Sony financials for 19 fiscal year, 2nd best in video game history.
Sony domination. news
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travo (7m)
So this weekend I opened my hole and took in the whole town in Donut County. I also went too far into crazy land in Ether One. Crazy that I kept playing considering the long load times and bugs.
This weekend it was all about getting screwed over by Daisy Mae and the Stalk Market in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Also started playing some Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on the Xbox One.
Same here. I was a subscriber to Nintendo Power and even got Dragon Quest as a freebie from them. Good times.
also, I know he chimes in at Gamespot on occasion.
I told him how to get back here on Xbox and he got it. Seen him post a couple times on discord.
R.I.P. Jerry Stiller.
I started Nioh 2 and Gucamelee 2. Nioh 2 is so similar, really basic sequel. Combat is still great though. Same with guacamelee 2.
Big industry news tomorrow guys, get ready.
I was thinking of starting Nioh 1, another game in my backlog.
The long story short is, about 9 or 10 years ago a guy wrote a FAQ for Persona 2. He later went on to become a born again Christian, although zealot seems to be the more appropriate word here. The game now greatly offends him, so he wrote an update for it and, well just go see for yourself.
Just watched the UE5 demo on PS5. Now, this is a demo, so I don't expect games to be looking this good, but the prospect of the engine itself scaling the level of detail is a monster feature. It'll diminish work load on developers (no more need to create LOD models) while, in theory, will also empower near limitless detail as developers can scan in an object at an insane amount of detail and use that asset in game. There were more features shown, but the one I mentioned seems the most revolutionary to me as this means geometrical quality is only limited by the size of your RAM and how fast you can stream to and from it, things both Sony and MS spent a lot of effort on to come to solutions that are much higher in bandwith than anything we have today.
This does not bode well for game and patch sizes though.
That demo was stunning, but the gameplay looks stale.
Well it's not a game, it's a demo simply to showcase what the graphics can do. I appreciate that they at least made it look like a game, unlike the UE4 one which was basically just a movie.
One of the things that makes it look like a game is the stale gameplay, so it's nice that they went the extra mile in thier attention to detail!
Gog and Magog is a funny rabbit hole to go down.I recommend at least reading the wikipedia page. God's been failing to get his Gog Magog apocalypse off the ground since Napoleon. Special shout out to Christopher Hitchens for managing to get many supposed anti-Christian atheists to support the latest edition of the crusades which are being fought in the name of Gog Magog, as well.
Finally we get to see the future and its amazing. I did love that they created this demo that had every boring bad trope of modern gameplay. But man that is impressive. Can't wait to see actual games being done for only next gen, that could take a while.
Im disaapointed in the news story for Skully. It needed to say "where is Mulder?"
I posted the Sony financial thread above, they are killing it. Sony had the second biggest year for any platform holder ever. 4th highest yearly sales of software for any platform ever, the top three are all Playstation years. Most of the success is coming from digital sales is like 50% of sales it accounts for 51% of all gross (not PLUS, just digital game sales), physical accounts for 6%. That is INSANE. All platform holders must want physical to die immediately.
Who the hell remembers The X-Files, anymore?
Does this include this year? I don't want it to die, Reade ins save me money, but kinda difficult to do physical at the moment.