Pachter thinks Nintendo should continue making hardware
comments on amiibo success
Super Smash Bros. - King K. Rool's Kostume
Tournament Mode, & New Stages Discussion video
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robio (5m)
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Konami are the true gods of gaming.
LOL the castlevania vid.
I want an RE4 RE2. I'll take an old school too.
Spent some time with a couple Smash Bros. tournaments. Got to tell you, they're not a heck of a lot of fun when you go out in the first round.
Who here is getting the Rareware Collection tuesday?
I am really looking forward to it. Tons of old classics that I've wanted to play again and also some games I've never played that I have been meaning to. Just playing Jet Force Gemini alone on the Xbone is worth $30 to me...I have wanted to replay that game for 10 years now and will now be able to do it in style. One of the most underrated N64 titles of all time.
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The 8 minute mark is one of the cheesiest best game commercials of all time.
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Good quality video
I wish that they'd made it available for 360 as well. I'd have been allover it. Don't know if I will ever have a One though so not much point in getting it. I'd have loved a chance to play so many of the games on that collection.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I was thinking that too....its not like the 360 can't handle it obviously. But I guess they figure its another Xbone exclusive, another reason to buy the system.
I'm most definitely getting Rare Replay this Tuesday. There's some games that I never got around to playing like Jet Force Gemini, should be a lot of fun.
As to why there's no 360 version I think that it's because there's way too much data for the 360's discs to handle. There's several 360 games in that collection and each one takes up a whole disc on there own already.
That's really not the reason. Most of the larger games are not on the disc anyway. You are essentially buying download codes. They could have easily done the same with a 360 release. It's probably as Edge said to give another incentive for people to buy the One
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I heard all the games were on the disc.
EDIT: Just checked and yes all 30 games are indeed on the disc, Rare has confirmed this.
I had read somewhere that the 360 games would be downloads. Good if everything is on the disc.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Plasma TV got a 4 inch bar on the screen. Time to start shopping. 60 inch minimum, I am thinking LED LCD.
"There were no significant arcade or console titles released during the period"
There's the problem right there. Release some must have games for once. Stop bleeding.
I had a 60, found it too big. I have a 55 now and to me its JUUUUST right.
Sounds sexual.