The motions controls add a lot and all games are great to play in handheld too.
If you like GTA this is a fun breezy romp. Hijack cars old school, then run, jump and shoot like MERCs.
A good time. Reminds me of gta Chinatown wars or a 2d version of Vice City.
Punk reviewed it here, I think.
I haven't seen a single Netflix movie that wasnnt horrible. Not even a cast of great actors can inspire them to make some actual cinema.
Shaking my head