PlayStation VR's processing box is about the size of a Wii
Sony is using used Wiis to power VR - rumour
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Archangel3371 (4m)
EDGE mag reviews
Just Cause 3 (PS4/Xbox One, Square Enix): 7
Fallout 4 (PS4/Xbox One, Betehsda): 8
Star Wars Battlefront (PS4/Xbox One, EA): 7
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4/Xbox One, Activision): 7
Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U, Nintendo): 7
Game of Thrones: Season 1 (PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360, Telltale): 5
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros (3DS, Nintendo): 7
Persona 4: Dancing all Night (PS Vita, Atlus): 6
They do a lot of them, I see them listed but don't report them because nobody cares.
Interesting, that Takahashi interview about XCX, he says that for running about on ground you don't even need the data packs installed to run seamlessly through the whole world, they put them there for when you are flying in the Mech.
So this is cool:
In a surprising twist, many players seemed to actually enjoy the single-player campaign set in Octo Valley. Does this give you any hopes or plans for a single player expansion or spin-off?
Amano: When we envisioned the single player mode, we saw it as a way of teaching those game mechanics I mentioned earlier to players and as something they would be able to take with them into multiplayer mode in the game. One thing with the single-player mode is that it was sort of a way to expand the world view of Splatoon – the sort of story, if you will – that we weren't able to do in the multiplayer mode. Regarding any kind of spin-off or expansion, rather than just releasing additional stages for the single player mode, if we wanted to do something like that, I would want to make it a larger scale update. There were elements of the single-player mode that I wasn't completely satisfied with myself.
Nogami: I really think that there's a strong connection between the two modes in the game. So we don't actually have any plans to just release a single player spin-off of the game itself due to the strength of that connection.
More FPS like single player plz
Good to see Fast Racing Neo getting a minimap in the January patch. I can understand how it renders the game less pure, but not knowing how far out your adversary is can be a pain in the ass when you've had no visual on them for half a minute.
Hasbro movie universe confirmed
On top of the Transformers movie universe, we're getting a Hasbro movie universe as well...
We've not had the reveal of a new movie
universe for a little while now. We were beginning to feel the world had gone back to normal a little or something.
Then Hasbro and Paramount got down to business with their latest announcement.
The pair are already teaming up on movie universes for Transformers and G.I. Joe. But it turns out that plans are afoot for a much broader universe of characters, one that G.I. Joe is being sucked into.
Five toy properties are now being brought together for the latest project, and they cover G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. and ROM: SpaceKnight. They're all likely to get their own films, and they're also going to cross over.
film arm is called Allspark Pictures, and the firm's chairman, Brian Goldner, said in a statement that "Hasbro and Allspark Pictures put storytelling at the centre of everything that we do. These brands are filled with memorable stories and vivid characters, and this universe creates a framework for how they will become interconnected".
Hasbro's next film project with Paramount is Transformers 5, which is expected in summer 2017. We suspect that the Transformers movie universe will remain separate.
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Da fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu????
I think it does alleviate it somewhat but the main benefit is loading times I assume. I still see low poly textures that eventually get replaced with more detailed versions. In a game this big, it doesn't really bother me. The visuals are very clean on a 1080p set and it runs like butter. Notilum is beyond gourgeous.
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Yeah. To me it just looks pretty bleh not only in the graphics but also the game play. I feel that there has been leaps and bounds of improvements in the FPS genre that this just seems to be quite bland and boring now.
I only care when I'm using the system.
I can usually still go back and enjoy games for what they are. I'm weird.
Played through the first level of Turok.
Its pretty cool....I would have loved this if I had it at launch. Feels very similar to Turok 2 but lacking the polish obviously...level design and enemies aren't as interesting etc. Controls work well, I'm using an Xbox One controller. The only thing that annoys me is for some reason you can't invert the camera....but you can if you use the mouse. Ok? Jump is on the left trigger, shoot is on the right trigger. Map screen is on the Back button. You can also change the field of view which is nice.
Seems like a pretty straightforward port that does what they said it would do. Improve controls and clean up the visuals.
Without the fog, doesn't it feel empty?
And BTW why did turok have so much fog? There were n64 games with much better draw distances.
So what's the difference between this new Turok and the original PC port? Native HD?
Didn't tons of those early N64 and PS1....and Saturn games have lots of fog? I guess it was a result of not knowing what to do with the hardware fully yet, and also probably the amount of time they had to do it. I guess it feels a bit empty but when you're playing it you don't really notice too much...feels a lot like when I played Unreal 1 earlier this year.
Supposedly they changed some of the level design, but since I never played the original I wouldn't know anyway. Its HD, 60fps with full widescreen & dual stick controls. Or KB/Mouse.