Dragon Quest 8 Mobile Trailer
"... it doesn’t appear to be too dumbed down from the original PS2 version"
gematsu.com media news
Scribblenauts Unmasked Digital Comic Book Now Available for Download
Reggie says 100k signatures needed for Sakurai
To consider adding Reggie to Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Call of Duty: Ghosts gets another Wii U update
Improved texture resolution in Campaign,
CONFIRMED: Cranky Kong in DKC:Tropical Freeze
Fans of Cranky, rejoice. What's the sound of one Hamster clapping?
Telltale is making a Game of Thrones game based on the Books
Joe Danger studio, Hello Games, new game is called No Man’s Sky.
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SupremeAC (9m)
Wow FEZ is a cool fun game! Yes it's a bit buggy, but I just love it.
Jesus fucking christ....what the hell did Bioware do to the 360 version of mass effect 3?!
Insert disc 2....insert disc 1.....insert disc 2 again....insert disc 1 are you fucking kidding me?!
we talked about it here, but I have not heard anyone else talking about it much. Which SEGA IP would you like to see atlus take on?
Gaming plan for the rest of the year:
- Put Metro 2033 and Saints 4 on ice until the new year. I am enjoying them, but realized I now have two 2013 games to beat to include them in my GOTY cosiderations, namely:
DMC and Antichamber.
Vader/ Leo how long is DMC for a straight-run? Foolz, same for Antichamber.
That is all.
Don't quite remember. 8-10 hours, maybe.
Here, let me HowLongToBeat.Com that for ya!
Excellent. Should be able to knock that over pretty quick then.
That could mean something totally different if it wasnt about games.
Don't worry today isn't Frigay!
Wait till you get to the advanced puzzles that are nearly unsolvable.
Antichamber can be beaten in under 5 minutes. But for most people it will take at least 3 hours first time through. It took me 5-7 hours I think, but at least half of that was played under the influence of an extreme fever; the other half a mild one.
I also love Papers, Please*. Just not in a disturbing, sexual way like you do.
I blame the nudity mode, I can't help it. also, TIL “The average consumption of pulses in the U.S. is about 16 ounces a year,” -- eat more pulse crops americans, they are good for you and taste great.
This antichamber game... I have comments that will be reserved for a podcast.
FFXIV is $10 for Plus members. You get a free month when you buy. Its PS3 only for not but if you have the PS3 version you get the PS4 version free when it hits in April. Basically pay $10 now for FFXIV on PS4 in April. Just dont sign in until the PS4 version to get the free month then.
I am doing this, I am curious about a FF MMO. I hear they really changed everything in FFXIV and made it good. I probably wont play passed a month so one month is enough for me.
This is true. Western press has set the mold on their opinion though so don;t expect to hear much about the complete recreation of the game.
I got Stanley Parable BTW.