Level-5 Vision 2015 set for April 7: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Fantasy Life 2, “next generation cross media project,” more
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Watch it just be a hyrule warriors dlc.
I want an aircraft carrier, or failing that, an aircraft carrier simulation game.
Looking at the pretty good ubi sale on steam. Both the crew and far cry 4 are $44 (Australia prices).
Has anyone tried the crew on PC?
I picked up blood dragon for like $5, which shoudl satisfy my open world interest for a while.
I kind of agree with you but I'm just so happy to see this game get good sales, sales it deserved fifteen years ago. Hey, we supported REmake and TLoU rerelease do why not this?
Two things:
Out Run 3D is a masterpiece. I don't care how old the game is, seeing it running at 60fps & in 3D while listening to Magical Sound Shower = Bliss! The teenage me somewhere inside me weeps tears of happiness every time I start the game. SUPER impressive!! Best of the 3D Sega Classics line by faaar!
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is F.U.C.K.I.N.G. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ! ! ! FUCK. THE. HATERS!!
It just makes me soooo angry that a common concept like "Fog of War" is taken as a game "flaw" these days. People are actually complaining that they should be able to see every enemy, exactly where they are on the battlefield in STEAM and simply don't have enough patience to sit through the enemy turn as they position themselves and do their planning. It's kinda sad actually. Brilliant strategy games from years ago would be completely lost on the minds of modern gamers. Enemies move without seeing them, JUST as they did in Advance Wars. Enemies make recognizable noises so you can kinda figure out which ones they are from their shuffling noise. It creates tension and suspense; something gamers under the age of 20 just don't "get." There's a bar at the bottom of the "Enemy Turn" indicator; it fills as they move. It's not as if you have no idea how long their turn will take and you're just left hanging. I just don't understand where themes like challenge, suspense and atmosphere went these days. Shallow gamers need instant gratification and, sadly, they are probably the bigger market. They just better not ruin it for everyone else.
PS: The addition of the c-stick on the New 3DS makes STEAM that much more enjoyable and easy to play. Reviews aside, if anyone here should get a "New" STEAM is a very, very worthy, nearly mandatory purchase!
You say that as if such a thing does not exist.
First reaction: There is a God.
Second Reaction: Video, "We spent almost a week taking photos, talking to everyone... even the chef".
Third Reacont: I could maek a site better than this.
Fourth Reaction: There is a God.
I have a small confession to make: This winter has been a very, very difficult one for me. It seems as if the fall I took last year around this time + the accident I had in August + the multiple breaks I had all over my body in my youth have all added up and I have been experiencing what is known as Post Traumatic Arthritis for the last few months. What this has meant, basically, when the weather was very cold, or, if I didn't exercise constantly, I would experience severe pain all throughout my joints, neck, shoulders, hips etc. It got to the point where I was so drained from pain, I would be utterly exhausted and unable to move at times; problem is, the less I moved the worse I felt later on. It lead to a horrible looping cycle of pain and inactivity and then pain again throughout most of the last 3-4 months.
Over the last few days, as the temperature has been rising, I have seen a light at the end of the tunnel!
...and I am f'in psyched!
Tonight, I got a few beers, some awesome sushi. I've got an amazing classic game to play in Out Run and an awesome Intelligent Systems strategy game to play in STEAM and I couldn't be happier! I was grinning like a kid at my office today and everyone was wondering what it was all about... When they saw STEAM in my hands and told them my plans for the evening, they didn't get it, but maaaybe a few of you here would understand...!
That is all!
On the flip side, Winter made it's presence here down under for the first time this morning.
I have a solution... You move to Florida and never be cold again!!!
Mario Party 10- hands on preview
Wait a second why is that for me? I don't play Mario Party. I haven't player the series since the second one on the N64.
If there was only a magical place where in never gets cold... I'm happy for you Leo but you should come down and then you can be happy all year around.
MKX revealed Jason as one of the DLC characters. I hope real Freddy gets added this time.
The Top Ten Games of PAX East 2015
I think these game would have impressed me a lot more if this was 1997.
If it was 1997, I would be too busy playing Goldeneye, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Wild Arms, Symphony of the Night and Final Fantasy 7 to care about a bunch of Genesis titles.
Fair point. If this was 1987 I'd be pretty impressed.
Oh, it would be a revolution!
One is the follow-up to Guacamelee! and the other is Axiom Verge... that game has gotten more positive buzz than any other indie title that's come before it... even Shovel Knight!