MLB 14 The Show fact sheet.
All improvements and platform differences. news
INCREDIBLE Witcher 3 preview!!!
Combat, items, spells, exploration ALL FIXED. The game Witcher should have always been. impressions
Video Game/Toy Hybrid - Bubble or Future of Toy Industry?
Interesting article that breaks down interactive toy market news
Irrational Games closing down!
Ken Levine shutting down IG so he can work with a smaller team on a new game. news
Thief (original)free Steam, fill out the page at the link. US only.
I think I can get you a steam code if you are not in the US. news
Article on PS4 Japan launch and state of the company.
From the Miami Herald?! Of course when you want Japanese market analysis you think Miami. editorial
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Pm me your email
I'm pm my email. Thanks in advance.
Man Ass, not Man Butt, get it right.
I am going to get some food, will be back soon. I am open to any podcast with anyone any time tonight (just not super late). But we may have to check the hotel internet...
You know, the one good thing about Sega not renewing Shenmu is maybe now people will stop talking about wanting a new one.
Tropical Freeze wasn't much of a sucess in Japan. Has the series always been received that way? Either way I blame the Gamespot review.
Not sure if true, but I've always thought DK appealed more to western audiences.
I think the Donkey Kong Country series was more popular with western audiences because it was developed by Rare with the western market in mind.
The original Donkey Kong with Mario was popular in Japan.
How much does Japan love Bravely Default?
Just listen to this and try not to get psyched!
Final Wut-asy?
Okay well I just went to Wikipedia and got an answer. When DKCR debuted in Japan it did 163K copies, and ultimately sold over 600K. So yeah it's not really a powerhouse franchise over there.
For those interested, I've just started development on Shenmue 3 and am currently shopping for a publisher for a 2020 release on the PS5.
Sorry my company is only publishing for the Ouya 2 right now.
Save it for the Dreamcast two.
You know what bothers me most about the WiiU GamePad? That it uses a high-bandwith Wifi signal for the screen. Seriously, I always get in a fit when my wife is using the Ipad in bed and she holds it close to my head, but on the other hand I spend hours seated, with a huge wifi signal aimed directly at my groin.
Just thought I'd share.
I take it wifi signals are bad?
I don't know. It's just that it's new tech, and you never know how it messes up your body. I know, I know, wireless signals are everywhere these days, but I'd rather limit directing them close to my body as much as I can, as radiation like that deteriorates exponentially.
I wonder about all the pills and treatments they have people take nowadays may be good for you now, but who knows what kind of long term shit it may do.
Yeah... Whenever I think about things like that, I remember reading that the ancient Romans slowly went mad by tinpoisening because of how all their water was transported through tin piping and such. You know, they were just happy to have running water, little did they know.
On the other hand, these days everything seems to be cancer-inducing.
Has anyone heard of Draken The ancient gates for ps2?