I'm surprised that I got to post that Spector of Torment news. It was announced on September 12th.
I checked through the past news updates and it wasn't there.
Spring 2017 still seems far off though. I never bothered with Plague Knight, as he didn't seem as interesting mechanically, but Spectre Knight's moveset seems very interesting to me.
I'm still playing MH4U. Spent the last week grinding tougher monsters so I could upgrade my equipment before taking on the Seregios again. And all of this just so I can craft myself some sweet gear with the 'Torso Up' ability. Once I've got the kit I'm after, every gem I'll slot into my chestpiece will count for 4 times it's worth. Oo yeah!
I spent most of the weekend playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I've got more pictures to add, so I'll try to post that tonight. I did fall to the one fatal design flaw in the game though. No auto-save. Anytime there's a game that lets you save at anytime, without save points, I inevitably forget to save. And I went about 30 minutes without saving and then died during a tough battle. Ooops. Anyway that frustrated me enough to put the game away and spend most of Sunday afternoon with Splatoon. On a Splat-note, I finally battled my way up to A rank again. I'd forgotten the noticeable difference in player skill at that level. These guys are good, and I'm out classed. Best I can seem to do is play defensively and let the good players take control.
I'm surprised that I got to post that Spector of Torment news. It was announced on September 12th.
I checked through the past news updates and it wasn't there.
I saw it, but after Plague Knight, I have to say the bloom fell of of the Shovel Knight rose for me. That was about as much fun as sitting on a cactus.
Looks like I'll be going right to Dragon Quest III on my iPad. Been trying to play DQII but it keeps frequently crashing after battles. It does a save state after the battle so I still get the exp and want not but constantly having to keep starting the game again isn't conducive to a pleasant experience.
Yeah that's kind of what I figured but the OCD in me kind of wanted to play them all in order.
I appreciate that. It is a boring game though. I tried to play through it again this summer with the translated Super Famicom version and mid-way through all I could think was, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!????" and ended up going to DQ3. I actually think DQ3 is better if you skip 2.
For the record, if you have a PC or a PS4, you really need to be playing this game. It's fucking incredible. One of the best dungeon crawlers I've played in ages. It does a great job of putting new spins on a very old genre.
I played it for a while when it still was on early access. It was pretty good back then, maybe it's time to go back to it to see what has changed since.
Depending on what point you played it during the early access they've added a few new characters, more quests, and balanced a lot of the difficulty. That said it's still tough as old bubble gum.
I appreciate that. It is a boring game though. I tried to play through it again this summer with the translated Super Famicom version and mid-way through all I could think was, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!????" and ended up going to DQ3. I actually think DQ3 is better if you skip 2.
Interesting. I've heard that DQIV is excellent and am looking forward to playing that. As much as I love Dragon Quest I've only ever played the first game and the eighth game. I have DQ 1,2,3,4, and 5 on the iPad, 6 on the DS, and want to get 7 on the 3DS. I really wish that they would have at least rerelease these games on the Wii U VC but oh well.
Spring 2017 still seems far off though. I never bothered with Plague Knight, as he didn't seem as interesting mechanically, but Spectre Knight's moveset seems very interesting to me.
I'm still playing MH4U. Spent the last week grinding tougher monsters so I could upgrade my equipment before taking on the Seregios again. And all of this just so I can craft myself some sweet gear with the 'Torso Up' ability. Once I've got the kit I'm after, every gem I'll slot into my chestpiece will count for 4 times it's worth. Oo yeah!
I spent most of the weekend playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I've got more pictures to add, so I'll try to post that tonight. I did fall to the one fatal design flaw in the game though. No auto-save. Anytime there's a game that lets you save at anytime, without save points, I inevitably forget to save. And I went about 30 minutes without saving and then died during a tough battle. Ooops. Anyway that frustrated me enough to put the game away and spend most of Sunday afternoon with Splatoon. On a Splat-note, I finally battled my way up to A rank again. I'd forgotten the noticeable difference in player skill at that level. These guys are good, and I'm out classed. Best I can seem to do is play defensively and let the good players take control.
I saw it, but after Plague Knight, I have to say the bloom fell of of the Shovel Knight rose for me. That was about as much fun as sitting on a cactus.
R.I.P. Arnold Palmer.
I didn't here about it until this morning. I live about 40 minutes away from his hometown.
Looks like I'll be going right to Dragon Quest III on my iPad. Been trying to play DQII but it keeps frequently crashing after battles. It does a save state after the battle so I still get the exp and want not but constantly having to keep starting the game again isn't conducive to a pleasant experience.
Yeah that's kind of what I figured but the OCD in me kind of wanted to play them all in order.
I appreciate that. It is a boring game though. I tried to play through it again this summer with the translated Super Famicom version and mid-way through all I could think was, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!????" and ended up going to DQ3. I actually think DQ3 is better if you skip 2.
Darkest Dungeon PS4 (9.1) AMAZING! Review
For the record, if you have a PC or a PS4, you really need to be playing this game. It's fucking incredible. One of the best dungeon crawlers I've played in ages. It does a great job of putting new spins on a very old genre.
I played it for a while when it still was on early access. It was pretty good back then, maybe it's time to go back to it to see what has changed since.
Depending on what point you played it during the early access they've added a few new characters, more quests, and balanced a lot of the difficulty. That said it's still tough as old bubble gum.
Interesting. I've heard that DQIV is excellent and am looking forward to playing that. As much as I love Dragon Quest I've only ever played the first game and the eighth game. I have DQ 1,2,3,4, and 5 on the iPad, 6 on the DS, and want to get 7 on the 3DS. I really wish that they would have at least rerelease these games on the Wii U VC but oh well.
Am I the only one who finds that subtitle for the N64 emulator on Xbox One news article to be highly offensive?
I found it to be highly offensive as well. I mean, there's also Rare Replay.
I don't usually read the news. But when I do, I like to be offended.
Am I the only one who finds that GIF to be highly offensive?