Level-5 Vision 2015 set for April 7: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Fantasy Life 2, “next generation cross media project,” more
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For a long time I felt like gamers were a big community and was always a bit put off when reviews differed greatly from my own opinion. I would still be the first to jump in and play games no one else wanted to... and there were times when things were reviewed poorly and I championed them nonetheless **Hiya Wonderful 101!** but I would then also argue against reviews and try to logically find out WHY there was such a discrepancy. Now, there's too many games... there's too many reviewers... there's too many types of gamers to expect to be able to understand them all... I think today I just learned to Let it Go...
With marketing like this:
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How could you resist?
My heart is warmed by the story that a Christian group started a new homeless shelter.
Although they may be a bit naive regarding the name of the place.
I do agree with that diamond in the rough idea too though. It's kinda nice when you find a game and you seem to be the only person in the world playing it. It's like your own little secret. It's not plastered all over every page of every forum. You don't know every last aspect of the game, haven't been shown every angle of every inch of the game before its even released. There's no competition to beat it. It's just YOU discovering the nuances, enjoying the story without it being spoiled, playing at your own pace and not caring what the rest of the world is doing. I think that's going to be very much the case with STEAM with me. The last game I got this vibe from was Wonderful 101, now that's a bonafide cult classic.
Good on you Leo, play what you want, who cares what others think. Enjoy the game.
That said, wow the game got massacred, the demo was fun, I did not expect this. No biggie for me, I was never planning to buy it, I still need to play Fire Emblem.
It really didn't actually:
Guess who the 1 is...
The less I have in common with people from there, the better. This reviewer is well... you'll see... if anyone ever thought Carolyn Petit pushed her own agendas, this guy... Ha, ha, ha...
I'll just place this here. We'll be needing it in the future...
This is the newest reviewer at GS. Looks like the life of a party, eh? If I go out for a hot night on the town, I'm bringing this guy!
This is how he describes the game: "But in S.T.E.A.M., all we have is American exceptionalism, technological fetishism, and the tiniest dash of diversity training."
This is a NINTENDO game that stars Abraham Lincoln, Tom Sawyer and the Lion from The Wizard of Oz... not a University Thesis on the History of Diversity in the United States of America...
YODA!! We need an animated Eye-Rolling GIF in here ASAP!
I followed the link on GS to his Twitter page. Half the entries there are his followers laughing about the drama his review of STEAM created and patting him on the back for it...
The others are about the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson this morning...

This guy is a hot mess and I didn't need to learn about this horrible event this way...
I REALLY need to stop going to GS.
I was never planning on buying it, but I want to try the demo first. I think saying it was massacred is going a bit far. A handful of sites gave it 5/10 but then it got a lot of 4 stars out of 5 and 8/10s too.
IGN – 7.9 / 10
Game Informer – 8 / 10
GameSpot – 4 / 10
NintendoWorldReport – N/A
Nintendo Life – 8 / 10
Shacknews – 8 / 10
Destructoid – 6.5 / 10
GamesRadar – 8 / 10
USgamer – 4 / 5
GameTrailers – 8 / 10
Sounds like if they patch in a speed up option for enemy turns like Fire Emblem most reviewers would be fine with the game.
Respect to him for giving it a shitty score, though, rather than just saying it was morally reprehensible then 9/10ing it lol.
...and I think I just hit the proverbial nail on it's proverbial head in the last few hours:
When videogames were a "niche" thing that "nerdy" kids did in private and every game was a "diamond in the rough."
When they weren't a billion-dollar, multimedia industry, rivaling that of Hollywood...
When shooting Robot Masters and rescuing animals from Casino Night zones was more important than,
Politico-Socio-Economic Majors making statements about the climate of American Consumers based on their game purchasing habits.
That's when I first became a GAMER.
I have nothing in common with the gamers of 2015 and that's ABSOLUTELY fine.
Developers I grew up with with will find a way to get their games made, there will always be "Retro" games being made by the people who "get" my ideals...
When the dust settles and "modern" gamers have come and gone and moved on to their editorial desks and political offices, I'll still have my games to play and that's all that matters.
Good to see you have come to terms with your high age and old-fashionned taste and morals.
Thanks! Good to see there are people out there that respect (1) people who like what they like, (2) can have old-fashioned taste in this day and age and still show a (3) modicum of morals! Your support is appreciated!
I'd say with the delay of Uncharted 4, the chances of an Uncharted: Definitive Collection just went up about 72%
I still get a little frustrated when I see a good game I like not get the good reviews I think it deserves. Fortunately I was tempered by Harvest Moon, a series that has all of 2 or 3 games that ever scored an 8 or higher. The new generation of game reviewers that are trying to prove their intellectual superiority by analyzing game's morality and writing over the heads of their audience are far more annoying though. But then I remember these guys are lucky to make $25K a year and don't have many outside opportunities and I start to feel better.
Reviews have been all over the place since the start of the Xbox 360 generation. The only way to gauge reviews anymore IMO is by using Gamerankings and just looking at the average overall rating each game gets, because too many individual reviews for the past 10 years have either felt paid off, or like the guy just doesn't like the genre, or the guy just generally doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
The game that frustrated me, review-wise, was Lost Odyssey. IMO and I know others feel the same, Sakaguchi one-upped Square and made a better Final Fantasy than they did. Yet many of the reviews were in the 70% range, which baffles me because I was blown away by the game. It also came out during that time of "JRPG'S SUCK! ThHEY AREN'T GOOD ANYMORE! PLAY ELDER SCROLLS!" so you have to take reviews for any game of its kind during that time with a grain of salt.
This is not about the STEAM review any more for me. The guy at GS that reviewed the game is corruption at it's finest. His second review for GS he gives a Nintendo game about Talking Lions, Penguin Bombs and Giant Robotic Abraham Lincolns a 4 out of 10 due to its "American Exceptionalism." There is a link to his Twitter account on his review page where he is openly joking about controversy, click-bait and "gamers commenting on a game they haven't played yet" when... well... THEY HAVE... in the demo. His followers are making fun of all the commentors on the review page.
His review of the game doesn't phase me in the least ---HOWEVER--- at the top of his Twitter page which, again, is linked from the GS review there is an ADVERTISEMENT for his Patreon page where he ACTIVELY is asking for DONATIONS and to get paid for writing...
Ewww... I feel dirty for even clicking through.
This is the same guy that tried to create controversy about "Race and Animal Crossing" among other ridiculous things... He proudly displays this on his Patreon page thingee... Yuk.