GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze boxart from Amazon It possibly gives us the 4th playable character news Nintyfan17
[] Pikmin 3 – latest DLC screenshots Cakes, factories and Christmas trees impressions media gamingeek
[] Batman: Arkham Origins: Initiation Trailer Even Wii Poo gets DLC on this game media gamingeek
Dragon Quest 8 Mobile Trailer "... it doesn’t appear to be too dumbed down from the original PS2 version" media news aspro
[] Frontier talks LostWinds, 3DS support, and more gamingeek
[] They give us 500 gigs and expect us to smile?! Eurogamer on new console HDD space gamingeek
[] God of War: Ascension director joins Crytek To direct unannounced game news gamingeek
[] Former THQ president says Nintendo is irrelevant in the console space Then calls them a 'worldwide treasure' gamingeek
[] All new Pikmin 3 stages DLC out Thursday in europe Dat Christmas content gamingeek
[] MS Coy on XB1 Sales They emphasize they've only been out for 11 days. news aspro
[] HTC One Mini banned in the UK gamingeek
[] PS4 sells 2.1 million worldwide gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Bravely Default review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Rein "yet to see the real value" of second screen gaming Regarding Smartglass and mobiles gamingeek
[] Analysts see Wii U missing Nintendo's full-year expectations Say 3rd parties have no reason to support gamingeek
[] Pikmin 3 - Fortress of Festivity DLC footage Christmas content, this is awesome media gamingeek
[] Sony May Purchase Wii U's eDRAM factory Hostile takeover? gamingeek
Bravely Second - magazine pic gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed IV - 'Freedom Cry' DLC dated 4 hr single player content news gamingeek
[] Best Buy offering up big savings on Nintendo until Dec. 14th - receive a $25 gift card with the purchase of the Mario & Luigi Wii U bundle and more gamingeek
[] TIME - 10 Reasons I'd Pick the Wii U over PS4 and X1 So this is like the 13th article editorial gamingeek
[] Destiny details from GI. Full story campaign can be played alone but online. news Dvader
[] Bravely Second announced for 3DS New game news gamingeek
[] Dragon's Crown shipments soar past 800,000 copies! ...also cleaned up at the Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia's PlayStation Awards... news phantom_leo
[] Rare Nearly Took On Game Boy With Its Own Handheld "Playboy" gamingeek
[] Sony enables more PS4 features As post-launch PSN recovery continues gamingeek
[] EA: 'Reached a level of quality that we didn't last time' Next gen launch gamingeek
Image & Form talks SteamWorld Dig gamingeek
[] Reggie to give a 'new look at an upcoming Wii U game' On Spike TV's VGX awards impressions gamingeek
[] EDGE Mag Bravely Default - review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Bravely Default - 3DS XL cases gamingeek
[] StreetPass NYC Invites All Nintendo Fans to the Winter Solstice Holiday Party In Brooklyn, New York gamingeek
[] Reggie's VGX appearance includes a 'world premiere' Metroid? gamingeek
Reggie says 100k signatures needed for Sakurai To consider adding Reggie to Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS gamingeek
'Wii U and 3DS may be your best bets this holiday' Financial Post says gamingeek
[] Keighley 'doesn't know' what Reggie is preparing for VGX Ball gag and whip, called it gamingeek
Tails has died. Voice actor was 31. Side kicks are dying!!! :( news Dvader
[] Sony's Fifteen Studios Ranked That's a lot of development. editorial aspro
[] Luigi has Died The Year of Luigi ends on a Sad Note. news phantom_leo
[] Voice actor for Tails still alive gamingeek
[] Kamiya on why he's not directly involved with Bayonetta 2 " If I had been involved with Devil May Cry 2, then Viewtiful Joe and Okami might never have been made" gamingeek
Call of Duty: Ghosts gets another Wii U update Improved texture resolution in Campaign, gamingeek
Ubisoft comments on game delays gamingeek
[] Bravely Default - UK TV Ad 2 gamingeek
[] What the Hell Is Wrong With Nintendo? Wired gamingeek
[] Gran Turismo 6: Opening Video gamingeek
[] The Phoney Console War The consoles are closer in power and software than ever. So what, exclusives aside, differentiates them? gamingeek
[] Microsoft releases Xbox One tips and tricks video gamingeek
[] Next-Gen Face-Off: Need for Speed: Rivals PC wins, then PS4 then X1 gamingeek
More New Trailers for FFX/ X2 HD media news aspro
