Level-5 Vision 2015 set for April 7: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Fantasy Life 2, “next generation cross media project,” more
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Horrible top 10. Great #1.
The last time I was this depressed by an NPD was when The Sims, World of Warcraft and Madden reigned for about 3 years.
Gaming may not be dead, but it is certainly on life support.
Further, http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/with-uncharted-4-delayed-to-2016-what-else-is-out-/1100-5182/
I bought a ps4 at launch, have no games for it, see no reason to buy any in 2015.
So I finally got my new mouse and Keyboard set up, Aspro wanted some impressions so here they are.
The mouse is the Razer Ouroboros, which is a Wireless mouse that you can change to any shape you want, and even set it up for a left or right hand. It has detatchable side panels you can use to rest your hand on which makes a big difference, and you can also adjust the length of the mouse to fit your hand. It takes a little getting used to, but I'm starting to love it. I can easily hit the side buttons after adjusting the length without having to stretch my thumb like I had to do on my old mouse, which was a Razer Imperator. To turn it on and off, you just hold in the middle button on the top of the mouse, and it comes with a charge dock you sit the mouse on to charge it up that plugs into your PC via USB. Very Nice mouse....a bit expensive but its a quality product. Glad I picked it up.
My Keyboard is a Razer Blackwidow Stealth, which has mechanical keys and fully customizable buttons that you can program to any color you want. Comes in handy to make certain buttons stick out more than others. My old KB was the Razer Lycosa which was a membrane KB. The difference in the feel of the keys is large, and I'm not sure I prefer this one over the membrane style. I guess mechanical keys are supposed to have faster response time, but I honestly can't tell. The membrane keys on the Lycosa sit very close to the board, so all you have to do is barely press them to get an input. They were also extremely quiet. These mechanical keys on the Blackwidow sit high off the board which I don't really like, and its much louder to type than my old KB even though this is the "stealth" edition and is supposed to be super quiet. So I think I like my old KB a bit better, though the custom colors on this one are very nice.
So its a win on the mouse, and kind of a toss up on the KB.
Its kind of sad man....I could have EASILY gotten by until now doing what I said I would do, and just stick with the PC and Wii U for 3 years. But, the impulse gamer got the best of me and I just HAD to run out and buy PS4 and XBOX ONE.
These are my PS4 games:
I'm laughing to myself just writing this....good god could these systems be more redundant? It would literally not fucking matter if I had a PS4 or not. I would be missing out on NOTHING. Granted, I am looking forward to Bloodborne and FF Type Zero next week, but those will likely end up on PC also!
I really don't get how PS4 keeps selling like this. Maybe it was last-gen fatigue, with gamers yearning for new hardware. And whenever someone brings this point up over at Eurogamer, he gets harrassed with gamers claiming that there is no lack of software on PS4 or X1.
Mark my words: the Steam Link is the biggest threat to Sony and MS right now. If Valve actually put some effort in marketing this thing, it could take a big bite out of their potential userbase.
I think that's exactly it....last gen lasted way too fucking long and people just want new shit. On top of that, most people are scared off by PC gaming and don't realise how easy it is nowadays to even build your own, or how easy it is to hook up to a TV and use just like a console. Consoles have become more complicated while the PC has become LESS so to the point they are almost even at this point. But tons of people just want to stick to what they know.
That's my biggest issue with consoles these days. It's even starting to pollute Nintendo's consoles. Oh, how do I yearn for the time where you didn't need to worry about updates and downloads when booting up a console.
I think the Link is a very forward thinking product. Now, PC's are still made to be turned off when not in use. But things like tablets are already showing that it's valable to keep a device turned on at all times. If PC's learn from tablets and can go into a sleeplike function where they're still available for stuff like skype and can boot up in a matter of seconds, PC's will become the mainframe of home entertainment. And when they do so, being able to just sit down, turn on your streaming device and just starting your game like you would on a console, even without the need to first run to your desk to turn on your PC,... this whole experience will have overtaken consoles in ease of use. Which, if Joe Gamer gets wind of this, will pose a very big danger to Sony and MS. Because lets face it: MS wants the Xbox brand to take central stage in your home entertainment setup, that's why they entered the console market. They're now 3 generations in and they've failed misserably.
Nice to see that Monster Hunter cracked into the top 10, and this has officially become the top selling installment of the franchise in the West. Now if only they'd make a console version.
Actually I guess the only thing I really would have missed out on by not having a PS4 or an XBOX ONE to this point, would be Destiny, which, despite all the mixed reviews, I like quite a bit. But even then, I could have just got the older console versions that may not be as good as the PS4 version, but I'd still be able to at least play the game.
What game is making me react this way? Look for the answer in my tears!
**PS: That's NOT a spelling error!**
I should replay Shenmue one of these days too.
Not the game I was referring to, but that is a prime example of a Sega we'll never see again...
3DS owners need to pay attention to my post...
I'm guessing you're anticipating/playing Out Run 3D.
You are correct, sir!
1. Now that The Order has officially bombed what do you think will happen to Ready at Dawn. They worked on this game for years and I can't imagine it was made on a small budget.
2. Kirby Rainbow Curse also sucked. No surprise on that one. While I did enjoy it, it really shouldn't have been on the Wii U. It's a handheld game.
3. Who still doesn't own a copy of Minecraft??? How does it keep charting?
You guys remember that MGS Rising video when it was announced where you could cut everything with realistic physics and all that?
Did that actually translate into the final game? If so was it limited compared to the original video? How much difference in the game does it make? Is it just a gimmick?
Awwww man. I was really digging it until that guy came in and started rapping.