Jaffe: Games are Too Hard
God of War creator says hard games are driving away gamers.
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I was 3 math classes from finishing mine. never went back to it after I got into a road rage incident and was late for a test. The guy was a karate instructer and made sure to let me know. I have not flipped off any one in traffic since.
So good for you and your stick-to-it-tiveness. Very happy for you Trav.
Congrats Travo!
That's why you left Los Angeles isn't it? You got some black belt wandering the streets wanting to kick your ass and you had to put an ocean between the two of you.
I heard the black belt took up swimming shortly after that. He's just that committed.
He’s still searching for him to this day.
There have been reports of a middle aged black belt wandering the streets of every major city, mumbling what appears to be "I'll teach you to flip me the bird".
That guy is such a bad ass that he barely has to touch his opponent
Well he is hard to kill after all.
First of all, if that pog expression is yours, top shelf, top shelf my friend.
Secondly, what are you talking about?
EDIT: remember when putting the EDIT: on a post was accepted forum etiquette?
I just searched. That is f'n ridiculous. $4.5 bill for a forum site!
lol Steelio. Good luck to the dude getting past our covid customs task force, successfully keeping Australia as isolated (and) as a prison since 1888.
I have a jokey comeback for that that is even too innapropriate for the vg press. I'mm PM you.
So nobody cared to read about the digital gaming VS the climate articles? An outlet goes the extra mile to actually try and do some journalism and nobody read it.
I'd say it was interesting, but the takeaway's are common sense and a bunch of unanswered questions by lack of transparancy from the big players.
A bit late, bit congratulations, man!
Time to start practicing your hat throwing.
Welp, there you have it. Nintendo has unveiled the cost for the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack. It’ll be $49.99 US per year. A $30 additional cost from the standard $19.99 per year. You get N64 games and Genesis games plus access to the Happy Home Paradise paid dlc for Animal Crossing. Still that’s a pretty hefty increase and much more then I was thinking.
What is the family plan cost?
I really hope that doesn't mean there's a price increase on the way for the regular online service.
At any rate, that's way too much. I was thinking maybe an additional $10 a year. Now the pricing is on par with PlayStation plus, which is honestly a much better deal.
I think it’s $79.99.
The standard plan is still $19.99. So thankfully you can still just get that if you’re just mainly interested in playing online.