[] Surgeon Simulator Devs' New Game Arena deathmatch game. news aspro
[] Gamespot: X1/PS4 sales numbers don’t matter right now "But you don’t care" gamingeek
[] Thief will look better on PC than PS4 & Xbox One Next gen owned gamingeek
[] Yakuza Restoration Gameplay Shows Guns gamingeek
[] Dark Souls 2 screens gamingeek
[] TIMEs' top 10 games of 2013 Animal Crossing New Leaf > The Last of Us gamingeek
[] GameSpot's The Point - Is the Wii U a failure? "I want to play mario but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars to do it." gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest X - more Wii U screens gamingeek
[] Gran Turismo 6 microtransaction pricing revealed Yes, GT has micro transactions. news aspro
[] EA Files Desert Strike Trademark EA digging into it's deep catalog? news aspro
[] Epic Shows off New Unreal 4 Video Water effects and particle simulation/collision. media news aspro
[] DICE Stuck on BF4 Until Fixed "Not Moving onto Future Projects" news aspro
[] Walking Dead Season 2 Drops December 17 Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Mac, and iOS. news aspro
[] Bayonetta: Bloody Fate - Anime review " It is a movie that in no way takes itself seriously and is constantly pressing the limit of how far over-the-top it can go while bringing you along for the ride." impressions gamingeek
[] X1 ESRAM "really smoothes out the optimization process" "the memory is readily available for any purpose and unit: the CPU, the GPU, textures, render targets, etc" gamingeek
[] Digital Foundry vs. AC4 on all platforms Wii U and X1 have framerate problems? gamingeek
Polygon Gran Turismo 6 review: checkered flag 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] CVG Review: Gran Turismo 6 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Stride into Strider : images Or walk, no one will judge media gamingeek
[] Contrast Review 4/10 impressions gamingeek
[] X1 can match PS4 sales if price is cut by $100, says analyst What are these people PAID for? Oh wait it's Pacher. gamingeek
[] Rumour: Visceral developing Battlefield spin-off Pachter did say Criterion before gamingeek
[] Wii U Deluxe Nintendoland bundle $191.77 at Sam's Club Good deal? gamingeek
[] CVG Podcast: VGX and learning to love Wii U gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Gran Turismo 6 review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Nintendo in the Firing Line As PS4 and XB1 enjoy successful launches, comparisons with Wii U look stark - but Nintendo has a track record of confounding the doomsayers gamingeek
[] predicts Wii U dominance this Christmas October showed 75% sales spike gamingeek
[] Pachter thinks GBA/DS games should be on mobile/tablet Has no idea why Iwata hasn't been fired gamingeek
[] Pikmin 3 DLC Trailer Christmas level media gamingeek
[] Bravely Default - video review gamingeek
[] Iwata Asks: Wii Fit U Lunge Vader, harder gamingeek
[] Game Under Podcast Episode 32 PS4 Special with guest co-host Dvader. editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Bungie's New Destiny Trailer media news aspro
New South Park RPG Trailer media news aspro
[] Witcher 3 trailer! A million times better than Witcher 2! (Which means at least a 7.90 out of 10!) media Dvader
[] Trailer for No Man's Sky By FAR the most amazing thing shown at VGX... next to Geoff Keighley's patience. media news Nintyfan17
[] Quantum Break gameplay trailer. Its mostly a finnish guy talking to you... in Finnish. media Dvader
CONFIRMED: Cranky Kong in DKC:Tropical Freeze Fans of Cranky, rejoice. What's the sound of one Hamster clapping? aspro
[] Telltale Making Tales of the Borderlands Gearbox and Telltale Games are teaming up. Walking Undead Handsome Jack? news aspro
[] Ubi Researching Pirate Game (Not Assassin's) And also where to take AC next. (Research a pasture, please.) news aspro
Telltale is making a Game of Thrones game based on the Books Joe Danger studio, Hello Games, new game is called No Man’s Sky. Nintyfan17
[] Destiny coming 9/9, pushed back many months. Beta delayed too. news Dvader
[] Digital Foundry vs. Super Mario 3D World ​ "Years down the road, Super Mario 3D World is the type of game that will continue to look attractive in the face of even new technology." gamingeek
[] Nintendo needs to admit defeat, make a true next-gen console GamesRadar editorial gamingeek
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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:51:27

