Dragon Quest 8 Mobile Trailer
"... it doesn’t appear to be too dumbed down from the original PS2 version"
gematsu.com media news
Scribblenauts Unmasked Digital Comic Book Now Available for Download
Reggie says 100k signatures needed for Sakurai
To consider adding Reggie to Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Call of Duty: Ghosts gets another Wii U update
Improved texture resolution in Campaign,
CONFIRMED: Cranky Kong in DKC:Tropical Freeze
Fans of Cranky, rejoice. What's the sound of one Hamster clapping?
Telltale is making a Game of Thrones game based on the Books
Joe Danger studio, Hello Games, new game is called No Man’s Sky.
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Ended up grabbing The Stanley Parable also.
Me too. Try playing the demo first, it is a completely different piece of content and has nothing to do with the main campaign (it is also short, free and a small download).
I'm very much hoping you Lastivus it. Are you playing with gimped controller or KB+M?
Vader, PMs.
WASD. And it's actually not bad controlling it that way.
In case you missed it, (I certainly did), the VGA's are now VGX and are on this weekend. I'm on the edge of my seat to see who wins the ACTIVISION® AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN FPS SHOOTER® category.
Its going to be very different, no longer live on TV and its not an award show. Its an in studio show with devs coming in to show off new games and stuff while some awards are given. As usual we should have a ton of reveals.
I watched this every morning before school. RIP Tails.
That reminds me, I'm writing up the "Go To Hell" awards as we speak. Looks like Nintendo and Ubisoft will be sweeping the awards this year, but there's a few darkhorses that might just surprise you.
Is it Wednesgay Edgecrusher?
Best thing is the Christmas Level is free, just update Pikmin 3.
Splinter Cell just arrived.
Reggie in SSB!
Where do I sign? Seriously, he's a caricature of his former self anyway, he'd so rock as a SSB character.
The petition lets you elaborate on why this is important to you personally. Here's Hubert Erglegrue's reason:
Until age 9 my life had no meaning. I was little more than a wandering soul in an empty world that just couldn't understand me. I had no goals, no spirit, no meaning of any kind. All my teachers wanted to have me evaluated to figure out why I never talked to any of the other students, and my parents sulked to see their son so miserable and disconnected from the wonderful world they brought him into. It was as though I wasn’t meant to be, like I had been born into a life in which I never belonged. But then one day on what seemed to be another typical summer afternoon, I decided to turn on the TV to see what sort of cheap entertainment could help me get through another pointless day. The screen turned on and revealed a grand convention hall lined with hundreds in attendance. Suddenly lights lit up the stage and a dark figure walked out to the front. “My name is Reggie", he said, "I’m about kicking ass, I’m about taking names, and we’re about making games.” My eyes lit with wonder and fascination. “Reggie”, I repeated in my head, a name that seemed to imprint itself on the texture of my brain and sink deep within the chambers of my heart. A large smile slowly took over my face for the first time as I filled with a feeling of excitement and infatuation for this mysterious yet gorgeous man. Since that fateful day my mind has done little more than devote itself to the worship of Reggie Fils-Aime. What was once my commonplace bedroom is now a shrine dedicated to my Messiah. Not only has he coordinated the efforts of a massive videogame company and taught people why Nintendo is a corporation meant for people of all shapes, colors, and sizes, but he has also captured my heart. Since I heard of this man, my life has had real meaning. I now jump out of bed every morning with spirit coursing through my veins with the earnest hope of someday meeting this deity. I know not when I shall meet Reggie, but I know deep down that when I do, his body will be ready. Not only has he earned his spot in his company’s most anticipated new title, but he ought to have a game centered on his life and legacy. The fact that Nintendo had not begun production as soon as they heard his angelic voice is a sin unto itself, as Reggie does not do his own labor, but is telling us to take the next step. We, as members of the human race, can absolve ourselves if we put him in this game. Reggie is within all of us, now it is time to teach the world
I want him in Smash so I can kick him in the nuts.
So... I'm balls deep in Deus Ex HR (2nd best game I've played on U after Mario, yes better than Lego City) I get Mario 3D World which I'm playing now. I have Lego Marvel and Assasins Creed 4 under the Christmas tree. I just received Splinter Cell Blacklist and now amazon email me with a super crazy deal on Black Ops 2. And I haven't gone near TW101 or Arkham Origins, Scribblenauts etc.
From the U software drought to now.... feels so completely different. I'm swamped with games, it'll take me till spring 2014 to through them.
EDIT oh wow amazon lied
it says 12.99 in the email and on listings results but then the page has it priced at near double that.
My 3ds AC adapter broke, it doesn't work anymore. How does that happen?
One day I want access to edges porn collection.
You are not prepared for that. None of us are.
They should have sent a poet.