Here's everything announced in tonight's Nindie showcase
Grindstone! Hades! Manifold Garden! More! news
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gamingeek (9m)
BK? Burger King?
Will you try RE7, GG?
And don't you mean "highest selling Resident Evil of all time" RE7?
I would be but our governor screwed things up by announcing he wanted everyone to start around Labor Day. My wife's district is doing the hybrid model, but we are not. Teachers start next week then the children return the following week, five days a week. They also have a virtual option if they choose. I'll be on a cart, moving from class to class. The children will stay in one classroom all day, working, eating lunch. The classroom is going to look like one from thirty years ago with desks lined up in a row. I will wear a face shield in the classroom and a mask in the hallway. Every morning, I will be out front welcoming children and taking their temperature.
My son is starting sixth grade and is doing it all online. My daughter will do two days a week at school and the other three online, hybrid model. We felt that she would do better with some face to face instruction.
My feeling is that the five day a week model will not last long once while classrooms go into quarantine. We will see.
You mean "the game that failed to outsell Monster Hunter World" ?
Microsoft isn't trying to out sell Sony and Nintendo
Well in that case they're doing a spiffing good job.
In all seriousness, I think they have a good approach, just allowing as many people as possible to play your games, where, lets face it, the real money is. The risk is that in time, this could make their console hardware redundant. Wether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your point of view I'd say.
Skyward Sword Switch listed on Amazon
I'd love for that to be a remaster where the whole game has the same accomplished impressionist look as some of the cutscenes. It's clear that that's what they were going for, but couldn't pull off on the Wii.
The Witcher 2 is $5 on Xbox One
There are some good deals to be had on Xbone at the moment. I've been thinking of getting Dishonored. I own the sequel and also have not played that, so adding and not playing the original is the only sane thing to do.
Get the Witcher. Great game.
GG? Who's GG? Do you mean BK?
Oops, my mistake. BK, are you interested in RE7?
Yeah pretty big sale happening there right now. Not sure if I really want to add to my backlog right now but it is pretty tempting.
Xenoblade Future Connected accolades trailer media
Strange that this is 'news'. Isn't the Future Connected bit included in the Remaster? I'm currently on the end stretch of Xenoblade Chronicles. I'll probably take some time off and play something else before returning to the new content
It's actually only €4.50. And no.
Yeah it is included in the remaster. I played some of it after finishing the main game but took a break so that I could play through Dragon Quest XI. I’ll return to it after I finish DQXI.