Wow FEZ is a cool fun game! Yes it's a bit buggy, but I just love it.

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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:06:32

Jesus fucking christ....what the hell did Bioware do to the 360 version of mass effect 3?!

Insert disc 2....insert disc 1.....insert disc 2 again....insert disc 1 are you fucking kidding me?!


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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:28:08
Nintyfan17 said:

I just found out the Atlus is allowed to use Dormant SEGA IPs that is awesome news; I don't know why I'm just finding it out.

we talked about it here, but I have not heard anyone else talking about it much.  Which SEGA IP would you like to see atlus take on?

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:30:08

Gaming plan for the rest of the year:

- Put Metro 2033 and Saints 4 on ice until the new year. I am enjoying them, but realized I now have two 2013 games to beat to include them in my GOTY cosiderations, namely:

DMC and Antichamber.

Vader/ Leo how long is DMC for a straight-run? Foolz, same for Antichamber.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:30:16
aspro said:

Which SEGA IP would you like to see atlus take on?



That is all.

Edited: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:35:25
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:31:16
aspro said:

Vader/ Leo how long is DMC for a straight-run? Foolz, same for Antichamber.

Don't quite remember. 8-10 hours, maybe.

Edited: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:36:17
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:32:46
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:37:43
phantom_leo said:
aspro said:

Vader/ Leo how long is DMC for a straight-run? Foolz, same for Antichamber.

Don't quite remember. 8-10 hours, maybe.

Excellent. Should be able to knock that over pretty quick then.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:46:13
phantom_leo said:

That could mean something totally different if it wasnt about games.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:47:02

Don't worry today isn't Frigay!

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:48:45
_Bear said:

Wow FEZ is a cool fun game! Yes it's a bit buggy, but I just love it.

Wait till you get to the advanced puzzles that are nearly unsolvable.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:55:02


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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:01:08
I'd like to see Atlus take on Trauma Center. Sega owns it now so bit counts!
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:02:34

Antichamber can be beaten in under 5 minutes. But for most people it will take at least 3 hours first time through. It took me 5-7 hours I think, but at least half of that was played under the influence of an extreme fever; the other half a mild one.

aspro said:

Antichamber does not have native controller support, which may be a problem for you. I love Papers, Foolz loves Antichamber and the demo for Stanley was legitimately funny, so you should be good which ever one you pick.

I also love Papers, Please*. Just not in a disturbing, sexual way like you do.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:02:48
The new Pikmin DLC looks awesome. Will be getting that for some Christmas gaming.
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:06:16
ZombiU is going to be an interesting experiment in this house. I can't play it around my kid and now my wife doesn't like the sounds the zombies make. I have no idea when I will get yo play this.
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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:06:58
Foolz said:

Antichamber can be beaten in under 5 minutes. But for most people it will take at least 3 hours first time through. It took me 5-7 hours I think, but at least half of that was played under the influence of an extreme fever; the other half a mild one.

aspro said:

Antichamber does not have native controller support, which may be a problem for you. I love Papers, Foolz loves Antichamber and the demo for Stanley was legitimately funny, so you should be good which ever one you pick.

I also love Papers, Please*. Just not in a disturbing, sexual way like you do.

I blame the nudity mode, I can't help it. also, TIL “The average consumption of pulses in the U.S. is about 16 ounces a year,” -- eat more pulse crops americans, they are good for you and taste great.

This antichamber game... I have comments that will be reserved for a podcast.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:07:30

FFXIV is $10 for Plus members. You get a free month when you buy. Its PS3 only for not but if you have the PS3 version you get the PS4 version free when it hits in April. Basically pay $10 now for FFXIV on PS4 in April. Just dont sign in until the PS4 version to get the free month then.

I am doing this, I am curious about a FF MMO. I hear they really changed everything in FFXIV and made it good. I probably wont play passed a month so one month is enough for me.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:08:56
Dvader said:


... I hear they really changed everything in FFXIV and made it good. I probably wont play passed a month so one month is enough for me.

This is true. Western press has set the mold on their opinion though so don;t expect to hear much about the complete recreation of the game.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:09:52

I got Stanley Parable BTW.

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