GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Sonic Forces launch trailer media gamingeek
[] Nintendo's Updated Switch and 3DS Infographic  Shows Off Winter Line-Up news gamingeek
[] There's Plenty Of Retail Opportunity For Third Parties On Switch Says Sold Out Boss gamingeek
[] Nintendo doesn't exclude you, it asks you to up your game CEO Garry Williams says "the opportunities are there" for boxed games on Switch following digital indie gold rush gamingeek
[] Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds review "Though the enchanting environment is a spectacle to behold, this particular winter wonderland can be quite hard to warm to" impressions gamingeek
[] XBOX development isn't held back at all by Xbox One S Microsoft's Albert Penello says gamingeek
[] Capcom not planning to port Monster Hunter World to Switch will consider Switch support for future titles gamingeek
[] Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 are 1080p on Switch RER1 is 60FPS. 2 is 30FPS - resolution, framerate, motion controls, and more detailed gamingeek
[] ​Suda51 explains why Switch was the right platform for Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, gives progress update gamingeek
[] Sonic Forces focuses on PS4  with clear issues on other systems gamingeek
[] ​In Mass Effect, Shepard's spaceship nearly had  ASS written on the side gamingeek
[] ​Capcom - Monster Hunter XX Switch "performed strongly" Ultra Street Fighter II a "smash hit" gamingeek
[] ​Grezzo looking for HD-experienced devs  with Unity/Unreal Engine knowledge to work on a "Legend" game gamingeek
Namco Upping Switch development didn't think the system would find an audience so quickly gamingeek
[] Xenoblade 2 content coming to Zelda BOTW XB2 season pass content update detailed gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Details Launch Dec 1st gamingeek
[] Argos lives up to pre-order promise and delivers XboneX at 12:01am while Amazon makes a jolly kerfuffle of it all SupremeAC
Square Enix will aggressively pursue Switch development They recognise Switches great sales and momentum gamingeek
Namco working on 3 big Switch-exclusives    due out from spring to summer 2018 gamingeek
[] Square Enix Won’t Rule Out Any IPs for Switch Including New, Active, And Inactive gamingeek
[] ​Ex-Heavy Rain & Beyond developers form new studio They felt... Caged gamingeek
[] Switch responsible for 19% of Ubisoft's Q2 revenue Red Steel remake plz gamingeek
[] Huge Monolithsoft interview on Xenoblade 2 And what's next media gamingeek
[] Doom Switch : Launch trailer gamingeek
[] Capcom Has New Ace Attorney Switch  For 2018 gamingeek
[] Arms DLC - Penis statues? gamingeek
[] Sledgehammer wanted to make Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2 but Activision executives suggested taking series back to WW2 gamingeek
[] ​Doom Nintendo Switch review: a solid port of a modern classic "This is a most faithful version of the 2016 game of the year contender and something of a technical marvel" impressions gamingeek
[] EA brings Respawn in-house to make a new Titanfall a Star Wars game and a VR experience gamingeek
[] Witcher 3 runs at 60FPS on XBOX gamingeek
[] BOTW Lets You Repurchase Rare Items In latest patch. gamingeek
[] DOOM Nintendolife review "There's a certain magical quality about having a game this good on the go. Its brilliant campaign is reason enough to pick it up" impressions gamingeek
[] Wii U's Failure Is Responsible For Switch's Success Says Reggie gamingeek
[] Take-Two wants "recurrent consumer spending" from all titles gamingeek
[] PS5 and fourth Xbox to launch 2019  at the earliest" says Guillmot gamingeek
[] Sonic Forces Eurogamer review  "if you're still riding the high after Mania's release this is one hedgehog you can probably leave in the road" impressions gamingeek
[] ​Activison is being sued by Humvee over Call of Duty A bit of a Hum-dinger, this one gamingeek
[] Square-Enix says Switch core architecture similar to PS4/XB1 multiplatform games possible gamingeek
[] Take-Two says Switch install base growing rapidly find it a potentially exciting platform gamingeek
[] Ubisoft CEO ''very happy'' with Nintendo Switch sales more games incoming gamingeek
[] ​GoNintendo Video Review - Doom gamingeek
[] This week's North American downloads - November 9 DOOM Rocket League, Mario Party and more) gamingeek
[] This week's European downloads - November 9 DOOM, Sonic Forces Snipperclips Plus and more gamingeek
[] ​L.A. Noire - Nintendo Switch trailer gamingeek
[] Switch has a completely different strategy from PS4 Says Sony: doesn't see potential in the handheld market gamingeek
[] ​STORY OF SEASONS: Trio of Towns DLC and more coming gamingeek
[] ​Hulu now available on Switch gamingeek
[] ​Doom - Switch Vs. PS4 Vs. Xbox One gamingeek
[] L.A. Noire has a whole raft of Switch specific features Touch screen, motion controls, gyro aiming etc gamingeek
[] Video: Reggie on CNN gamingeek
EDGE mag review scores gamingeek
[] IGN Video - Doom Switch review gamingeek
[] ​25-30 million Switch units in their next fiscal year Sources say will be produced gamingeek
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Tue, 07 Nov 2017 22:45:31
SupremeAC said:

Is it spoiler free?


