What we've learned about digital gaming's impact - a summary
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travo (6m)
Yeah sadly I have to agree.
It's have been reasonable to just add everything for free.
Anyone see the Animal Crossing direct? The free update looks good, but after thousands of hours played I'm not sure I have what it takes to get hooked again. The paid dlc is pointless bullshit imo. I already designed my own Chinese restaurant and cafe and 5 different multi-room houses. And if I wanted to design more I can just use Harvs studio house for that. Cannot be added.
I’m scared to go to my island in Animal Crossing again. It’s probably overrun with flowers and weeds. My villagers are probably just skeletal remains as well.
The extra games they offer aren't a direct comparison, kind of apples to oranges but at the end of the day it's still fruit. Sony throws out a couple current gen games each month that are typically pretty good, while Nintendo is offering a pretty average selection of games from libraries that are 20 years old or older.
Anyway, it makes Nintendo's service look very lackluster in comparison.
That's also the price of gamespass on PC.
$20 for Nintendo's online service was already obscene, this is hardly a surprise.
It's poor alright. Let's assume that they over time are going to add a fuller library from more and more platforms ... sorry got ahead of myself, Nintendo won't do that.
But if they did, let people know that now, not just that you are charging for a handfull of decent N64 games and a bunch of junk off the genesis that has been rereleased on every platform over 40 times before.
Well they did say that more N64 and I guess Genesis games would be added overtime but who knows which ones, how many, and how often that’ll happen.
Yeah, same here. It’s a nice feature but not THAT nice.
I guess that's my point. Put out a more distinct plan of what the future offerings will be. Like Foozl said, no surprise really given how bizarre their internet offerings and policies have been over the years.
I don't really care about the climate topic, which is why I did not read it, btut based on this post I did read it.
" I found a graph charting the last seven days of my internet use, and it told me I used approximately 109GB of data" is pretty shocking. If I go over 80 gb a month I get a warning from y ISP.
In reading the whole article I think it was informative. It was like the one thought I always have about people who want to save the world, but order their toothbrushes, razors, TVs, flash cards etc individually on amazon, which has a much higher polution impact compared to efficient delivery of multiple items being delivered into Target/ Walmart/Grocery store.
Maybe that would have been a good angle, looking at the alternate to digital delivery, which would be the climate impact of manufacturing and transporting physical copies.
Other platforms have all 3 games in 1 box.
So I really don't want to have to insert separate cartridges for each game. Or have to pay to get all three games physically, separately. Im thinking its more convenient to just download them at the trilogy price of £44
But the games must be 10gb each. Even with 520b of micro sds my cards are nearly maxed out and probably won't hold or will max out with an extra 30gb on top.
I would have day 1-ed a physical all in one box. Now I don't know what the hell to do. As digital gets discounted often too. Shall I just wait it out for lower prices?
Could work in sales though, showing customers around on VR. But only if it can run off an external battery pack.
Ahahahahahahahahahaha no thanks.
I read it, it's HUGE!!! A real investigative article. I learned so much about how much electricity contributes to warming, what aspects are more dangerous than others, what is being done to combat it. It's an amazing article. But as with everything around changing our habits it has to come from the big players, they cannot expect everyone to cut back on their own, it's their job to make the infrastructure work.
Congrats Travo!
Today was the DC fandome so they showed a ton of stuff, the big one was The Batman which looks awesome. On the game side they had a cinematic trailer of both suicide squad and Gotham Knights, no gameplay. Suicide squad seems fun but I have no clue how it will play. But it's rocksteady so I trust them.
I finished Metroid and rented Mario 3D World with Bowsers Fury, holy shit Bowsers fury is amazing! It's what odyssey should have been, a full open world 3D Mario that has the spirit of Mario Galaxy.