Game Under Podcast Ep. 130
Foolz and Aspro talk about the latest news, Iron Harvest and their 2017 GOTY editorial impressions media news
Digital Foundry on Mario All-stars 3D
Nintendo actually did a lot of work on this game. news
Michel Ancel Quits Game Development
Rayman creator to work in wildlife sanctuary. news
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Rune Factory 5 was a little disappointing. Combat was generally the least interesting part of the series, so it makes sense that they were making changes to it, but I wasn't really impressed with what they showed off. Visually it's really nothing special either. Given that the last game came out on the 3DS like 8 years ago or so, I thought they would have put a little more effort into it.
I can't play it until tomorrow.
So I guess the Switch is officially the successor to the 3DS now.
I'll miss the stereoscopic 3D. It added so much to the graphics. Too bad we'll never see anything like it anymore.
I definitely want to get a 3DS at some point for this reason. My DS is dead so it'd allow me to get back into Korg DS-10, too.
Glad I picked up that 2DS XL a few months ago.
Me neither. I was strong with the DS, but the 3DS never gripped for me.
Yeah, we've streamlined our creative process. I've also got my response to forum posts down to less than 3 days!
So for just $1,500 I can get an Xbox and a PS5!
*looks at retro collection*
Maybe I will wait a bit.
Played kind words, responded to about 17 letters in less than an hour, so I'm putting that in the "finished games" column.,but%20reassuring%20atmosphere.%20A%20deer%20delivers%20your%20mail%21
I listened to the latest GU podcast. I think it's unfair and discriminating that the third co-host didn't get a mention anywhere. I believe it was a cat?
And yes, a non portable Switch would be pretty unappealing. The Switch Lite however has proven its merrit. It's a great little console.
Ugh... My phone tells me she's detecting moisture in her female USB parts and now is nagging me to do something about it.
So I did what I always do in a situation like this: I dunked her in some dry rice and put her in the other room so the nagging wouldn't bother me.