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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 10:58:59
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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 11:19:03
gamingeek said:
I've been viewing resetera and gaf the past few days. Definitely more lively on resetera.

Yep, like old Gaf.  

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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 12:45:07
SupremeAC said:

LOL Pretty clever there GG.


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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 13:32:10

View on YouTube

Nintendo are high with the prices on these sd cards.


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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 13:44:04

Remember memory cards?  Those were the days...

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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 21:39:19
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Thu, 09 Nov 2017 21:55:48

Rocket League is coming next week.  GG, it’s a must buy.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 02:49:18

Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars!

New trilogy announced, live action tv show too!

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 08:20:33

Disney execs must be pretty impressed with Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi.  Now my hype level has increased.  I hope the new trilogy is from the old republic days.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 09:56:47

I've never been less hyped for a Star Wars film after the previous one. Sad

So this is how it feels to be one of the nerds who didn't like the prequels.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 10:53:02
So we will now be getting Star Wars movies ad infinitum?  That's going to turn into ad nausum pretty soon. What I always liked about Star Wars was that, as far as the movies go, there's only so many. Despite their huge success that always made them feel kind of 'cult' to me. Now they'll just be like the endless barrage of superhero and transforler moviedms...
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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 10:58:12
Is anyone here getting Doom? I'm really tempted.  If I manage to hold off on a purchase it will only be because I've already got so many games to play on Switch.

And yeah, I could get the 'better' version cheaper on PC, but I know it would end up sitting in my steam library gathering digital dust. I actually look forward to playing something contemporary and multiplatform on the humble Switch.
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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 10:58:42


As we just mentioned a few minutes ago, Square-Enix is big on Switch. They're ready to really start pouring some support out for the system. Here's the latest tidbits from the company themselves.

- Project Octopath Traveler and Dragon Quest XI Switch seem on-track for next fiscal year

- Switch’s momentum is strong and Nintendo doing great is good for Square-Enix.

- Switch is ideal for middle-range games, which Square-Enix is good at making, so they will work on these aggressively

- when considering games for Switch, Square-Enix won’t rule out any IPs

- this includes new ones, currently active ones and not-active ones

- new Switch games may become multi-platform, but Square Enix promise to “aggressively make games for Switch”

Middle range games? Lost Sphear? frown
Edited: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:59:03

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:17:55

EDGE mag reviews

Assassin's Creed Origins (PS4/Xbox One, Ubisoft): 6
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PS4/Xbox One, Bethesda): 7
The Evil Within 2 (PS4/Xbox One, Bethesda): 6
Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PS4/Xbox One, Warner): 6
Cuphead (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8
Forza Motorsport 7 (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8
Gran Tourismo Sport (PS4, Sony): 6
Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch, Nintendo): 7
Golf Story (Switch, Sidebar Games): 5

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:25:50

Metacritic PS4 - 58/100
Metacritic Switch - 58/100

Polygon - 5/10

Sonic Forces creators' good intentions and interesting ideas don't amount to much in a game so clumsy and limited in design. It certainly doesn't help that Forces follows right on the heels of Sonic Mania, a game that not only demonstrated a more focused design sensibility but also did a far better job of realizing its creators' ambitions. Forces may have had a larger budget than Mania, but it feels like the poorer creation all around. Unless your dearest dream has always been to play a Sonic game as your own original fan art character, Sonic Forces doesn't have much to offer.

Famitsu - 35/40 (9, 9, 9, Cool

TSSZ News - 2/5

Sonic Forces has a strong story and stronger fanservice at the expense of inconsistent and, at times, outright broken gameplay that yields only minimal dividends. Replayability exists, but only the most patient will pursue.

Destructoid - 5.5/10

While I see potential in Sonic Forces, the execution just isn't there, especially with the Switch edition. In the future I really hope Sega reinvents the wheel, taking a more Mario Odyssey adventure approach. The whole level-based 3D "thing" hasn't worked out so frequently that it's worth a shot.

Metro - 4/10

Whoever this shoddily made platformer is meant to please it won’t be those that like Sonic Mania, or any of the better 3D Sonic games.

Nintendo Life - 6/10

To answer our initial question, Sonic Forces hasn’t managed to convince us that it is a must-play title in the series, but has at least alleviated some of our initial fears. A relatively short five-hour or so campaign, a lack of difficulty that ramps up unexpectedly on the final boss, and the non-coherent blend of 3D sequences, 2D sections and cutscenes make Sonic Forces a mixed experience, with positive moments undone by weaker areas.

GamesRadar - 2.5/5

This is a short game of short levels, yet desperately short of real ideas. It sacrifices everything for speed, while failing to offer any challenge beyond some sudden, stupidly unfair sections right at the end. And while there’s some fun to be had in building and customising your avatar, thanks to an almost silly stream of new costumes and options at the end of every level, it’s not nearly enough to keep you coming back for more. You’ll have finished Sonic Forces in a day – and forgotten everything except the waste of money not long after.

