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robio (1m)
Considering Nintendo of America has sucked balls since 2006....I'm not sure I would call this 65 year old a good pick.
He reminds me of Yamauchi.
They will never have 3rd party support doing this, so they either end up in a situation like now, or just hope they can come up with some fad that old people & soccer moms want for a few years before everyone has had enough of it.
I've been playing nothing but MGSV.
He ran NOA from 2002-2006.
PEGI listings hint at PS2 Classics for PlayStation 4
And they're planning on launching with Dark Cloud 2? That's freaking incredible if true. Really would like that to come out for the PS3 as well. Been wanting to get my hand on that game for quite some time.
Time for Nintendo to sue the poor shmuck who uploaded the video and send a congratulatory letter to Disney.
In that case I'm sure everything they do just be godly & the entire industry will bow down to their dominance.
I have the Dark Clouds for PS2, been meaning to play them for the last 15 years but never found a good time to do it.
Nikkei describes Kimishima as soft and friendly, wrong to run the company on numbers alone
1) In yet another Nikkei article (last I summarize/translate), new Nintendo boss Kimishima’s personality is described as “soft+friendly”.
2) According to the Nikkei, Kimishima predicted Wii U’s failure when it was introduced by warning it’s too similar to the original Wii.
3) Despite his business background, he is quoted as saying it’s wrong to lead a gaming company on numbers alone.
4) The Nikkei claims Kimishima wasn’t Iwata’s favorite choice. Nintendo was 1st looking for somebody younger but didn’t have the personnel.
5) The article also suggests the troika was a rushed decision because the holiday season, where Nintendo makes 50%+ of sales, is near.
6) Accordingly, Kimishima is quoted as saying one task for him will be to develop the next group leadership structure for Nintendo. /end
So it looks like he will be CEO for a year and develop a new group structure for leadership. His earlier comments say he is elected for one year only and has no idea what will come next.
Dark Cloud 2 was one of my favorite games on the PS2. Along with Dragon Quest 8 I'd also argue it's was Level 5 at their peak. It's a really long game though, so it is real hard to find that right time to play.
I'm happy to say that I'm copeing well with my severe case of limited edition-itis, which saw me buying LE's of Splatoon, Wind Waker and Yoshi's Wooly World, even without the intent of ever playing those last 2. Today I walked into a store which sold the Mario Maker LE with booklet and amiibo. I considered snagging it, but put it back on the shelf. I'm so proud of myself
Also, I saw standalone 8-bit Mario Amiibo's being sold. I thought they were only available through the bundle?
Sounds like the right man, he knew wii u was trash. End the wii u, get NX going, enough of this ignoring the rest of the industry. And force them to make Metroid!
Sony conference was not bad. Bloodborne dlc looks awesome. New RE Online shooter doesn't look all bad. Yakuza 1 remake and yakuza6. Gravity daze 2, Eh.
So he was director at NOA since 2006? That's what I read this as. If not please enlighten me before anymore one liners are thrown around.
Naughty Dog director requests Half-Life license from Valve
So it would have to be PS4 exclusive? Yeah, not happening.
But was he talking just about the LOOK of the console being too similar to Wii? Because outside of the system dashboard, that's the only thing similar. If that's the case he's not talking about the overall philosophy being too similar so it might not mean he's suddenly going to get them designing better hardware. Possibly just making sure the console LOOKS different.