Hardcore Gamer - 3.5/5

What ends up holding Sonic Forces back is that it — ironically — moves too fast to leave any sort of lasting impact, speeding through both its plot and levels in short bursts instead of leaving more time for anything to soak in. Outside of its length issues, however, the gameplay is solid, the character customization is incredibly fun and the aesthetics are impressive as always. It kind of goes without saying that it doesn’t hold a candle to Sonic Mania, which is still a must-buy and the one to pick if you somehow have to choose between the two, but it’s still serviceable enough that fans may want to check it out. Here’s hoping things slow down a bit for the next game, though.


Though not without its moments, Forces is a depressing return to form for Sonic the Hedgehog after the joys of Mania.


Sonic Forces is messy. The story is a jumble of references and nearly incoherent plot points while the level design is scattered and frequently undermined by conceptual flaws. Messy games just aren’t always the worst. This game plays out with so much infectious energy and excitement that it’s hard not to smile while playing it. It’s not very polished but Sonic Forces manages to find excitement in spite of rough edges. It’s a playable Saturday morning cartoon: silly, janky but for a brief period of time, a fun distraction.

Game Informer - 6.5/10

Despite my multiple gripes with Sonic Forces, I still enjoyed the adventure. 3D Sonic games still aren't to where they should be after such a long time of iteration and experimentation, but through improved gameplay and level design, Sonic Forces continues the series' evolution in the right direction.

Edited: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:58:26

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:43:34

Some DOOM Switch reviews

COGconnected - 8.5/10

Despite some shortcuts and downgrades in shoehorning a huge FPS juggernaut onto a handheld, Doom on the Switch is the real deal. All of the action, all of the fun, and most of the gameplay are in your hands, in a port that definitely fulfills its massive expectations.

Destructoid - 8/10

Bethesda did it -- they ported Doom to a Nintendo console. It might not be the prettiest version, but it works, and it was enough to get me to play it all over again.

NintendoLife - 8/10

DOOM is an incredible game, flaws and all. Audio issues and frame rate drops were annoying at times, but weren't dramatic enough to deter us from a beautiful, pulse-raising good time - and we imagine that future updates will at least partly solve these problems. DOOM is one of the best first-person shooters we've ever played, and is certainly the best in its class on Switch. There's a certain magical quality about having a game this good on the go. Its brilliant campaign is reason enough to pick it up, but DOOM's multiplayer will keep you coming back for more for months to come. While it's perhaps not as polished as it is on other formats, having DOOM in portable form is a revelation, and developer Panic Button deserves high praise for porting over id Software's classic title so brilliantly.

wccftech - 7.6/10

GoNintendo - N/A

Still surprised Doom is coming to Switch? Well we have even more surprising news. This port is absolutely top-notch, and one of the most impressive to date!

GameSpot - In Progress, 7/10

If you can stand to look at a lesser version of Doom's once captivating world, you'll find that the game plays well enough on Switch so long as you've got a TV in front of you and a Pro Controller in hand. There's nothing else like it on a portable system, but be prepared to face a handful of compromises, especially if you're used to playing on other platforms.

GameXplain - Liked

NintendoLife - 8/10

DOOM is an incredible game, flaws and all. Audio issues and frame rate drops were annoying at times, but weren't dramatic enough to deter us from a beautiful, pulse-raising good time - and we imagine that future updates will at least partly solve these problems. DOOM is one of the best first-person shooters we've ever played, and is certainly the best in its class on Switch. There's a certain magical quality about having a game this good on the go. Its brilliant campaign is reason enough to pick it up, but DOOM's multiplayer will keep you coming back for more for months to come. While it's perhaps not as polished as it is on other formats, having DOOM in portable form is a revelation, and developer Panic Button deserves high praise for porting over id Software's classic title so brilliantly.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:52:52

Aw crap. That's a lot of updates for a non-E3 day.

So tired.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 12:02:37
travo said:

Rocket League is coming next week.  GG, it’s a must buy.

My interest in Rocket League has waned considerably. Watching videos makes it look like some cheap cellphone game. You drive about to knock a football into a net? Is that it?

SupremeAC said:
Is anyone here getting Doom? I'm really tempted.  If I manage to hold off on a purchase it will only be because I've already got so many games to play on Switch.

And yeah, I could get the 'better' version cheaper on PC, but I know it would end up sitting in my steam library gathering digital dust. I actually look forward to playing something contemporary and multiplatform on the humble Switch.

I want it, but Xenoblade 2 and Skyrim are out soon too.

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Fri, 10 Nov 2017 13:00:31

[]Pics - ​22 x Monster Hunter World

Good to see that even on PS4 and Xbone, MH retains much of it's grahical scrappiness.  There's still washed out textures and laughably last gen landscape modelling.

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